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    Were Christians supposed to separate themselves?

    Hi Marsh, I couldn't help but be fascinated by all the activity in your thread.... With respect to your initial question regarding 'how far' off the track Christians have gone beyond what Jesus may have intended for us, I would recommend that you read the following book...
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    QuEsTiOn ?!?!?!?!

    Thanks Faithfulservant. Yes, you are very close but there is a little more to it. Just to explain it a little better, as Catholics we believe that the church is the 'Mystical Body' of Christ. Furthermore, this mystical body of Christ, the Church, consists of three...
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    QuEsTiOn ?!?!?!?!

    Hi Knight Thanks again for your questions. I must admit, I haven't got a specific patron saint for myself, although I do pray to them and Mary in particular who we consider the greatest of the saints. When I went through the sacrament of Confirmation back in primary school, all of...
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    QuEsTiOn ?!?!?!?!

    Hi Knight, No worries about the questions. It also gives me things to think about. Well, I don't think the Catholic Church has really responded to all the Protestant propaganda against it in an articulate enough way. Nor has it improved its image to the world especially due to its...
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    QuEsTiOn ?!?!?!?!

    Hi Knight, Thanks for your response. I wasn't referring to 'rituals' or sacraments at all. I specifically meant good deeds. Going through Catholic primary and high school, good deeds were emphasised over sacraments/ritual alone. While the sacraments are important, we were taught...
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    QuEsTiOn ?!?!?!?!

    Thanks Alexa. Its a great forum!
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    QuEsTiOn ?!?!?!?!

    Hi Ame, I'm a Catholic and yes, we believe we are Christians. As Faithfulservant has said, the main difference is church doctrine. Also, bear in mind that there are some Protestant Biblical fundamentalists who would tell you that we Catholics are not Christians. To these people, they...
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    Jesus is not God ..... Part 3

    Hi Ben, Thanks again for your response. I have done some research on Colwell and his rule. Although he tackles John 1:1c regarding it as a definite noun, he argues that its anarthrous occurrence does NOT argue necessarily for its qualitativeness or indefiniteness. He supports this by...
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    Jesus is not God ..... Part 3

    Hi Ben, Thanks for your detailed response. Yes, I understand your argument that there is theological bias with some translations and that it is our choice to choose a grammatical versus theological translation. However, I still have doubts about your grammatical arguments for the...
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    Catholic Marian Prophecy?

    Hi Sacredstar, Being a Catholic, I was interested to read your article. Sadly, I think there has been a growing trend away from Marian devotions and practices particularly in the western countries although it remains strong with the more traditional and conservative groups in the Church...
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    Jesus is not God ..... Part 3

    Hi Ben, The assumption that the missing definite article preceding "theos" automatically changes the meaning of the sentence is erroneous and there are many instances where "theos", unaccompanied by the definite article, still translates to "God". This site quotes a finding that this occurs...
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    Jesus is not God ..... Part 3

    Hi Ben, I don't think there was any 'theological bias' because in John 1:1 it directly translates from the Greek as 'and God was the Word': kai Theos eimi ho logos and God was the...
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    what Gospel did Jesus preach?

    Hi Friend, These questions are not new to Christians. There are many good Bible handbooks out there and on the internet that can quickly answer your questions. However, here are some answers that may help you: Luke's Gospel is the first part of a two-volume work, the second being The Acts...
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    Christian Fundamentalism

    Hi Sacredstar, Yes, I read a similar article to this. It mentioned that the Christian Fundamentalists believe that the recreation of the nation of Israel in 1948 fulfills certain prophecies. Because of this, they wish to see the survival of Israel in the Middle East at all costs.
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    What Christmas really means

    Hi, For me, Christmas means celebrating the fact that God chose to be one of us and walk this earth just like us and ultimately die for us. All out of pure love for us. What more could we ask of any deity? To me, it also means being with family and celebrating with them. There are of...
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    Children of Abraham

    Hi Gunner, I think it is hard to answer your question because it asks for who is the TRUE child of Abraham. To me, Ishmael is just as much a child of Abraham as Isaac. The only difference being their mothers (Ishmael from Hagar and Isaac from Sarah). So your question doesn't really make...
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    why do we worship the quran more than god?

    Hi BluejayWay, I strongly agree. Furthermore, I think that scriptural fundamentalism is very dangerous. People of all religions simply have to get over the fact that their religious scriptures are NOT absolutely divine. Religious scriptures were often transmitted orally from one...
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    Jesus is not God ..... Part 3

    I don't think there is anything ground breaking or provocative about your article. If you really want strong Biblical arguments against the Trinitiy, I would recommend you visit the Jehova's Witnesses' website or the Christadelphian's website. Both of these religious groups do not believe in...