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  1. T

    To All Good Non-Muslims...

    Oohh.. lol. My bad :o God bless you all! :) (and Ramadan Karim!)
  2. T

    Is Taoism a Religion or a Philosophy?

    I think it's a religion in disguise as a philosophy! Here's a blog post I recently did on the subject explaining it further... Basically "Tao" = God and "Te" = Holy Spirit. Read on and you'll see what I'm getting at... “A way that can be walked is not the Way A name that can be named is not...
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    real Islam

    I like how you've explained it here and I'd like to add one thing... A "Muslim" is one who "submits to God" and so Islam is the religion of one who submits to God's will. Do Christians and Jews not do this? What about others who believe in different concepts of God but still live to submit to...
  4. T

    What is your favorite Bible story and or quote and why?

    :) That's really nice. I'd love for you to share some of your Grand Nephew's viewpoints! My favorite passage at this time is out of First Corinthians. I like it because it makes a lot of sense and is truly humbling. Sometimes the wisdom of scriptures does not really make sense to us, but God...
  5. T

    All religions are anti-Women

    I like your definition of religion... While it doesn't encompass all aspects of religion, it does sum up the practical (worldly) aspect of it. I think a big issue with the male/female thing is not the fact that males and females are GENERALLY DIFFERENT both internally and externally, which I...
  6. T

    What Use Guilt?

    Hahaha, that's funny. Yea, if GUILT if your only motivator to pulling someone out of a wreck then... well... I guess I would say FEEL GUlLTY! But that's kinda ridiculous/really selfish
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    What Use Guilt?

    Well the good news is, you don't have to feel guilty! (Just repentant!) God is All-Forgiving to who he pleases, and if you believe in Him and his word, then you know that he loves and will forgive you.... so then you're right, why feel guilty? But guilt can be a good REMINDER emotion not to do...
  8. T

    To All Good Non-Muslims...

    Haha, so if you're good but Muslim, then you don't wish Shalom/Peace that person?
  9. T

    What's your take on the 2nd commandment?

    Ok, I'm going to come in here and share the extremist view, which I tend to lean towards. WHY TAKE THE CHANCE!? I like to play things safe as far as the final resting place of my eternal soul is concerned... So in my humble opinion, we shouldn't create art that represents religious figures...
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    God....He or She

    Haha, seconded. But also I see God being refereed to as "We" a lot in the Quran. (Though I'm not sure how it relates to the original Arabic). I like "We" because it doesn't specify male or female and doesn't create an instant mental picture (at least in my mind). I mean, how does one imagine...
  11. T

    God....He or She

    I feel like if God created the very concepts of "male" and "female" then he must be beyond and above said concepts. Seems incomprehensible to us, as our little human minds love to make sense of everything... but doesn't it make sense that God DOESN'T make sense?
  12. T

    What happened to being HUMBLE?

    You both make fair and realistic points. Isn't that interesting? How temporal wisdom is often OPPOSITE of spiritual wisdom? They are like the YIN and YANG of "wisdom." Neither are wrong, and both are true, and yet they oppose each other. I think a lot of people who are very clever wit temporal...
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    Atheist or Agnostic; which do you prefer?

    I hope my frustrations don't come across as offensive, but I just wanted to say that I agree with you here. I also wanted to point out that the kinds of statements that you were replying to often steer conversations that began with a genuine intentions of curiosity and human interaction, to...
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    What happened to being HUMBLE?

    Of course, I could be wrong haha :)
  15. T

    What happened to being HUMBLE?

    I'm sick of everyone thinking they've got the right answer. Everyone has their belief and since that's what they believe they think it is true. But isn't it the NATURE of belief to think something is true? So we have to keep in mind that bias... Also, we have to keep in mind that other people...