In the news

If this is true GlorytoGod I am a little confused as to why you would make the same uneducated statement (as above) twice on one thread?

it is not an uneducated statement, Shariah law is based on the Quran, Sunnah and the Example of Mohamed PBUH, therefore if Mohamed did it PBUH then it acceptable in Islam, do you dispute that ?

Perhaps you would be better to ask Muslims what Islam says rather than telling us?

I am an ex Muslim and I am allowed to have an opinion on this.
Virtually all of the child brides I have read about have been married off to pay debts off, rather than for the sexual desires of the groom.

Well that makes it all fricken better then! lol... Thanks for clearing that up...... I could you know do with a little extra cheddar.... If I cook up a daughter.. You got any friends that would like to buy her from me? lol ffs....
Wil + G2G + Alex

And now my question is why you refuse to simply answer the question?

You didn't ask many questions, instead you asked about the Muslim perspective on a few items that you happened to pick up in the news.

it is not an uneducated statement, Shariah law is based on the Quran, Sunnah and the Example of Mohamed PBUH, therefore if Mohamed did it PBUH then it acceptable in Islam, do you dispute that?

The Prophet also rode camels. Does this all Muslims living today should be riding camels? I told you before G2G, you have to separate culture/context from religious commandments. Is there anywhere in the Quran where Muslims are encouraged that they should marry in a certain age group? No. You know why? Because such things are governed by CULTURE AND ECONOMIC MODELS OF EVERY SOCIETY.

Well that makes it all fricken better then! lol... Thanks for clearing that up...... I could you know do with a little extra cheddar.... If I cook up a daughter.. You got any friends that would like to buy her from me? lol ffs....

You could do with a little extra something else too... :rolleyes:
What are you on about? I totally "get" it... Great idea... I can just keep banging out kids for nothing and selling them off it's perfect... I get the morales and everything with it.... Kids aren't just kids... They are things that we can just sell to the highest bidder.... *applauds* bravo sir :)
The Prophet also rode camels. Does this all Muslims living today should be riding camels? I told you before G2G, you have to separate culture/context from religious commandments. Is there anywhere in the Quran where Muslims are encouraged that they should marry in a certain age group? No. You know why? Because such things are governed by CULTURE AND ECONOMIC MODELS OF EVERY SOCIETY.

Sorry Code but Islam is based on the Quran and the Sunnah not just the Quran, the Prophet Mohamed PBUH was apparently the perfect example for all mankind, Muslims all over the world revere Mohamed and try to be like him, he had a beard therefore Muslim should have one as many scholars agree and Muslim men also try to dress like him by waring Arab Throbes or is it Thobes not sure but the point is that you are wrong :rolleyes: due to the example of the Prophet child brides are acceptable in Islam, whether this is right or wrong is not for me to say, also because the Prophet wore a certain type of leather socks if you where them then you dont have to wash your feat at every wuzu unless you have done a poo.
Sounds like the modern "sports heroes" wear these shoes and you can score goals like Mr so and so.... Wear these shorts and you can dunk a ball like this hero... Buy this stick and you can smash a puck as hard as this guy....

G2G + Alex

but the point is that you are wrong :rolleyes: .

No, actually, the point is that you, and all those scholars that you are basing your views on, are wrong.

Sorry Code but Islam is based on the Quran and the Sunnah not just the Quran,

Where did I say it wasn't?

But here's the problem for you professor, how do you know what is sunnah? The prophet rode camels, so is riding camels sunnah? And what about everything the prophet didnt do, like watch television? Is watching TV against the sunnah? As for the beard, the Quraish that were against the Muslims they also kept a beard. So there goes your argument on that issue. The sunnah of the prophet is supposed to be his practices that concern the QURAN. This is something neither you, nor the "scholars" get.

You are basing your view on Islam on idiotic arguments by idiotic scholars and then lecturing Muslims like me about Islam? ... Good luck with that buddy, because if those scholars cant defend their own arguments, what makes you think you can?

due to the example of the Prophet child brides are acceptable in Islam, whether this is right or wrong is not for me to say,

And your point is... ?

also because the Prophet wore a certain type of leather socks if you where them then you dont have to wash your feat at every wuzu unless you have done a poo.

