Let's Discuss

Hi Thomas,

I agree that man has a free will, as evident in scripture. But agian, I see from scripture that will is bound in a willingness to love sin and hate God. Can you show me from scritpture one person who choose to serve God out of His/her own will, pior to God's grace?


How then do you explain Enoch who walked with God before Jesus came and so pleased God that he was translated so as to not taste death.
Hebrews 11:5
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.


How then do you explain Enoch who walked with God before Jesus came and so pleased God that he was translated so as to not taste death.
Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.


You know what? I often think of Enoch and how amazing a man he must have been. I like to think that unlike the rest of us, Enoch walked with God insomuch that when faced with temptations and trials of any sort, He did not turn aside and sin, but trusted in God. As a result, God took him up to Heaven. Sort of like..."All you do is think of me and love me, so come be with me, Enoch." Thats what I like to think and what I use to motivate me when I face trails and temptations. But alas, that is only conjecture. What we have from scripture is that faith is a gift that some and not everyone recieves (2Th 3:2). Therefore, we see again that grace was once again given soverignly to whom God willed it and since it is by grace we believe (Acts 18:27), Enoch isnt so different from anyone else who first had to reieve grace and faith from God that they may love Him.
Hello Again Silas--

Umm...I believe you may have gotten me mixed up with Faithfulservant. It was me who wrote:

InLove said:
I have come to wonder if God chooses us all. After all, Scripture tells us that The Creator created us all, and died for all. Free will? Yes, we are free to choose His Love. (edited to add: or try to reject it)

If "every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord," then that seems to include everyone. Exactly how that happens, well...we are not given every detail. I think there are good and holy reasons for that.

Exactly how God reveals himself to every person is not something I can say I know for sure. If I am to love my neighbor, and love my enemy, and above all love God, then I am not willing to project my measly understanding upon the holy mind and Spirit of God. "He" will reveal all things in His own time and in His own way. In the meantime, I will continue to glory and find comfort and peace in the things He allows me to comprehend through that beautiful Spirit, and I will not pass judgement on others if I can help it (and I believe He said He would aid me in that regard--He will not give me more than I can bear--and when I transgress in this area, He will show me my sin). I will work toward understanding His will, and by His choice and mine, I will find peace even when there appears to be none.


Silas said:
As a young Christian who is known recieving grace to understand these deep, yet basic truths of scripture, I find it extremely difficult to speak with other saints of the faith who are not only older than I, but may not be familar with, or even learned in theology and who are also bias to their traditions, which is evident by their unwillingness to "test the spirits" if it were....
Silas--I am not sure if you are referring to me or to someone else here. If you are addressing me personally with these issues, then I would ask you why you are having so much trouble communicating with someone you acknowledge as a believer. When you say "young" and "old", do you mean in years or in the faith? And I'm curious, what "traditions" do you mean? And are you a learned theologian?

And I am wondering if you equate "discerning spirits" with "passing judgement"?

Silas said:
I can only ask that you would consider my words and weigh what I say in light of God's words.

Silas said:
Again, I want to affirm with you all that man has a will. As for the word "free" I'm not so sure I want to use it. It is true that man has a choice but he always chooses that which is right in his own eyes. Yes, he can do good and be moral, as our Lord says..."You being "evil" know how to give good" Matt 7:11). However, when commanded to do the hightest good - namely, "deny self and follow after the hard and rough ways of the Christ," No one does it. Why? Because naturally we do not want this, but we want our own way.
So if God has not given us "free will", then He has only given us "His will"? Is this what you are trying to say? If that is what He has given us, then why in Matthew 7 to which you refer, would he tell us that everyone who seeks Him will find His door open? And once we seek, and the door is opened, does He not promise us that He will guide our ways? Maybe you are trying to say that without His grace, no one will seek Him. Okay. But are you saying that His grace did not exist before the death and resurrection of Jesus as Christ? If this is true, do you think that Abraham is doomed to hell?

I am just trying to understand what you are trying to say.

Silas said:
If people would admit and understand that creatures are acting always consistant with their nature, then you would know that since man's nature is evil and loving of sin, he will not choose God as Scripture so plainly shows. Therefore, for God to show His love and mercy on rebellious man - and Romans 9 comes to mind here - He must choose from the same wicked lump of clay (humanity) some to display His love and mercy and leave the rest who already hate Him, to their own desiers and eventually punish them to show His power, wrath and justice.
Do you think God, who you concur is Love, would punish someone to show His anger and power? That is what some kings of this world do. I trust that my Father would only punish me out of concern for my well-being. I think that sometimes we tend to think of "justice" in our own worldly way, and not in terms of true justice, which is holy and full of mercy.

