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    I don't think anyone can surpass Jesus. Only with the help of God can someone reach Him at all... He's a Manifestation of God, I believe, and as such, is greater than mere mortals can ever be without the assistance of God Himself... the All-Powerful. We ourselves are powerless, all power is from...
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    Why choose SIKHISM ?

    It comes down to the individual soul. There were Jews who became Christian when Jesus came. There were Jews who didn't. There were Muslims who became Baha'i when Baha'u'llah came. There were Muslims who didn't. You can't judge a religion by what some of its followers might do in the future when...
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    The Prisoner and the Kings

    Prisoner and the Kings You can read it here.
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    The Prisoner and the Kings

    The Prisoner and the Kings by William Sears tells the story of a Prisoner in Akka Who wrote to the leaders of the world, to kings and emperors. Among those addressed were Queen Victoria, Pope Pius IX, the Czar of Russia, Napoleon III, the Emperor of Austria, Kaiser-Wilhelm of Germany, the Sultan...
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    Baha'is as a Middle East Controversy

    Far from being lazy, the Bab revealed volumes. The Bayan itself is huge. If anything, He was extremely intelligent. He was imprisoned and sacrificed His life. He didn't claim to be God. He claimed to be the Gate, the Forerunner of One greater than Himself: Baha'u'llah. The leaders who had Him...
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    True, one can't be both a Baha'i and a Scientologist. If one wants to know what the Baha'i Faith teaches, refer to the Book of Certitude, Gleanings From the Writings of Baha'u'llah, and other Books revealed by Baha'u'llah. We believe there have been three Messengers from God since Jesus Christ...
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    We believe that God sends Prophets to teach mankind, and that the major world religions, when they are revealed, are not man made.
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    Real Muslims protect Baha'is

    Hello Brian and Art! The context I'm getting at is the current situation in certain countries where there is religious liberty only for certain people. Some people who claim to follow Islam are going against it by persecuting Baha'is. People who truly follow Islam will respect the religious...
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    Baha'is as a Middle East Controversy

    Look at the religion, I agree. To get facts on the Bab, one ought to look at what the Bab wrote. One should look at the Bayan and what Baha'u'llah said about the Bab. But history books aren't necessarily accurate, especially if written by the same people who wrote that children's book. I think...
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    Real Muslims protect Baha'is

    "Let there be no compulsion in religion" -The Holy Qur'an Real Muslims respect the religious liberty of Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs AND Baha'is.
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    An Ideal Islamic World

    "Let there be no compulsion in religion." -the Qur'an. How many dictators ignore this verse? Religious liberty is Islamic. Denying religious liberty is not. Tyranny will fall and there will be religious liberty for everyone.... In EVERY country.
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    An Ideal Islamic World

    Of course They would not support tyranny. Some governments claim to follow a particular religion but don't actually practice it. There are tyrants who claim to be religious. They are not.
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    why you think Muslims invite you to Islam?!

    I've been officially a Baha'i for eight years and love it.
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    When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?

    Okay, for some reason I thought you were a Baha'i. I see it as one religion, though, all the world religions as part of one unfolding religion.
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    Quotes from Baha'i sources:

    O SON OF MAN! Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee My beauty. -Baha'u'llah
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    why you think Muslims invite you to Islam?!

    I agree that God loves everyone, otherwise He wouldn't have created us.
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    An Ideal Islamic World

    If everyone was truly Muslim, meaning in submission to the will of God, we'd all be angels and it would be Paradise right here right now all the time forever. (If everyone was truly Christian, it would be the same.) If everyone truly followed their Prophets, we'd be perfect.... it would be a...
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    Since you asked, I'll give you an answer. It doesn't mean you have to agree with me or anything, just giving you my answer. Jesus is the Way to the Father. Baha'u'llah, I believe, and I'm saying this because you asked, is His return in the glory of the Father. So if Jesus is the Way to the...
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    When is it appropriate to share your religious faith with others?

    True, it does take faith to be atheist. If you're familiar with the book the Prisoner and the Kings by William Sears or a book called the Challenge of Baha'u'llah, you'll see that the odds are overwhelmingly in favor of super-human knowledge... knowledge from outside of mankind given to us...
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    Baha'is as a Middle East Controversy

    I should be talking to the cleric who said that, not to Iran as a whole. There are many many great Iranians, and many Muslims in Iran are standing up for Baha'is. God bless the Muslims who are actually Muslim and treat Baha'is as people.