I feel sorry for the sucker who taught you what Islam was dude..

@ Alex...

You really require attention don't you?

.... this is why I dont like pets.. (or kids)

G2G + Alex

No, actually, the point is that you, and all those scholars that you are basing your views on, are wrong.

Where did I say it wasn't?

But here's the problem for you professor, how do you know what is sunnah? The prophet rode camels, so is riding camels sunnah? And what about everything the prophet didnt do, like watch television? Is watching TV against the sunnah? As for the beard, the Quraish that were against the Muslims they also kept a beard. So there goes your argument on that issue. The sunnah of the prophet is supposed to be his practices that concern the QURAN. This is something neither you, nor the "scholars" get.

You are basing your view on Islam on idiotic arguments by idiotic scholars and then lecturing Muslims like me about Islam? ... Good luck with that buddy, because if those scholars cant defend their own arguments, what makes you think you can?

And your point is... ?

I feel sorry for the sucker who taught you what Islam was dude..

lol your funny code you think you know more about Islam than most scholars, what you have is is your own invention not Islam maybe one day you will realise that, but whatever I wish you all the best with.

Thats enough of this for now we are just going round in circles anyway and not getting anywhere.

So be blessed Bro :)
My personal guess is that he was posted to Iraq and knew he could not go to wage war against Muslims.

Why didn't Lutherans freak out when sent to invade Germany? Heck! Our top general had a family name that was as German as a family name gets.
Why didn't Roman Catholics freak out when they marched up the Italian peninsula to kick out the Fascists? For this guy to think that going into Iraq meant going "to wage war against Muslims" meant that he had to intentionally swallow a LOT of radical Islamic propaganda.
you think you know more about Islam than most scholars, what you have is is your own invention not Islam

You just tripped on the classic fallacy of an appeal to authority. Congratulations, you just officially lost this argument.

For this guy to think that going into Iraq meant going "to wage war against Muslims" meant that he had to intentionally swallow a LOT of radical Islamic propaganda.

How close were you to this individual about whom you seem to know so much?
You just tripped on the classic fallacy of an appeal to authority. Congratulations, you just officially lost this argument.

code you are just testiculating now :eek:

i have no interest in arguing with you :D anyay, arguing over the internet just seems petty egostical and pointless, i have said what I have to say on this matter and so far no Muslim can refute with any credibility what I have already said.

Good day, you need some Tagwa and I pray that ALLAH Subhanahu Wa Tala'a will bless you with it :)
i have no interest in arguing with you :D anyay, arguing over the internet just seems petty egostical and pointless

Arguing over the Internet is good practice for really important arguments.:D You never know. You might need it one day.

So far, c0de seems to be a pretty good instructor and lecturer. Keep practicing.
c0de and GlorytoGod, can you both try and can your attitudes, please?

c0de, you don't have to be so reactionary, and GlorytoGod, you're trolling.

Let's try and have grown up behaviour on the forums, thanks.
c0de and GlorytoGod, can you both try and can your attitudes, please?

c0de, you don't have to be so reactionary, and GlorytoGod, you're trolling.

Let's try and have grown up behaviour on the forums, thanks.

I am not trolling, really I'm not.
Arguing over the Internet is good practice for really important arguments.:D You never know. You might need it one day.

So far, c0de seems to be a pretty good instructor and lecturer. Keep practicing.

Salty, I dont get off on arguing as its all about ego, I am all for discussion and dialogue though :) do you have anything to add ?
c0de and GlorytoGod, can you both try and can your attitudes, please?

c0de, you don't have to be so reactionary, and GlorytoGod, you're trolling.

Let's try and have grown up behaviour on the forums, thanks.

No sweat Brian. I don't think it's really that bad. These two gentlemen are just getting started.:)

My experience from observing discussions with c0de is that most of the time when there's a conflict it usually degenerates into arguing about arguing rather than having a real argument. My impression from watching this thread is that c0de and GTG aren't really arguing about anything Islam but simply arguing about arguing.

