Is Ethics just for the lower classes?

You cannot satisfy your ego and God in the same time.

I've never heard about an Essence Minister. What is it ? From your posts, I am inclined to believe you mix religions and spirituality and science all togheter. Forgive my ignorance, but I try to understand your messages.
Oh, Abogado you are quicker than me. My previous message is for Sacredstar. This is to avoid any confusion.
Sacredstar said:
Dear Abogado

It is only through alignment of both energies, the two become one which you kindly quote from the Gospel of Thomas the other day. The male and feminine energies to come into alignment they become one, human and divine come into alignment, two become one.
You do understand that is metaphorical, right?
Abogado del Diablo said:
Just an aside, one of its more interesting additions to the canon is the requirement that christians administer enemas to themselves to enter God's kingdom. From Book II:

This is really more than I wanted to know. :eek:

Sacredstar said:
I watched a video from Frank Arjava Petter who was married to a Japanese lady for many years, and he said that
in this part of the world they do not think the way we do, they are unable to separate the heart from the head. I would be interesting in your view of this bearing in mind your experiences with your own beautiful children.

Please be very careful here Sacredstar. I don't think you mean to imply that a child's race has something to do with the development of her soul.

Edit: Perhaps you mean that the experience of being in Chinese culture for the first months of their lives has left an impression that they still carry with them?

GOD bless you
God has.

for all that you do for them.
But not for anything that I have done. :)

Dear Abogado

The two into one

No I mean in metaphysical energetic reality. It is clear to see when one is using too much feminine or masculine energy.

The secret is the balance of both these energies for example.

Dear Alexa

Well being ordained as an Essene Minister, was just a part of my own growth in the past, but it was also very profound on a personal level.

Yes I see insights in scripture that resonate with the latest developments in cutting edge science, and raising of consciousness. I also see insights in scripture that relate to the importance of self mastery, and Jesus and Buddha were clear examples of this. I also resonate with the Sufi's when they say that true wisdom comes from the divine feminine and the ancient Egyptians when they said that intelligence comes from the heart. Sophia the divine wisdom of GOD.

i truly feel that all paths are leading us to the source of all that IS.

Love beyond measure

Dear Lunamoth

I AM open to all possibilities, yes apologies I do tend to speak in the present moment, my heart overflowed when I read that you had adopted these children, I just wished I could see their happy smiles. You have probably guessed my passion is children.

Love beyond measure

Divine Feminine

In medieval times the new spiritual resurgence was inspired by the Gnostics, Cathars and Alchemists they brought forth the ancient mystery teachings and honored the feminine view of the cosmos. Rome overreacted to this perceived threat of their power and used the Crusades to take control, the persecutions and witch hunts resulted in ten million lives being lost. Further burial of the divine feminine aspect through control and religious dogma has kept us in separation, duality and polarity every since. The universal law of attraction was concealed by hiding the principle that energy follows thought ~ creating cause and effect.

The Gnostics incensed the priests by giving women equal status and claiming that the true esoteric Christianity was transmitted to Mary Magdalene by Master Jesus, from beyond the veil. Master Jesus and the Essenes were holders of the mystery teachings, handed down from teacher to student from the beginning of time. They knew that mortals had the ability to go beyond the veil following redemption of the feminine.

The influence of Sophia was widespread bringing forth the divine feminine wisdom of GOD and Holy Spirit, this fact was hidden from the inquisition within alchemical and astrological manuscripts. Her symbol is the white dove and colours red and white, it is said that the world was born from her smile. Interesting that the term Philosophy itself comes from the Greek philosophia, which means love of wisdom. The Eastern Christians held Sophia in great love and devotion, her greatest shrine is the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. Author Malcolm Godwin says 'she also appears in the Jewish Kabala as the Sekina of God.'

Both the Shiites and mystical Sufi's maintained that the feminine powers of sacred divine love held the world together. One of the first Sufi poets Farid declared that true divinity was feminine. Can East and West resolve their differences and raise their vibration by embracing the ancient mystery teachings of the divine feminine and its values of unconditional love and compassion?
Sacredstar said:
i truly feel that all paths are leading us to the source of all that IS.
I agree all the paths are leading us to the same source. But usually people choose one path for their growing. Yours look to me like a labirint with many entries and ends. Please don't get me wrong. I do not try to judge you. As I said before, I'm really confused about your belives.
Dear Alexa

The divine energy that guides me has shown me each step on the way, for me the twists and turns of the path have made it all the more interesting. I am sure that you will agree that we all have a purpose for being here and my journey has a specific purpose, just like every other unique individual.

