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  1. etsijä


    I've been thinking about what to answer again, took me some time :) I have mostly read books about zen Buddhism, I have found that they somehow "speak to me" better. Probably not :D I'd guess I'd say that in nirvana you're physical body do not exist anymore, when you are enlightened it do...
  2. etsijä

    question, not feedback

    thank you :)
  3. etsijä


    :) yes, but remember that we are talking about what I disagree with... That is my view of what I think is meant by enlightenment and nirvana, and also the reason why I am not a buddhist... Because I disagree with those "goals"...
  4. etsijä

    question, not feedback

    oh, okay, thank you for answering. I just worried I had upset someone somehow.. I posted it two times, because I did not pay attention the first time to why my message did not show up, but the second time I did, so I wonder is there any point trying a third.. It's not like it's the most...
  5. etsijä

    question, not feedback

    why are my posts suddenly moderated? When I just posted in the introduction, my post came up right away, but then in the alternative- part I got the message the moderator has to approve it?
  6. etsijä

    Random observations from a mountain top

    thank you for discussing these things with me, seattlegal, I really appreciate it :) What do you want to change? And why? I want to experience, most of all. I would like for people to change in some ways (not be so violent, destructive etc) but that is a futile wish, and since I do believe...
  7. etsijä


    I had to think about this a little, before I answered :) It is a hard question, and I'm not sure how to put the words. I have understood it so, that enlightenment is a state of mind when you are no longer you in a sense of being an individual, instead the borders between "you" and "I" and "that...
  8. etsijä


    I've understood it so that nirvana is when you not longer exist as one specific being, but join in some sort of "universal energy"...
  9. etsijä

    Random observations from a mountain top

    That is one thing I just do not get. I mean, why would I want to focus on my body, be aware of my body? It is not what I consider important. I want to focus more on what is outside - I want to smell the flowers, so to speak. I want to live, I want to experience. That is maybe one of the...
  10. etsijä


    Thank you for your reply. To say "like" and "don't like" is not really the problem, more it's like "agree" and "don't agree". But that is details. Anyways, I like much of their philosophy, but what I tend not to agree with is "the goal" as I understand it - nirvana, learn only from within...
  11. etsijä

    Random observations from a mountain top

    I'm really bored. I figured I could write something really insightful, interesting and oh so wise. The problem is, I don't tend to be any of those things. Mostly I just tend to walk around feeling confused, wondering what the... is going on?? I guess I should leave these kind of writings to my...
  12. etsijä

    Random observations from a mountain top

    ... and as to why I put this post in the cathegory "alternative". Well, I DO like the word "alternative", and it seemes as good a place as any... :)
  13. etsijä

    Random observations from a mountain top

    Everyone seems to know a great deal of nice, complicated-suonding words here. I do not, sorry. I've never understood the idea of citing scripture using alumallabalah words. Is it not more important to talk about what you believe, what you think and what you really feel is important, than to try...
  14. etsijä

    Stumbling off the path.....

    I used to say I am looking for my path. I usually now say, I am on my path. it is for me though just a figure of speech I use, because people tend to use it all the time and I have also gotten used to use it. Actually I have realized that no matter were I go, no matter if I stumble or walk...
  15. etsijä


    death is a transition. the only one who can save you is you. if you need saving, that is. I believe in everlasting existance , if there is life after death, is the same question as if there is life after lunch. Before lunch, I was hungry. After lunch, I am not hungry. Before death, I was walkin...
  16. etsijä

    Falun Gong: "Traditional Chinese spirituality" or "New Age Cult"?

    No matter if it is a cult or not, I believe the persecution of anyone or any group just because of what they believe are wrong. If this Falun Gong is "bad" for the people following it, other measures should be taken. In general, I think everyone should be free to believe what they want, as long...
  17. etsijä


    I am not entirely sure what you mean, but as to me, the answer to your first question is no. And one of the reasons being that I find that this world revolves too much around money. Materialism in itself is not necessarily bad - I do like stuff, and evern more I like to create things. And for...
  18. etsijä


    Thank you for your welcome :) Some reference to me... What I tend to call my believes has changed over the years. I was born into the lutheran church, but found out that is not me. I've called myself a pagan, witch, wiccan, but ... No. Buddhism is MAYBE the closest, but still not really...
  19. etsijä


    Hello to you all! I've been looking for a good forum to discuss and to get to know different belief systems. I have, for as long as I can remember, been interested in religions and spirituality. It has been hard finding likeminded people though. It would have been easier, if I could say "this...