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  1. Ella S.

    How Socratic Intellectualism Side-Steps the Is-Ought Problem

    According to Socrates, the wise will do good simply by virtue of their knowledge and wisdom. Initially, this is a notion that confused me, but now I think I'm beginning to understand it. Even if we came up with a "bad actor" who desired nothing but to benefit themselves, through proper wisdom...
  2. Ella S.

    Epistemic Foundations of Theology

    I am interested in discussing the concepts of Reformed Epistemology, Theistic Rationalism, and Theistic Evidentialism. For the Christians (and others with theological bends, although it's mostly a facet of Christian theology), I am wondering what your foundations of belief are. I do not intend...
  3. Ella S.

    Potential Evidence for the Possibility of God

    Some people say that atheists wouldn't accept the existence of God if God himself personally came down to verify his existence. I don't think this is accurate. In fact, I don't think God would need to even go that far to prove his existence to me. Here are some pieces of evidence that we could...
  4. Ella S.

    Known Truth vs Justified Claim

    This might be the most pedantic wall of text I have ever written in my life. When even I recognize that, given my history of pedantry, that's saying something. However, this pedantry isn't necessarily pointless. It is something that's worth keeping in mind when examining our own beliefs or...
  5. Ella S.

    Working on getting a Certificate in Logic

    The course I'm taking covers propositional, relational, and functional logic. I've already formally studied symbolic logic, both deductive and inductive, but this certification will build on that knowledge. Once I get the certification, I won't just be referring to myself as a logician in the...
  6. Ella S.

    Modalism + Partialism = Trinitarianism?

    I'm not letting Trinitarianism beat me into just admitting that it's impossible, so I've come up with a potential explanation for it. Modalism is the belief that the 3 persons of God are separate states of God, sort of how water is liquid at the bottom of the sea, ice near the surface of the...
  7. Ella S.


    TW: Psychosis Continued from here: I have some unique insight on this topic. I was delusional once. When my psychiatrist was trying a variety of different medications for me and before my current diagnosis was finalized, we looked...
  8. Ella S.

    Hermetic Archetypes

    This is only one potential scheme. Monad - Ever-present silent stillness. Sun - The Teacher Moon - The Caretaker Salt - Id. One's instinctual and emotional drives, similar to the epithymia and eros. Mercury - Ego. One's identity and sense of virtue, similar to ethos. Sulphur - Superego. One's...
  9. Ella S.

    Does lifelong celibacy reduce or increase life expectancy?

    I have been looking into this subject for awhile now. I cannot find any decent studies on the health effects of celibacy. Some people claim that celibacy is unhealthy, linking it to emotional repression. I think this is a misunderstanding of emotional repression since someone who is celibate...
  10. Ella S.

    Stricter Guidelines for the Writing Forum

    @badger made some compelling points in their thread on the writing forum about off-topic discussion. While tangential discussion does make some sense in threads that are receiving no other traffic, it seems that the new sub-forum is meant to showcase the writing of particular users. As such, I...
  11. Ella S.

    Jesus and the Crucifixion - Continued from Another Thread.

    This is a continuation of a conversation that started in this thread: To @badger, I apologize for bogging down your writing thread with my discussion. I am aware that one can be saved from crucifixion before death. It's someone coming back 3...
  12. Ella S.

    Found an old copy of this website from 1996 AoL and Netscape Navigator are relics that I learn about in class as part of the history of the internet. They existed before I was born.
  13. Ella S.

    Ancient Greek Logic

    In the modern sense, "logic" is usually reserved as a reference to formal and informal disciplines of logic within the formal sciences. However, I have noticed that in ancient Greece, the term "logikos" (meaning "logical") derived from "logos" had a somewhat different meaning. Curiosity, for...
  14. Ella S.

    Think I've figured out this forum thing

    I have been signing up on forum to forum for years now and never settled in one long. Part of the reason for this is that people on the internet can be hostile and I am an odd person so I frequently end up being harassed or unfairly banned wherever I go. I have been on the fence about staying...
  15. Ella S.

    My Free E-Book on Sethian Alchemy Above is a link to the book on where it can be accessed in .txt, .odt, .rtf, and .pdf format. I recommend reading it in .pdf format. The book is a general overview of the Zostrianos text re-interpreted to fit the general format of the...
  16. Ella S.

    True Love vs Greater Good

    If you had to choose between a true love and the greater good, what would you choose? Can the greater good ever be as meaningful as something as personal and intimate as romantic love? Is it on us to shoulder the burdens of the entire world (or as much of it as we can), even if it means...
  17. Ella S.

    Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven in Sethianism

    For this post, I will be primarily referring to the Sethian text titled "Zostrianos" uncovered as a part of the Nag Hammadi library. For the most part, Gnosticism is considered to not really believe in an afterlife. You generally have two destinations in pop Gnosticism; You fail to achieve...
  18. Ella S.

    My life is getting better. Oh no!

    For the sake of the thread, I will re-iterate my personal beliefs for a second to help illustrate the dilemma here. I believe that all living things contain within them a spark of divinity, making them fragments or emanations of God alienated in the material realm. As such, I strive for a sort...
  19. Ella S.

    Sethian Mysticism

    Zosimos of Panopolis is an influential alchemist. He cemented the (completely legendary) tie between alchemy and Egyptian metallurgy, likely inspired the myth of the homonculus, and was one of the first Gnostic alchemists to write about his craft. Of core importance is his "Visions of Zosimos"...
  20. Ella S.

    There is only one stillness
