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  1. D

    many paths to the city; one location

    I found what I was looking for. Baha'u'llah.
  2. D

    Any thoughts

    "2. We do not allow CR to be used as a soapbox to aggressively promote any faith, or see any faith aggressively attacked." It appears that soapboxes are fine as long as there isn't aggressive promoting or attacking... no aggression.... :)
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    many paths to the city; one location

    I just found this article... Catastrophe, Armageddon and Millennium: some aspects of the Bábí-Baha'i exegesis of apocalyptic symbolism "It is the Bahá'í belief that the 'catastrophe' or the apocalyptic upheaval of the last days has very largely, if not completely, been realised in the...
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    many paths to the city; one location

    I believe in spiritual resurrection, not physical. I believe in the spiritual significance of life, resurrection, and judgment. People like to take things literally and physically when I believe they are meant spiritually. Armageddon is a mountain by Megiddo, very close to Mount Carmel, the...
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    Wheres the money come from??

    Mormons have tons of money ;) I mean, the LDS Church has tons of money.
  6. D

    Any thoughts

    Let's agree to disagree. Is it so bad that I believe my soul is spirit and that it will live forever?
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    Baha'is as a Middle East Controversy

    The United Arab Emirates deserves praise! They have ID cards where Baha'i is an option! Number nine! (that's what I heard)
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    Baha'is as a Middle East Controversy

    Yep. They are bound by international law to respect religious liberty. Best case scenario: both the President of Iran and the Ayatollah agree to allow Baha'is to be Baha'is. The Iranian Constitution recognizes Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism. Islam itself, in the Qur'an...
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    Wheres the money come from??

    I think it's much less expensive to spread literature than it is to build buildings. You just need lots of people to spread it. I'm not a Jehovah's Witness, I'm a Baha'i, and right now we're building (or very soon building) a House of Worship in Chile that is like no other building ever... have...
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    When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?

    Kalimat'u'llah = Word of God Another name for Jesus is Ruhu'llah, which means Spirit of God.
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    Baha'is as a Middle East Controversy

    I hope the next president of Iran will be a true Muslim and stand for religious liberty as the Qur'an itself defends.
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    Any thoughts

    I believe God created the soul to be immortal and that it's only the body that goes back to dust.
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    Welcome to CR! I'm shy, too, a shy Baha'i. It rhymes :) Judaism is interesting, is it not? It's a religion that is acknowledged as divinely revealed by three other world religions: Christianity, Islam, and the Baha'i Faith. We all (the four of these religions) believe Abraham and Moses and...
  14. D

    break from mee

    Have fun!
  15. D

    Red letters Ba and Ha

    Thanks! It was the name Baha that was in red ink: "The Báb singled out the Greatest Name in the manuscript copies of His matchless Writings. Years ago, I had the honour to read three volumes of His Writings before they were despatched to the beloved Guardian. The books were written down by...
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    "a" or "the" true religion

    I believe there are nine true religions, the Baha'i Faith, the Babi Faith (immediately preceding the Baha'i Faith,) Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Sabaeanism, Zoroastrianism, and Hinduism. That doesn't mean I agree with everything that all of the followers of each religion currently...
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    Red letters Ba and Ha

    I'm not sure where I read it or where I heard about it, but did the Bab, when writing, use red ink for every letter Ba and Ha? I know He gave Baha His name Baha. I also heard that nineteen out of every twenty Babis became a Baha'i. Anyone know the source of that? Allah'u'Abha!
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    How do you know?

    Thanks :)
  19. D

    many paths to the city; one location

    Had the leaders of the world heeded His counsel, we would have beheld a new earth. They chose to exalt themselves, and in the process lost everything they had. The empires are gone. (The mountains passed away.) We are now in the Formative Age, I believe, which leads to the Golden Age. You want...
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    How do you know?

    I have seen an angel once, and felt them many more times. I have had many dreams that ended up happening in real life years later. Dreams are, I believe, evidence of the soul, and the soul is evidence of God, the One Who created souls. Angels are also evidence of God, as are near death...