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  1. mirrorinthefog

    Medical Benefits of Ramadan

    I believe pregnant women are exempt from fasting. And, I agree that its more about faith and discipline than medical benefits, although it might be healthy for some.
  2. mirrorinthefog

    When is medical science immoral?

    When medicine is commercialized, and begins to emerge not as a vehicle to maintain our physical and mental well being, but as an industry in and of itself, it becomes corrupted; thus, eventually will breach one or more of the ethical codes set down for it to operate with some measure of balance...
  3. mirrorinthefog

    Natural Justice: Does it exist?

    To me it's not a matter of punishment, as much as it is being mindful of one's actions, as it were. It's preventing someone from harming his environment and himself, and making him aware of the damage he is causing to his surroundings, and ultimately to himself. I'd like to believe that what...
  4. mirrorinthefog

    Oneness of Allah

    Yes, I did edit my post because I thought it was unnecessarily long. I wanted to completely understand what you were saying before I jumped to any conclusions. I don't like making assumptions either. No, I'm not trying to "prove" anything. I'm trying to gain some insight into your beliefs, as...
  5. mirrorinthefog

    Redefining Religious terms

    I'm always a bit uncomfortable using terms I'm not totally familiar with, it seems like playing with a hand grenade. I agree that a lot of religious terms (such as karma) have become "mainstreamed", but I don't think it takes away the terms' significance. If anything it adds to it. Granted, some...
  6. mirrorinthefog

    Redefining Religious terms

    I'm always a bit uncomfortable using terms I'm not totally familiar with, it seems like playing with a hand grenade. But I agree that a lot of religious terms (such as karma) have become "mainstreamed", but I don't think it takes away the terms significance. It just adds to it. As brucegdc...
  7. mirrorinthefog

    Oneness of Allah

    So you're saying anyone who doesn't follow the Qur'an is wrong and anyone who chooses a path besides what the Qur'an dictates is an idolater?
  8. mirrorinthefog

    Is Ethics just for the lower classes?

    Dear Sacredstar I have to disagree with you here. Ethics does not have to do necessarily with religion. You can be moral without being religious. And you can feign being religious and have no scruples whatsoever. In high school I wanted to take an advanced English course, and I found that as...
  9. mirrorinthefog

    Is Ethics just for the lower classes?

    That is one way of looking at it. :) Religion and politics have always been used to control the masses, so it is very possible that we simply develop this idea to accept our limitations. Views on what is good and bad, evil and sacred, are punctuated by factors such as socio-economic background...
  10. mirrorinthefog

    Faith vs. Superstition

    So true. What is senseless superstition to one person is perfectly reasonable practice to another. Thanks everyone for your answers so far :D
  11. mirrorinthefog

    Is Ethics just for the lower classes?

    Dear Sacredstar, Yes, however, I believe that this doesn't do anything to alter the basic principles that govern the (spiritual) world. Someone who believes himself/herself above the restrictions of morality will reap what s/he has sown, just as someone who makes an effort to behave morally...
  12. mirrorinthefog

    Favorite Song Lyrics

    I heard that song a few years ago and I loved it!!!
  13. mirrorinthefog

    Why is Jesus called son of God?

    I've admittedly never read the Bible (ehe :o), but, from what I understand of Christianity (and I could be hopelessly lost on this point), Jesus is seen as the embodiment of the Divine, and the symbol of the relationship between God and man. The crucifixion is thus seen as a symbol of God's...
  14. mirrorinthefog

    Faith vs. Superstition

    I've seen this subject come up in various boards, especially in the Monotheism section, so I hope I'm not being redundant, I just thought it was a question worthy of a seperate thread :D As someone with no set path (yet :P ) it's something I've often pondered. Where, and how (if at all)...
  15. mirrorinthefog

    Is Ethics just for the lower classes?

    Although I'm a little squeamish about the term "upper/lower class" (it's been so abused and misused over time that even in a innocent and neutral context I tend to get uncomfortable with it, lol) I agree that such ideas as good and bad, god and country, ethics and social norms are used by those...
  16. mirrorinthefog

    Oneness of Allah

    It seems to me there's a difference between political correctness, cultural applications of ideas, social norms, and conscience. To me, conscience is the more evolved part of us, the Self that has the most contact with the divine. Since the human experience is subjective, of course it is not...
  17. mirrorinthefog

    Islam on a collision course

    Interesting board... A lot of what I wanted to say has already been said so I'll try to keep it short. In my humble opinion, although Islam does require adherence to the Qur'an and (arguably) the Sunnah (the fine print of which I do not personally agree with-as in the laws concerning...
  18. mirrorinthefog

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    I wasn't going to post anything, but I think I need to clarify a few things. You're assuming wrong. My parents are both Muslim, I was raised in the Middle East. I don't know what position you are in that you think you can 'teach' me your traditional view of a patriarchal society, which I lived...
  19. mirrorinthefog

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Would you not agree with me, then, that the human rights violations that occur under these regimes, are condmened by the Qur'an, or are simply unnacceptable to humanity at large, as it would be in any other country? Thank you for clarifying a few things. There are pragmatic and entirely...
  20. mirrorinthefog

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    With all due respect, why is it that secular Western nations are more upset with Saudi applications of Sharia, than Eastern states, secular or not, with heavy Muslim populations, who should rightfully be outraged at their misdeeds and their abuse of Islamic doctrine? As for slavery, there are...