As you can see, they're not really getting anywhere.:D

People here are too interested in peaceful discussion than actual hostile debate.

Salty, I dont get off on arguing as its all about ego, I am all for discussion and dialogue though :) do you have anything to add ?

Yes . . . that was what I added and I thought that was valuable, meaningful and insightful to say.
Two things are out there which I'd like to hear perspectives on.

The killings in Texas. How do you see it, what do you think will be the reprecussions.

This has nothing to do with the killer being a Muslim, he was just an insane person.

The story circulating of 450 men in Gaza marrying young (way preteen) girls and Hamas paying them each $500 to do so. Is it true?

Please cite a source here. I cannot find anything about this in the legitimate press.

Thank you.
it is not an uneducated statement, Shariah law is based on the Quran, Sunnah and the Example of Mohamed PBUH, therefore if Mohamed did it PBUH then it acceptable in Islam, do you dispute that ?

I already disputed it above ... the Prophet had 9 wives at one time ... the Quran limits this to 4 wives for all other men.

I would have thought an ex Muslim should have known that??!!

I am an ex Muslim and I am allowed to have an opinion on this.

Anyone is allowed to have an opinion on it but it would seem more logical to at least study Islam before stating what it says, as we can clearly see above that your statement can so easily be refuted.
also because the Prophet wore a certain type of leather socks if you where them then you dont have to wash your feat at every wuzu unless you have done a poo.

Good Lord that gave me a hearty giggle .... it's wrong but funny.

The leather socks you are talking about are called quff and the narrations on this subject state that the Prophet would wipe over his quff when he was on a journey, not when he hadn't done a poo. There are also narrations which state he also wiped cloth socks or shoes in the same way when journeying.

This is done during tayammum (dry ablution) which makes sense considering they were in a desert so water was pretty scarse.

You can use this form of ablution if you have minor impurities (including piddling, pooing and farting) but if major inmpurities (sexual or menstrual) then you have to remove the socks and wash thoroughly.

Why didn't Lutherans freak out when sent to invade Germany? Heck! Our top general had a family name that was as German as a family name gets.
Why didn't Roman Catholics freak out when they marched up the Italian peninsula to kick out the Fascists? For this guy to think that going into Iraq meant going "to wage war against Muslims" meant that he had to intentionally swallow a LOT of radical Islamic propaganda.

So this is the only guy that has ever freaked out when faced with going to war?

We will never know how much, if any, radical propaganda he swallowed and we will never know his motives or state of mind when he did what he did.

Please cite a source here. I cannot find anything about this in the legitimate press.

AS Brother

This came from a British news story and was never intended to suggest that the girls were child brides but bloggers got hold of the wrong end of the stick and the story became silly. I gave links to the original story in my former post.
The Abuse of Children

This is not where wil's thread started. But this is where it went. And became quite rancorous, along the way.

The hysteria about "child brides" - as Muslimwoman has pointed out - stemmed from the misinterpretation of wedding photographs by the western media. And this hysteria was compounded by the blogosphere - which has no "Corrections Column" like old newspapers used to have. The blogosphere is a dangerous rumor-mill with no safety valve.

In the west, stories about children push intense emotional buttons in people. Due to their powerlessness, we sentimentalize children and stories about them become, all too easily, sensationalized.

Both c0de and Tao Equus - in their different ways - tried to ground the "child bride" / "abuse of children" issue ... in something real.
Not sensationalized. Not sentimentalized.
But instead of opening up a window of understanding, Brian (as moderator) had to step in and edit-out 'personal attacks' from c0de's posts and issue Tao Equus a 'time out' from posting which has lasted for nearly two months.

So I step rather nervously into this arena.
(Dangerous turf.)

& & &


& & &

Buying brides:
"Dotal marriage" (dowry paid to bride's family), as a practice, can only be found in 4% of world cultures - according to social-anthropologists. A practice found, here and there, in eastern Eurasia and in the Mediterranean basin.

