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  1. W

    Peak Experience

    Ouch! :mad: I hope that I never become a member of your community. Where I live, people come in all shapes and sizes......some have physical diagnosis attached to them and some have mental health labels, but they all qualify as being normal. BTW, Ted Turner has often spoke about some of his...
  2. W

    Peak Experience

    Are you referring to Maslow? Feeling in contact with something sacred or holy.... feeling in harmony with the universe. That kinda' thing? I must admit to liking William James' work regarding religious experiences a bit more. "The Varieties of Religious Experience" is still a top notch book...
  3. W

    What is "Spirituality"?

    I want to pull from the folks behind Positive Psychology. In their work regarding strengths and virtues Martin Seligman identifies several "emotional strengths that reach outside and beyond you to connect you to something larger and more permanent: to other people, to the future, to evolution...
  4. W

    Sum up your religious belief

    It can't be.....that's the point. Love is not a limited resource. We can spread it around "like there's no tomorrow" and we can always create more. No need to practice conservation when it comes to love.... offer it to family, friend, enemy, neighbor, and stranger.
  5. W

    Sum up your religious belief

    Change, change, and evolve! A Process Deist paraphrase of John Shelby Spong: Live fully, love wastefully, and enhance becoming.
  6. W

    Spiritual abuse

    The following is something that I came across online and it seems to be related. It can be especially damaging to kids when their parents enforce it as the family way of life. Symptoms of Religious Addiction Religious convictions are stated as black and white Isolation from people who do...
  7. W

    Process Thought

    I almost forgot to mention the first Process Deism site that was formed. It can be found at Better late than not posted. :D
  8. W

    Process Thought

    I will pick it up. Down-to-earth would be helpful. One of my beefs with Whitehead and some of the other Process folks is that it often seems that they are writing for themselves......and making up words as they go. Not all of us have the time to live in a seminary library. It must be the math...
  9. W

    Religion for fools?

    Evil? That doesn't work for me. How about ignorantly narcissistic? Or, maybe, de-evolved? I agree regarding its level of threat to our society, but think the dangerous stuff has more to do with a lower level of psychological development than anything else. I also hate using that word because...
  10. W

    Process Thought

    Not sure that this post belongs in this section, but I often have difficulty properly placing Process Thought. Is it a philosophy? Is it a theology? Is it a form of Christianity? Should it be a religion all by its lonesome? I have been reading Carol Christ's book "She Who Changes...
  11. W

    What book are you reading at the moment?

    Ken Wilber's "Sex, Ecology, Spirituality; The Spirit of Evolution." Ok....I'm re-reading portions of it. It's a little dense and I proceed by reading small bits of it and then spending lots of time in contemplation. At my current pace, I'll finish it sometime next year. :D
  12. W

    Religion for fools?

    Amen to that! Have you ever tried to start up your own group? or meetup? That's partly why a small group of us formed the Progressive Spiritual Alliance (see below). We think that there are many of us that have had similar experiences. Cute name BTW... that sounds like something a parent...
  13. W

    Religion for fools?

    Do they do a better job than religious philosophy? I can be a philosopher (and a "seeking" free thinker) and not carry along the dogma that most religions peddle. Uh, oh .... I'm getting my best Thomas Paine impression ready. :D Spiritual not religious!
  14. W

    Religion for fools?

    I like those two. They help us expand. Those sound quite depressing. Some meds and a good therapist might work better than a sermon. ;) Why not spend a little more time enjoying the bounty of this life? IMO, so many people never learn to live.....they kinda' just exist. For some reason that...
  15. W

    Looking for a forum to call home.

    Hey, pseudonymous. Which Maine? My wife and I live down here south of Portland.....or what some friends call Northern Mass. Can't get anywhere this time of year due to all our summer friends. BTW, we are planning on doing some web work once time clears a bit. I enjoyed Smoking Cell...
  16. W

    Looking for a forum to call home.

    Have you ever had a break-up with a forum? It was your home until you fell out of love......or at least until you realized that your views had changed? The differences became too great to ignore? Well....after a three year fling with another forum.....I'm back into the dating game. I'm...