Here are 6 Muslim scholars to be proud of.
Here's a 7th:
Abdus Salam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Since you seem to be an Al-Ghazali supporter...
I think he is smarter than his opponents,
and that he was on the right track, that's all.
Please respond to this argument.
You didn't post any argument, but I assume you want me to critque Averoes' thesis? I would, but that would be unfair
(for you) since most of my work has already been done by others.
The core concept of Averoes was that philosophy is compatible with faith. This is what he tried to do, i.e. rationalize Islam/faith.
Such thinking has since been crushed, primarily by Hume, most clearly in his dialogues. In those dialogues Demea (like al-Ghazali) rejects rationality, but Cleanthes decides he can argue for a
rational faith (much like Averroes). Philo then proceeds to utterly humiliate Cleanthes and shows how there is no way to mix philosophy with faith, something Demea (and al-Ghazali) already knew.
Not only can you not defend faith from the philosophical point of view, but the mere attempt causes one to sacrifice critical articles of faith (such as the absolute transcendence of God). Averroes went so far in this approach that his ultimate version of "Islam" could hardly be called Islam at all. This is why Averoes was never well received in Muslim lands.
But that is all besides the point anyway... because Averoes can not even be compared to al-Ghazali since he was a
"foundational thinker" much in line with those like Kant or Hume. Averoes was basically an interpreter of Aristotle.
Yes, there were some aspects of Ibn Rushd's thinking which are moving in the right direction, but over all, al-Ghazali is in a different league. I noticed that on the wikipedia page someone even wrote that
Incoherence of the Philosophers was a precursor to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, which itself should be proof of its gravity.
The only thing Averroes has been credited with is founding existentialism,
and even that mistakenly, as the idea that "existence precedes essence" was
not his own, but Aristotle's. And dont even get me started on existentialism... theres already a thread here somewhere where this dog has been beaten to death.