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    And mine as well !!
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    academic method and the Qur'an

    Is this the one you mean: Might be fun to revisit that one with a focus on Averroes and Avicenna.
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    academic method and the Qur'an

    You do not give Averroes enough credit: Not some small time philosopher, indeed. Further, here were some more of his contributions: This seems to be good common sense, to me. Of course he had to way of know this, as we still do not today. I have some doubts about this analysis. This...
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    username change

    Thank you very much Natives, you must be one of the Christian greeters ? One of my favorite Christians is Eriugena. Perhaps we can discuss further. :eek:, in my country we have many wives, and here I am allowed only one username ? But Brian told me to just register as many as I wanted. Are...
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    username change

    Thank you for the warm welcome, Snoopy !! You seem like a poster with an Eastern perspective. I would like to study some Dogen and D.T. Suzuki with you. I would also like to learn more about you, can you tell me what your name(s) are in the Buddhist and Tao sub-sections ?
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    username change

    Thank you for this information, Sister. You seem like a smart Muslim woman to me, much like our Sisters, Fadela Amara and Hedi Mhenni. By the way, what is your username in the Islamic sub-forum, I would like to make your acquaintance over there ?
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    username change

    Thank you for the suggestion, Brother. Since I am new here, I am still learning. If I understand you, I should set up a new username and character for each sub-forum, depending on which religion I choose, is that correct ? Is this what we mean by "interfaith dialogue" ? Jazakallahu Khairan.
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    academic method and the Qur'an

    Since you seem to be an Al-Ghazali supporter, lets take a closer look at Averroes views: Please respond to this argument.
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    academic method and the Qur'an

    Not all are a sorry sight. Here are 6 Muslim scholars to be proud of.
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    academic method and the Qur'an

    Not really, a better analogy would be to say you admire John Kennedy and William F. Buckley (intellectual leaders of the liberal and conservative camps). Indeed I did admire both of these brilliant men. Again, one can search for the brilliance in each of these perspectives and incorporate...
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    academic method and the Qur'an

    I was not associating Al Ghazali with Avicenna or Averroes, I was comparing him with other great minds. One cannot dismiss the ideas of the Greeks, Plato, Aristotle and Socrates were brilliant and made foundational contributions. Avicenna and Averroes were correct to recognize this.
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    username change

    Hi Brian, please change my username from the current one to Ghazali. I do not like the current username anymore. I tried to PM this message to you but my PM does not work. We will deal with this issue later. Thanks.
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    Approaching Islam

    I would not take the word of any book as an absolute. Use your own judgment about all things you are told. Many of the great books of the past are relevant today. You must decide for yourself which are the ones to believe.
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    A Muslim scholar M. Fethullah Gulen

    I am a supporter of Fethullah Gulen. Thank you edelentr for bringing this scholar to the attention of the posters. He is an advocate for interfaith dialogue. People like Gulen are a beacon for the future. He is a strong believer in service for the community. We should discuss Gulen further.
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    academic method and the Qur'an

    I am in full agreement with this article. We cannot live in the past. We must move our thinking to the present and think about the future. Lets take a look at the concluding paragraph: It takes studying great minds like Al Ghazali, Avicenna, Averros, and Al Farabi. These great minds are...
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    We should increase tolarance

    As-Salamu Alaykum, Wil, yes, we are very partial to Sufism. One of the leaders in Islamic philosophy, Al Ghazali, brought the Islam of his time in close contact with Sufism. He was an influence on Thomas Aquinas. He rejected the Greek metaphysical philosophers. Have you studied Al Ghazali ? If...
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    We should increase tolarance

    I agree with you fully edelentr. The past 10 years have been a challenge. Many misconceptions and false ideas about Islam put forward. We must strive to correct peoples understanding. Interfaith dialogue is the solution to the issues you pose, thank you for your post.
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    Spiritual Side to Islam ?

    I am particularly drawn to the whirling Dervishes.
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    West vs. "Muslim World"--lets discuss the obvious

    Non-Muslims are only treated unfairly by a small minority of Muslims. Anyone who reads Quran knows to treat all people well. You are right, Sister, but again we cannot blame all the Muslims for the acts of a few. Right, as it should be. Sometimes people are whipped up into a frenzy. They...
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    In the news

    This has nothing to do with the killer being a Muslim, he was just an insane person. Please cite a source here. I cannot find anything about this in the legitimate press. Thank you.