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  1. G

    Let's Discuss

    Hi Terrence, welcome back to CR. :)
  2. G

    Is This A Qur'anic Contradiction?

    So the camel itself was not a sign until after it had been hamstrung and Allah's punishment delivered?
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    1914 ....A significant year in bible prophecy

    So man has been appointed 120 years of life (max) since after the deluge... so counting 120 years from 1914 we get the year 2034. I'm not trying to make fun of anyone's beliefs here but how would Jehovah's Witnesses react if it were suddenly 2036 and judgement day still hadn't happened? The way...
  4. G

    Is This A Qur'anic Contradiction?

    Yes, that is what I'm getting at. Allah did institute Saibah - 7:73 Allah did not institute Saibah - 5:103 For a nation that had special rites for miraculous camels, it seems odd that Allah would send a prophet with a miraculous camel, only to condemn these customs later on. So if I'm...
  5. G

    Is This A Qur'anic Contradiction?

    I understand that it was a pre-Islamic practice. What I'm getting at is that in one verse Allah's prophet Salih brought with him a "sign" which appears to be a Sa'ibah camel, in the other verse Allah is dissociated from Sa'ibah, Wasilah, Hami, and Bahira. Thank you for replying without the...
  6. G

    Is This A Qur'anic Contradiction?

    A common criticism of Muslims against the Bible is that there appear to be contradictions, and at the same time the Qur'an is supposedly free of contradictions. Though my intention here is not to inflame anyone, there can be no doubt that there will be some heated responses to this thread. The...
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    Mesopotamian Origins

    Hi FriendRob, I don't really have any evidence, just observations. If you look at the pantheons of the Greco-Roman, Vedic, and Mesopotamian (Sumerian) traditions, they kind of follow the same structure where they have a Lord (Zeus/Jupiter/Indra/Enlil) which at some point in time was considered...
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    Abrogation--The Biggest Lie Against The Holy Qur'an?!

    Hi Amica, Thank you for your reply, abrogation happens to be a favourite topic of mine as it happens to be a good illustration of progressive revelation. You said; I happen to have in front of me 11 Hadiths from Sahih al-Bukhari that confirm the concept of abrogation, and 9 Hadiths from...
  9. G

    Abrogation--The Biggest Lie Against The Holy Qur'an?!

    I believe that verses of the Qur'an HAVE been abrogated, and I take these beliefs from Sahih Hadiths in Bukhari and Muslim. There are so many Hadiths that confirm that abrogation has taken place, I see no reason to doubt them, and this is based on two reasons; 1) I've never come across a...
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    I pretty much agree with everything you said, but I wonder about the canonisation process. I agree that of the books that were available there aren't going to be anymore additions to the Bible, but does the Bible allow for the inspiration of new holy scriptures in our age? There have been a...
  11. G

    who took out parts of the bible!!!!!!!!!

    The books I'm most interested in are those that are Named/Quoted in the Bible but not included in the Bible, e.g. The Book of Jasher The Book of the Wars of The Lord What stories could have been in these books? Maybe they would have answered a lot of questions or maybe they would have posed...
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    There is a book called "The True Furqan" at It was written by an Arab Christian named Al-Saffee and translated by another Arab Christian named Al-Mahdi. The book presents elements of the Gospel in a way so as to reach out to Arabic speakers and challenge the...
  13. G

    Protection of the Qur'an

    By the way, I don't understand why this thread was moved. It clearly doesn't have anything to do with any other religion but Islam, I thought I had posted in the appropriate thread to begin with. Unless my post has been construed to be an attack against Islam, which it isn't since I know for a...
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    Protection of the Qur'an

    I'm trying to understand why it can be claimed that the Qur'an we have now is the same as it had always been, when verses like the above used to be recited by the companions but can't be found in the Qur'an today.
  15. G

    Protection of the Qur'an

    Greetings, In my research I have found that the words of the Qur'an have undergone some changes during and since it's composition on earth. These changes are quite well documented in Sahih Hadiths, so how does this fit in with the view that the Qur'an is unchanged?
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    BELIEF: Who is the Creator?

    Hi, How does a Muslim go about reconciling this view with the Hadeeths that tell us the instances in which the Quran has undergone changes? .
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    Questions ?

    Personally I don't believe that God would be so vain as to worry about a lowly human being able to sculpt a piece of rock into something that looks good. I fail to see why God would give us an artistic ability if he didn't want us to use it, and we all know that no human could ever match God's...
  18. G

    Questions ?

    A Kaafir is a non-muslim right? The word Kaafir coming from the word kufr, which means to cover up. A kaafr is someone who covers up the truth, am I right? I'm interested in the statues ruling... Why exactly is it forbidden to make sculptures?
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    Mesopotamian Origins

    I checked out those threads, I think they're more focused on the language rather than the theology. I'm trying to establish parallells between the deities of the different mythologies. Here are some that I researched, but they're admittedly not perfect...
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    God versus Satan

    Greetings, IMHO I don't understand how a being as intelligent as Satan (let's face it, he's obviously more "in the know" than us) could possibly hope to ever win his war against God - I don't believe for a second that he would be so stupid. I mean, if I knew God and once stood in the...