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Would you believe religion can save a man from death? Due you think religion can save someone from his sin and have an everlasting life after he dies?

For me no, its Jesus and in Him alone man can be saved.

How about you?
Would you believe religion can save a man from death? Due you think religion can save someone from his sin and have an everlasting life after he dies?

For me no, its Jesus and in Him alone man can be saved.

How about you?

saved from what ?
Ironically, most religions are invented for the very reason of comforting the fear of death.
Death is a biological fact we must come to grips with. Religion and philosophy are supposed to be our bulwarks against it (as EM said). They fail. Sin is a straying from the path to which we can always return ("save from sin" = "return to path"). People, ideas, religion, G!d can (and do) all save us from sin. Eternal life I am on the fence on it; is it transmutation, rebirth as many fragments (to account for increasing number of people), nirvana? I am pretty sure it is not one realm where an unjust god locks up the vast majority of humanity in eternal separation and another where that same unjust god is continually praised.

Pax et amore vincunt omnia!
Death is a biological fact we must come to grips with. Religion and philosophy are supposed to be our bulwarks against it (as EM said). They fail. Sin is a straying from the path to which we can always return ("save from sin" = "return to path"). People, ideas, religion, G!d can (and do) all save us from sin. Eternal life I am on the fence on it; is it transmutation, rebirth as many fragments (to account for increasing number of people), nirvana? I am pretty sure it is not one realm where an unjust god locks up the vast majority of humanity in eternal separation and another where that same unjust god is continually praised.

Pax et amore vincunt omnia!

Isnt the whole point of ascended masters to overcome death and saviours to attain immortality?

I guess the immortality thingy would hinge on if you accepted that our soul/essence/ka exists and is not destroyed upon entropy.

I guess the immortality thingy would hinge on if you accepted that our soul/essence/ka exists and is not destroyed upon entropy.

Their bodies are in immortal condtion , one with the soul and spirit. There are really 10 seals which has to do with moses and the ark . The eutruscan mummy isnt a calendar its 10 seals.
Yes, that is what is said. I am unsure (agnostic) about that or soul or self.

There are three whole parts to ones self , like three whole bodies. One is spirit which is consciousness. One is soul which is emotion and is multicolored like a patchwork pattern, and then the body which is senses, then there is dark light the 4th part. All four should be one. There is the 5th which really is all 4 as one.
Yes, that is what is said. I am unsure (agnostic) about that or soul or self.

So there is really 5 parts. This spells out gods name JEHOVAH. JHVH being the 4 and eoa being the 5th spread out amoung the 4.
Works for you Donnann, I will look into it. But do not expect the old leopard to change his agnostic spots!

Everything wants to go back home or to its original state that was perfect so its not about change its more about correction like healing a disease.
Would you believe religion can save a man from death? Due you think religion can save someone from his sin and have an everlasting life after he dies?

For me no, its Jesus and in Him alone man can be saved.

How about you?

IMHO, neither can save one from his sins or death or to have everlasting life. According to Jeremiah 31:30, every one of us is supposed to die for his own iniquity. Not that sins are what cause one to die, except in some cases, because one is supposed to die whether he sins or not. And eternal life was not an attribute granted to man. It belongs with God only.
death is a transition. the only one who can save you is you. if you need saving, that is. I believe in everlasting existance , if there is life after death, is the same question as if there is life after lunch. Before lunch, I was hungry. After lunch, I am not hungry. Before death, I was walkin garound in This Body, after death, I will move on. Everything is in transition, always.