My journey has not been about the detail of specifics, but the panoramic view and as such more suitable for the divine purpose in hand. In the corporate market it was known as taking the helicopter view. The importance of being inter-faith has an important role to play in this transition of humanity.

I do my utmost not to have 'beliefs' for I consider they keep us stuck on a buoy, I am constantly changing and this is the only constant. I grow and evolve daily so do not wish to be held to any beliefs as such.

We live in exciting times when scientists are proving all that us metaphysicians and healers have always known to be true. A huge paradigm shift of consciousness will happen as science, spirituality, consciousness and religion come together in one heart for the benefit of humanity.

So if you are asking me where am I coming from?

A place of co-creating UNITY wherever possible. Building bridges where they have been burnt, being a catalyst to energise people to innovate change so that we can co-create the Kingdom of love here on earth.

Love beyond measure

I said:
Something I cannot help but note is that if you look at society, in terms of the business, political, and social leaders, as representing different degrees of alpha males/females, and everyone else as the ranks beneath - then something that strikes myself is how often these alphas purposefully manipulate and exploit society to their own advantage, regardless of any ethical dimension - whilst the lower classes are far more observant to ethical concerns.

Is this an observation other people would agree with?

If so, then does that therefore mean that ethics is only really a concern for the lower classes of human society?

Meaning, isn't ethics just a disposal tool - as with religious and secular values such as "god" and "freedom" - used for the manipulation and exploitation of society?

And that the empowered who wield this authority often hold themselves above the effects of this authority?

I guess it's a paraphrase of: A law for the rich, a law for the poor.


Although I'm a little squeamish about the term "upper/lower class" (it's been so abused and misused over time that even in a innocent and neutral context I tend to get uncomfortable with it, lol) I agree that such ideas as good and bad, god and country, ethics and social norms are used by those on the very top of the pyramid to manipulate those on the bottom into complying with their agenda (If George Bush is religious then I'm the Pope). And yes, I think they believe at some fundemental level that they are exempt from Divine laws, or have the right to utilize them for personal gain, or, in some cases, are acting on behalf of the Divine.
However, I don't agree that ethics is just for the masses, even if it is increasingly being used to control them. Every action does eventually cause a reaction somewhere, what goes up has to come down. Or, at least, that's what I like to believe. ;)
Dear Mirrorinthefog

I agree

but yet there is few ethics at the top and this seems to effect the rest.

being love

Dear Sacredstar,
Yes, however, I believe that this doesn't do anything to alter the basic principles that govern the (spiritual) world. Someone who believes himself/herself above the restrictions of morality will reap what s/he has sown, just as someone who makes an effort to behave morally will. Every action elicits a reaction, regardless of how powerful or weak a person thinks himself to be.
Dear Mirrorinthefog


"what comes around goes around"

being love

sacredstar said:
"what comes around goes around"
What if it doesn't, though?

Isn't this just something that the unempowered lower classes tell themselves, in order to mutely accept the grievances against them?

I'm trying to provoke the discussion here, by the way. :)
That is one way of looking at it. :) Religion and politics have always been used to control the masses, so it is very possible that we simply develop this idea to accept our limitations. Views on what is good and bad, evil and sacred, are punctuated by factors such as socio-economic background, culture, and religion, so it is very possible that someone who doesn't want for anything can see himself or herself above these rules, which would otherwise confine him or her to a social status which they are beyond.
But as someone who has seen a lot of people who believed to be flying high come down and come down hard, I believe that there is an added dimension to it that we can never anticipate. This is true in every aspect of life. So while a lot of what we believe is "wrong" comes from outside influence and environment, there are certain universal priciples which, I believe, cannot be violated without consequences. Still, this may simply be my way of dealing with the concept of "why good things happen to bad people".
Yet, ethics is not just overridden by "bad" or "powerful" people. A lot of times, you'll see an equal amount of people from the "unempowered" classes who believe themselves to be above the rules of society, religion, ethics, and culture, and will justify how to work around the rules, when it is convenient for their personal ends, though it's not as obvious to us as when it happens within the upper ranks of society, because it happens on a larger scale.
Heheh this post was all over the place :p What I mean (I think), is that human beings can use ethics, religion, country, race, or any distinguishing feature that defines them as seperate from one another, as a weapon, or as justification for their position, or can see it as a meaningful way of accepting their lives as is; or they can believe that they are above the limitations these rules imply, but I think this defines human nature more than it defines the rules themselves.
Dear Brian