Child Brides:
The "age of consent" and the concept of "old enough to marry" has evolved over time in all cultures, on a values level. Religion has had some - but minimal - influence upon this issue. Modern governments have set specific ages of consent and of marriage as a matter of 'public policy.' These are things politically negotiated within each nation-state and within their regional and local government bodies. While cultural heritage and religious beliefs certainly enter into the mindset of those establishing 'legal age' for sexual activity, this issue is largely a practical legal question in all nations. It's a question of 'how best to regulate society' ... Societies, to prevent anarchy, need to set limits on interpersonal relations. Most citizens accept those limits. And most authority figures turn a blind eye to those persons who - harmlessly - bend laws to fit their own individual peculiarities. 'Public policy' is about making society - as it currently exists - work. Defining limits, but not making those limits too rigid. Those who try to impose the values of their cultural heritage or of their religious belief-structure upon society ... risk destroying 'society' as an effective, flexible mechanism for regulating human relationships. Risk - by seeking 'perfection' - the fitting of every citizen into one single (rigid) cookie-cutter mold. In which case, society would - functionally - cramp-up and grind to a halt. And something far worse than anarchy would be the result. (Totalitarianism. Society as a prison.) ... No. 'Age of marriage' is not a secular (cultural-heritage) issue nor a sacred (religious-belief) issue. 'Age of marriage' is a practical (imperfect), present-centered civic issue. And it is best that it stays that way.

& & &

The practice of early betrothal for females is what is ancient. Something the West has relatively recently stopped practicing. Let me ask you something, have you ever studied sociology and anthropology? Do you know how recent the entire concept of the "adolescent" actually is? Do you know that it is an entirely artificial economic invention? Are you aware that historically, economic models are what govern the age of marriage, and not concepts of morality? That these moral judgments that people like you are so happy to apply to such practices are completely hypocritical?

c0de is correct. Social-anthropologists have pointed out that most of the world's cultures have consciously treated their 'women' as an economic asset or deficit, till quite recently. A female child born to a poor family in China or Egypt was frequently drowned in the local river. Females, when raised to 'adolescence,' were often married-off as quickly as possible to unburden their family of them. (But young boys of poor families were often sold into servitude, too, due to economic hardship on the family - so the economic exploitation of children was not just that of girl-children.) The big empires - Roman or Gupta or Han - established empire-wide laws on many subjects, which had a liberalizing influence. But they generally let local customs stand, unchallenged, where family and clan 'livelihood' was concerned. The only way to effectively rule an empire is to defer to local customs in most things.

But social-anthropologists also point out that the custom of 'paying for brides' (like the Palestinian instance) is a custom peculiar to economically marginal farming and herding communities in the Mediterranean basin. (Not Northern Europe nor the Americans nor Sub-Saharan Africa nor the Indian subcontinent.) It is part of an extreme "honor and shame" culture found broadly throughout the Mediterranean basin during ancient times, but found there - today - amongst only the most economically marginalized villages and nomadic herders. (There is an obsessive emphasis on keeping their marriageable women utter 'pure.' A brand-new unopened product. Far exceeding the 'virginity' mandates of most cultures.) This practice predates Islam, predates Christianity, predates Judaism (as a monotheistic religion). And was little changed by these religions, with passing of time. (Where this practice disappeared around the Mediterranean basin, it was probably due to urbanization. Not 'moral outrage.')

Northern Europeans and early Americans, yes, did (once upon a time) treat their women as economic property. But c0de is incorrect to assume that they did so in anything like the same manner. (Read on the subject: Julian Pitt-Rivers, Pierre Bourdieu, John Peristiany, Stanley Brandes, David Gilmore, Jane Schneider.)

& & &

Under a capitalistic free-enterprise system, a woman is considered an economic 'free agent.' Under capitalism, a woman should not marry till she is of-an-age when she can, conscientiously, make that decision for herself. And can do whatever economic bartering there is to be done, for her own personal benefit (not for the benefit of family or clan). She should have due say in any legal contracts she is party to.

Maybe it is just me, but - till a better system comes along - the capitalist system is a good economic model for a woman to live within. Free choice. (I just hope the 450 Palestinian women in Gaza had that same free choice.) It is not a matter of morality. It is a matter of rights.