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  1. theophony

    What music are you listening to?

    Have y'all heard this song/seen this video yet? Some powerful stuff.
  2. theophony

    Bad Religion

    I never said that. Also, I still don't agree with God being simple. "Simple" is still a label, isn't it?
  3. theophony

    Deity Worship in Buddhism.

    I don't believe that "western secular Buddhists" are any more deluded than their Tibetan brothers and sisters. There are many schools of "eastern Buddhism." Some have deities, and some do not. The "western secular" that Heart&Mind talks about probably has its roots in a form of Japanese Zen...
  4. theophony

    Aramaic Translation Of The Bible

    Don't even get me started on the KJV...
  5. theophony

    To All Good Non-Muslims...

    Thanks for posting this, Amica. There are so many good and sincere Muslims out there who are suffering unnecessary prejudice because the media has extremist groups like ISIS and Hamas at the forefront, and people associate this with all Muslims. Islam is a beautiful religion full of beautiful...
  6. theophony

    Hi Nick, I think this is the closest thing I can find to a PM... So I'd like to learn a bit more...

    Hi Nick, I think this is the closest thing I can find to a PM... So I'd like to learn a bit more about Theosophy. I'm in Denver, CO. I would much appreciate some links to explore. How long have you been a Theosophist? What is it that you like about it the most? The least? Thanks, Alex
  7. theophony

    An Individual Inter-religious Spirituality

    I looked at Theosophy on wikipedia. I have to say, it sounds very intriguing. Something I might submit to. My only problem is that it does not have a "church" (for lack of a better word) here in Colorado. Part of my spirituality requires that I be in communion with other spiritual people. I...
  8. theophony

    An Individual Inter-religious Spirituality

    I love Thich Nhat Hanh. Many of his books (Living Buddha, Living Christ; Peace is Every Step; The Art of Power) have gained Gospel status in my life. As a Christian, I have come to know Buddhism through this holy man, and can (almost if not certainly) call my self a Buddhist because of him...
  9. theophony

    Bad Religion

    "God is simple." I'm not sure about this one, Thomas. I don't think that God is simple, nor do I think God is complex. To name God as either is to deny that there is something about God that is unknowable. I don't think that all heretics were trying to replace the powerful orthodoxy with...
  10. theophony


    Here's my brief knowledge of gnosticism: Gnostism derives its word from the Greek word gnosis, meaning "knowledge." It is a name that historians have placed on what they once thought was a single group of early Christians who believed that they had been given "secret knowledge" regarding...
  11. theophony

    An Individual Inter-religious Spirituality

    If a person can have an inter-religious spirituality, what would it look like? Is there anyone out there who has developed a spirituality or belief system that draws upon several traditions? What does your spirituality look like? what are your core principles? What are your virtues and purposes?
  12. theophony

    Buddhists and riddles

    I don't know about some of these interpretations of the second riddle. From what I've learned, all Buddhist "riddles," in Zen, they are called ko'ans, are meant to bring the riddle-breaker into mindfulness of the present moment. Here's my interpretation of the riddle: the man who looks, sees...
  13. theophony

    Deity Worship in Buddhism.

    Taking refuge in the "Triple Jewel..." Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, right? My question is, is "Buddha" as part of the triple jewel the idea of being an Awake person, or in the person of Siddartha Gautama himself? If the former is the case, then might it be okay to take refuge in the shaman, so...
  14. theophony

    Navratri A Festival to Worship Divine Mother

    Those images of the shakti are simply beautiful. Thanks for sharing this festival, it sounds like a truly profound experience! A couple questions: I seem to remember Durga somehow being associated with the horrific image of Kali. Can anyone elaborate on this? What part of India is this...
  15. theophony

    Bad Religion

    I disagree with the scholar's (if you can call him/her a scholar) idea of heresy. "It sets out to be simpler" sounds more like orthodoxy to me. Throughout history, heretics such as myself have questioned and challenged the men and women who try to keep orthodoxy in place, thus complicating...
  16. theophony

    Aramaic Translation Of The Bible

    Thanks for the info, Thomas! I learned a great deal. It's amazing some of the knowledge that people have here
  17. theophony

    Aramaic Translation Of The Bible

    I understand that Jesus and his followers spoke ancient Aramaic. However, our earliest biblical manuscripts are in ancient Greek (ancient Hebrew for some of the OT). Any Aramaic translation would have occurred after the original manuscripts (they are not Jesus' original words, but a...
  18. theophony

    Is There One True Religion, One True Path to God?

    I'd say that the only religions and faiths that are false are the ones that claim to have a faith or God(s) that are "better" and/or "more/real" than the others. A prime example is of some Chrisitians who quote John, "I am the way (etc. etc.), no one comes to the father except through me," and...
  19. theophony

    Pura Vida!

    Hi all, First, let me say, what a wonderful forum! I've only begun to explore, and everything I've read so far has encouraged me to think more deeply about religion and its place in the world. I look forward to hopefully being a part of this community. About my name: deriving from the word...