I honestly don't think the masses even know the term "what comes around goes around" do they?

The more aware I have become the faster I have seen cause and effect happen, I don't buy into the belief that it is all carried into the next lifetime, I and others are witnessing the boomerang effect happening very fast these days.

Just look at Blair for example here he is with a heart condition, metaphysically this is too do with unforgiveness/anti-love and/or buried anger. A good scientific link for the research papers are on He also has a daughter who tried to commit suicide recently (all hushed up).

So while the world is getting big wake up calls so is Mr Blair in his own personal life, but yet will he listen to them?

I also feel the more rules there are, the more people will break them. I feel one of the problems in today's society is that children are not being taught ethics in a lot of families and religion appears to be almost removed from junior schools. National newspaper a few weeks ago said they were going to ban the name of Jesus in school, I did wonder whatever next!

Colleagues and I feel strongly that education is being forced to change. Generally speaking teachers and children are at breaking point. So I back a new educational blueprint that will teach the universal truths and natural ethical and spiritual laws of the universe. A new holistic education.

Apologies I digress........into education.

So I agree with mirrorinthefog 'universal principles'

Love beyond measure

Dear Sacredstar

Sacredstar said:
I also feel the more rules there are, the more people will break them. I feel one of the problems in today's society is that children are not being taught ethics in a lot of families and religion appears to be almost removed from junior schools. National newspaper a few weeks ago said they were going to ban the name of Jesus in school, I did wonder whatever next!
I have to disagree with you here. Ethics does not have to do necessarily with religion. You can be moral without being religious. And you can feign being religious and have no scruples whatsoever.
In high school I wanted to take an advanced English course, and I found that as a required text for the class, along with a dictionary and I believe a thesaurus, the instructor required we bring with us a copy of the King James version of the Bible. With all do respect, I am not Christian, never was, and don't plan on being Christian any time in the near future, and I actually decided not to take the course because I did not want to be subjected to Protestant propoganda. I have a two year old brother, who is also not being raised Christian. I don't think he should be forced to read the Bible in school, or have Christian doctrine imposed on him.
Morality and basic social behavior can be demonstrated without the use of religion, and if a child wishes to explore a particular religion in further detail, whatever it may be, he or she should be encouraged to do so without any judgement being passed on him or her. Adding spirituality, a highly subjective and personal system, into public schools, and requiring children to practice someone's interpretation of what religion should be, is not only counterproductive, in my opinion, but downright dangerous and could very easily spin out of control, as it is not a tangible, pragmatic, or logical subject and cannot be confined as such.
Dear Mirrorinthefog

I totally agree with you.

But in the past religion was one of the very few ways children were taught morals and ethics in school.

I do feel it is important that children learn about all religions because innocence of other's beliefs creates a lot of prejudice, judgement, hatred and conflict.

But it does not have to be done in the form of study of scripture, I feel that religion will become part of history or social studies in the future. I visited the most wonderful religion museum in Glasgow, and it was fascinating seeing religion in its own individual heritage of clothes, food, weapons and other historical artifacts. One could really feel the richness of each and every one.

My view is that our major goal is to teach children to honour all sentient beings and all creation, and that includes religion too. Eventhough they may or may not choose it for themself.

May we give children a legacy of understanding, compromise and spiritual awareness so they may walk the middle path, and not seek happiness outside of themselves via escapism into drugs and drink. The vision is to share experiences, so that they can learn for themselves that their lives are a cosmic adventure, a life of discovery and joy filled presence.

Love beyond measure
