Gnōthi seauton
Somewhere in posting to CR I think I have mentioned that esotericists in the tradition of Alice Bailey have long anticipated that Christ’s Reappearance will be accompanied by two additional changes of tremendous significance and worldwide impact. One of these factors is the Externalization of the Hierarchy – meaning the gradual return of the Masters of the Wisdom to outer expression in the world of form. Already this is going well, and several Ashrams now have an outer nucleus in the physical world, while easily a dozen or more Masters move about among us – as yet undetected by the masses, but known by Their Disciples in every land.
The other indication of Christ’s Reappearance is also well underway, and this has been called The Restoration of the Mysteries. Esoteric students will recognize the classification of these Mysteries as falling into two categories – the lesser and the Greater. Certainly the Greater Mysteries continue to remain in the custodianship of the Initiates of varying degrees, and this will ever be the case. Since Atlantean days, when Humanity allowed the dark brotherhood to seize control, even the lesser Mysteries have been forced to flow underground … as the River Alpheus, whose more extensive symbolism I recently posted at CR (or intended to).
Though hidden from external view, its exponents being universally reviled and persecuted (with Christ and Buddha being foremost examples), the Mystery Tradition has always flourished on the Inner Planes, and in the hearts and minds of the faithful. The Initiates and disciples throughout history have PRESERVED inviolable the Sacred Wisdom that was imparted to even the earliest inhabitants of this planet … a Wisdom which neither originates upon the Earth nor has an earthly limit in terms of the sublime and awesome nature of the Mysteries concerned. Even these `lesser’ Mysteries are of such immeasurable value and import that the Teachers have been careful to present them too openly, reminding us as in Matthew 7:6 –
My hope was to say something about the Esoteric Schools which are already being founded in various parts of the world. These are emerging in Great Britain, in America, and in Europe, and the work has advanced considerably in the past 75 years, since details were first provided in one of Alice Bailey’s books. The Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society, even 125 years ago, was the cornerstone of the One Future School. Alice Bailey’s Arcane School was the later realization of Helena Blavatsky’s intentions, yet neither of these efforts even begins to represent the progress that has been made in recent decades – and which is receiving tremendous stimulation as the Reappearance of the Christ proceeds.
If anyone has interest, I will piece together some excerpts, with commentary, from the writings of Alice Bailey, which provided many useful indications (as early as 1920) of what the future Initiatory and Probationary (preparatory) Schools will look like. Although there are many details provided, what resonates with me most are the various locations, the basic structure, the purpose, and some of the methods which will characterize these Esoteric Schools.
Having been a member of one such Mystery School briefly, and having met both students and Faculty representing several other Schools, I feel competent from an insider’s point of view to comment on their character, quality and workings … and to say something of their importance in the New Era (that of Aquarian Community) which Humanity has entered. I can also attest, and may do so on another thread, as to the true Joy which it has been my good fortune to have experienced – in Serving alongside some of the Foremost, truly great Souls … who are giving everything, on every level to hasten the Christ’s Reappearance and to ensure the successful Restoration of God’s Plan.
Love and Light,
The other indication of Christ’s Reappearance is also well underway, and this has been called The Restoration of the Mysteries. Esoteric students will recognize the classification of these Mysteries as falling into two categories – the lesser and the Greater. Certainly the Greater Mysteries continue to remain in the custodianship of the Initiates of varying degrees, and this will ever be the case. Since Atlantean days, when Humanity allowed the dark brotherhood to seize control, even the lesser Mysteries have been forced to flow underground … as the River Alpheus, whose more extensive symbolism I recently posted at CR (or intended to).
Though hidden from external view, its exponents being universally reviled and persecuted (with Christ and Buddha being foremost examples), the Mystery Tradition has always flourished on the Inner Planes, and in the hearts and minds of the faithful. The Initiates and disciples throughout history have PRESERVED inviolable the Sacred Wisdom that was imparted to even the earliest inhabitants of this planet … a Wisdom which neither originates upon the Earth nor has an earthly limit in terms of the sublime and awesome nature of the Mysteries concerned. Even these `lesser’ Mysteries are of such immeasurable value and import that the Teachers have been careful to present them too openly, reminding us as in Matthew 7:6 –
“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine,
lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again andrend you.”
Still, as Humanity advances gradually in her steady march toward Truth and Enlightenment, there is a slow shifting of some of the Greater Mysteries into revelation through the lesser Mysteries … and these, likewise, find their way into common teaching, being the true, sacred heart of all the world’s exoteric religions. Where ritual and blind repetition has not totally eclipsed the inner significance, and where superstition has not too greatly distorted the living Spirit of the Occult Law (God’s Law) … the Mysteries themselves may yet be found within every religious teaching, and as fully as possible this is what will receive revitalization as Christ and the Masters again walk openly among Humanity.lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again andrend you.”
My hope was to say something about the Esoteric Schools which are already being founded in various parts of the world. These are emerging in Great Britain, in America, and in Europe, and the work has advanced considerably in the past 75 years, since details were first provided in one of Alice Bailey’s books. The Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society, even 125 years ago, was the cornerstone of the One Future School. Alice Bailey’s Arcane School was the later realization of Helena Blavatsky’s intentions, yet neither of these efforts even begins to represent the progress that has been made in recent decades – and which is receiving tremendous stimulation as the Reappearance of the Christ proceeds.
If anyone has interest, I will piece together some excerpts, with commentary, from the writings of Alice Bailey, which provided many useful indications (as early as 1920) of what the future Initiatory and Probationary (preparatory) Schools will look like. Although there are many details provided, what resonates with me most are the various locations, the basic structure, the purpose, and some of the methods which will characterize these Esoteric Schools.
Having been a member of one such Mystery School briefly, and having met both students and Faculty representing several other Schools, I feel competent from an insider’s point of view to comment on their character, quality and workings … and to say something of their importance in the New Era (that of Aquarian Community) which Humanity has entered. I can also attest, and may do so on another thread, as to the true Joy which it has been my good fortune to have experienced – in Serving alongside some of the Foremost, truly great Souls … who are giving everything, on every level to hasten the Christ’s Reappearance and to ensure the successful Restoration of God’s Plan.
Love and Light,