When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?

Dondi, ask you a question.... Where is god?

The quaint answer is 'everywhere'. In the hearts of those that are His.

But biblically, there is a specific place (or dimension?) in which God dwells for example to His People, much like the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle in the wirlderness, where the Shekinah glory is manifested. (We are told that the tabernacle is an earthy representation of the true). Not that God actually dwells in a temple made with hands, but there is a conduit by which His power and glory is manifest that we may not be consumed by His Presence. Much like how a man might operate an electron microscope to peer into the microscopic world and possibly manipulate molecules with delicate instruments controlled by computer through inputs on a larger scale. Do you understand this poor analogy?
I understand what you are saying yes. :)

Perhaps some see 'throne' as creation? And to be at the throne of god, is to be in his presence.... The thing I have found with holy books, in this topic the bible, words are used to mean many things, or are changed to mean many things....

Errr.. Examples... The rib of adam, some say no it isn't actually his rib, but it is a symbol of eve being of adam and being his flesh his blood, the same as adam... Or Seven days to build the Earth... Some say the days are periods and segments... Or we are the image of god... We don't look like god... As a human isn't the ideal design to be floating around the universe in it's pure form... But what drives us and our feelings what is inside of us is the image of him... Just some ideas there, many more... Alot of symbolism behind the words of the bible.

Just a thought to consider is all.... :) Thank you for your reply brother.
This makes no sense to me. How can they not be in heaven, yet before the throne of God?

Jehovah is in his holy temple.
Jehovah—in the heavens is his throne.
His own eyes behold, his own beaming eyes examine the sons of men. PSALM 11;4​

Jehovah will not need ones to go to heaven to see if they are waving their palm branches he can see quite plainly what we are up to:)

You said,

"I'm trying to imagine a theosophical missionary."

They look like they're loving it mee! :D

Your people will offer themselves willingly psalm 110;3

"Will offer themselves willingly (freely)." Lit., "[will be] voluntary offerings," that is, prompt volunteers.
They look like they're loving it mee! :D

well ,thats because the eyes of men’s and womens understanding is being opened :) and it makes them HAPPY

Also in all the nations the good news has to be preached first. mark 13;10

SO in reference to the topic, and to your faith... 'When is it appropriate to share your religious faith?" You would say it is appropriate to share it to any and everyone?, main method being by going house to house? Mee from your view... Why do you go from house to house? What inspires you to become dedicated to such an act? How do you motivate yourself and others? Thanks for the reply. :)
SO in reference to the topic, and to your faith... 'When is it appropriate to share your religious faith?" You would say it is appropriate to share it to any and everyone?, main method being by going house to house? Mee from your view... Why do you go from house to house? What inspires you to become dedicated to such an act? How do you motivate yourself and others? Thanks for the reply. :)
ITS ALL IN THE BIBLE :) listening to Jesus as he is the head of the christian congregation, and he is directing a great preaching work, thats what the congregation was and is all about , and the motivation is great indeed. well it would be Jesus is directing it and feeding it . only the best :) matthew 24;45-47
How did jesus feel it was appropriate to share his faith?
Jesus acted as Jehovah’s Spokesman to persons on earth.

Jesus continues to bear the name The Word of God since his return to heavenly glory
.Re 19:13, 16.
Kalimat'u'llah = Word of God

Another name for Jesus is Ruhu'llah, which means Spirit of God.
How did jesus feel it was appropriate to share his faith?
By good deed, by forgiveness, and by judgment.
By open rebuke, by eating and drinking with sinners, and by knocking on doors.

As a stranger coming across someone who needs a good deed, and doing so without permission.
As a stranger coming across someone asking for a good deed, and doing so without question.

As a stranger coming across someone who needs forgiveness, and urging them to confess and forgive others.
As a stranger coming across someone confessing and asking for forgiveness, and doing far more in jubilee.

As a stranger coming across someone who could use his judgment, and providing it with zeal.
As a stranger coming across someone asking for his judgment, and offering it within parable and within questions.

As a servant, as a door, and as a shepherd.
By good deed, by forgiveness, and by judgment.
By open rebuke, by eating and drinking with sinners, and by knocking on doors.

As a stranger coming across someone who needs a good deed, and doing so without permission.
As a stranger coming across someone asking for a good deed, and doing so without question.

As a stranger coming across someone who needs forgiveness, and urging them to confess and forgive others.
As a stranger coming across someone confessing and asking for forgiveness, and doing far more in jubilee.

As a stranger coming across someone who could use his judgment, and providing it with zeal.
As a stranger coming across someone asking for his judgment, and offering it within parable and within questions.

As a servant, as a door, and as a shepherd.

There we go... lol :D

Thanks for the post. (I was trying to get mee to come out with something along those lines.)
the question concerning: When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others? Is a good question, allow me to establish how I feel concerning the options given and than give you my own suggestion to the question.

-Knocking on doors

No, that's in all ways the most arrogant thing you could do. The way I see it is that: Knocking on someone else door represents urgency + A Religious Message = "My Religion is so important that I believe it is the only way to save you!"

Its a sacrilege against God. Typically opening your door to a stranger, I think of a salesman trying to sell you something. I wouldn't do it. Religion is not meant to "be sold"

-Passing out written materials

Like what, the central spiritual texts? Or like information about said religious group? If it is the latter than I see no harm, especially if a particular religion has a stigma in a particular society it would be best to correct misunderstandings.

-Inviting friends to religious services

Only if my friends are open to the idea...

-Telling friends about your beliefs, with or without invitation

No, only in an invitation would I discuss and I would try to be unbiased as possible.

-Mission trips to share beliefs and do good works

I don't see whats wrong with this, after all I believe that if you want to get people into your religion you should not have to sell it but lead by example. Doing good works is leading by example and this is probably the best option out there.

-Faith-based movements or attempts to change laws or politics, from the Puritans to Dr. Martin Luther King to pro-life groups

These have a worldly agenda, keep your religion to thyself if we are to do any change it should be to take a libertarian approach (The right to do what you want to do; without imposing your ideologies among others). So I am pro-life, if their is someone pro-choice I'm not going to fight them and demonize their ideologies instead I will just say it is my personal choice.

-Sharing beliefs with someone who is in distress

Only if in their distress they ask for what I believe or have come to understand...

-Faith-based help projects such as homeless shelters that require text studies, hospitals with religious ministries to patients, drug treatment programs (e.g., Scientology's Narconon), etc.

I don't see whats wrong with this, after all I believe that if you want to get people into your religion you should not have to sell it but lead by example. Doing good works is leading by example and this is probably the best option out there.

-Pointing out weaknesses or faults in someone else's beliefs

Never, that is the most arrogant thing you can do, unless its constructive and ONLY IF they welcome it.

-"Slacktivist Witnessing" - e.g., holding up signs at football games, religious graffiti, T-shirts, etc.

No not my thing... It implies things to me, that their beliefs are right and mine are wrong some how. Its like knocking on the door.


Yes here is my own suggestion, to the question "When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?" How about when you understand the religious faith you uphold? When you say "Its not for everyone and I know this." It is when you have actually understood your religious convictions when you should share them. When I say understand I dont mean in the superficial sense either, Im talking a deep understanding.