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  1. pohaikawahine

    The path has become more of a dirt track.

    "there are many paths to the mountaintop, but when we get there we will all see the sme moon" .... you are on the same path as all of us, seeking a better world and a more spiritual world for our generations to follow .... never fear to post a thought .... we all learn from each other .... aloha...
  2. pohaikawahine

    Aggadah Study

    mahalo dauer - please let me know when you do this so I can follow it and learn .... aloha nui, poh
  3. pohaikawahine

    Aggadah Study

    I don't know much about this, but I am interested .... would you explain a little more about what Aggadah Study means .... aloha nui, poh
  4. pohaikawahine

    The Science of Kabbalah

    just a small bump in the night to stay in the spiral .... he hawai'i au, poh
  5. pohaikawahine

    Interfaith Numbers Parshiyot

    as far as I can tell everything is carefully linked together into a cohesive whole .... I've got to do some further studying on the placement of the tribes around the tabernacle (the camp of israel) and the order in which the census is taken .... this is also connected in some fashion to the...
  6. pohaikawahine

    The Tabernacle

    my friend and co-walker on the ancient path has chosen to leave our site for awhile .... I will miss him but always carry him in my heart .... take care bandit and I will see you on the path.... a new thread was started on the Judiasm section regarding the twelve tribes and I thought it would...
  7. pohaikawahine

    the twelve tribes..

    there is a reference above to a book entitled "Collapse of the Bronze Age and the Rise of Ancient Israel" which is suppose to speak to the tribes .... I can't vouch for how accurate it is, but looks like an interesting source .... I also was reading a thread from early in 2005 on this site...
  8. pohaikawahine

    Interfaith Numbers Parshiyot

    back from the beutiful state of Wisconsin and I've decided I'll keep posting on the interfaith parshiyot project since I'm trying to keep up with the parsha's anyway .... it is a good exercise to reflect on the segments of the Torah we well as look at possible interpretations .... this project...
  9. pohaikawahine

    Christ’s Return and the Future Esoteric Schools

    I would be interested in further postings on this subject .... the only aspect that I differ on is that I believe that the change that is occuring is not about Christ's return, but as the Hopi say in their prophecies this is the "time in which we meet ourselves" .... the return of the prophets...
  10. pohaikawahine

    Interfaith Numbers Parshiyot

    wil .... how happy you made me to know that someone was here .... my friend that I was going to go with had to cancel for some family matters so we have rescheduled for the Friday that I get back from Wisconsin (I leave on Thursday and will be there until June 5) .... I am so ready to go and...
  11. pohaikawahine

    I'm not watching the Da Vinci Code Movie

    personally I loved the book and plan to watch the movie .... although I don't think the real meaning of the symbols were ever reached in the book, it was a good start .... I think the essence of the controversy is whether Jesus was divine or simply a gifted man that married and had children like...
  12. pohaikawahine

    The Tabernacle

    (Exodus 25:40) And see to it that you make them according to the PATTERN, which was SHOWN YOU ON THE MOUNTAIN bandit do you remember that you posted the above sometime back in the beginning of our discussions ... we are now into the parsha's for the Book of Numbers and we are right on the...
  13. pohaikawahine

    Interfaith Numbers Parshiyot

    aloha e bandit - where are you, I feel as though I'm responding to myself on the parsha project .... well that's ok too, but it does limit the perspective a bit .... lol ..... I read something in "Zohar, The Book of Enlightnment" translation and introduction by Daniel Chanan Matt which I found...
  14. pohaikawahine

    Jewish End Times prophecies..

    "The last Half of God's Plan and the End Times, as reflected in the Law, where 70 periods of 50 years, being the Jubilee's that God counted, and the Land observed. Heaven and Earth are witness too. " One could also look at the 7 weeks and 50 days that are counted from Passover as a reflection...
  15. pohaikawahine

    Questions on wholescale obliterations

    Like all scriptures words can be read at many levels .... personally I think a literal interpretation is what gives the impression of a wrathful g-d, but the inner interpretations are of another world .... a basic principle of the Zohar is that "there is no word in the Torah that does not...
  16. pohaikawahine

    What color is your...

    I first wanted to say the colors of the rainbow because the "path of the night rainbow" is important in the ancient ways of Hawaii nei .... but the more I thought about it, I think I would go with "lipo" which ia a deep shady forest, deep water in the sea, blue, black or dark from the depth of a...
  17. pohaikawahine

    The Tabernacle

    bandit - I posted this on the parsha for the Book of Numbers Bamidbar .... but I also wanted to post it here because it is so connected with the tabernacle .... the Camp of Israel, how the twelve tribes are laid out around the tabernacle .... .... I was reading an article by Rabbi Shranga...
  18. pohaikawahine

    Interfaith Numbers Parshiyot

    mahalo dauer for setting up the "sticky" for the numbers parshiyot .... I was reading an article by Rabbi Shranga Simmons about Shavuot .... which is coming right up and is the "single most important event in Jewish History - the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai" which also makes this...
  19. pohaikawahine

    The Power of Words

    aloha e flow - the most popular version is a translation by Martha Beckweth and also one by Queen Lili'uokalani .... you can find both at .... the first translation that I read was from a small book called Children of the Rainbow by Leinani Melville...
  20. pohaikawahine

    The Power of Words

    aloha e flow .... the Kumulipo is my favorite chant and I have studied it for over 40 years .... in the hawaiian language a "kumu" is a teacher and the word "lipo" is a deep, deep dark blue color or the color of the deepest part of the ocean .... so dark yet one can still see shadows and forms...