Silas said:
Now, we get to the seeminly difficult part. For whom did Christ die for? Well, let scriptures tell it. First I must make known to you that the words "all" and "world" in scripture have many different meanings - see for yourself (Mar 1:5; Joh 6:45; Joh 8:2; Act 21:28; Act 22:15; 2Co 3:2 etc.). We see from these scriptures that "all" does not mean everyone indivisually, but of all sorts of everyone, e.g., some kings, some Jews, some Gentiles, some rich, some poor, etc. Indeed if God intended for all of already guilty mankind to be saved, He would have done so since we know from scipture that "What His soul desireth even that He doeth" (Job 23:13).
Yes, Silas. God's message is often misinterpreted. I believe the Bible is full of examples where folks couldn't quite understand. I trust that I am still being led in The Spirit who opens the eyes of anyone who asks, and helps us to not be blind, but to see. And I agree that God has promised that He will do what His heart desires.

Silas--I am not sure if you are referring to me or to someone else here. If you are addressing me personally with these issues, then I would ask you why you are having so much trouble communicating with someone you acknowledge as a believer. When you say "young" and "old", do you mean in years or in the faith? And I'm curious, what "traditions" do you mean? And are you a learned theologian?

Yeah sorry, I think I was speaking with someone else? As for the age issue, I was speaking of both cronologically and spiritually, but more so spiritually. As for traditions, Ive found that many Christians (like myself at one time) recieve their theology for tv preachers and their own pastors who also lack understanding of true Biblical doctrines that the chruch of yester-year held from the Reformation through the Pilgrims and Great Awakening of the early US, until today. Forgive me if that sounds mean, I really dont mean to be. But I believe the Chruch in the US needs another reformation. As for me being a learned thelogian. No, Im far from. Im just a student.

And I am wondering if you equate "discerning spirits" with "passing judgement"?

No. Sorry if I was vague. I didnt mean to be. By discerning I meant just testing to see if what I said was true in light of scripture. U know?

So if God has not given us "free will", then He has only given us "His will"? Is this what you are trying to say? If that is what He has given us, then why in Matthew 7 to which you refer, would he tell us that everyone who seeks Him will find His door open? And once we seek, and the door is opened, does He not promise us that He will guide our ways? Maybe you are trying to say that without His grace, no one will seek Him. Okay. But are you saying that His grace did not exist before the death and resurrection of Jesus as Christ? If this is true, do you think that Abraham is doomed to hell?

LOL! No, no. Not at all! The OT saints got saved the same way the NT saints got saved: Through faith in the Messiah. The OT saints believed in the promise to come and we believe in the filfillment of the promise that Came - Jesus. Futhermore, it was through Abraham, God made an eternal covernant and that is why a lot of us believe in Christ today (Roms 9:7). Again, yes we have free will. But with it, we choose to love sin and hate God. Yes, God does tell us to come. But He also says that we cannot come unless He first draw us (John 6:44). So again, grace must proceed faith or our willingness to seek, knock, choose, or even love God.

I am just trying to understand what you are trying to say.

I know. I appriciate that!

Do you think God, who you concur is Love, would punish someone to show His anger and power? That is what some kings of this world do. I trust that my Father would only punish me out of concern for my well-being. I think that sometimes we tend to think of "justice" in our own worldly way, and not in terms of true justice, which is holy and full of mercy.

Good question! I'l first have to distingust between the elect and nonelect. There is NO condemnation for those in Christ. Therefore, when God punishes his children, it is not in wrath, but in love. It is for their own good, for "the lord chastise those he loves." (Pro. 3:12). Yet, scripture is also riddled with proof that God does punish people to show His power (Rom. 9:17 etc.). Why? I dont know. I just know that God is soverign and does what He wills and is always right. I just have to believe what scriptures say, no matter how hard it may seems. I KNOW he is just, so I trust God.

Yes, Silas. God's message is often misinterpreted. I believe the Bible is full of examples where folks couldn't quite understand. I trust that I am still being led in The Spirit who opens the eyes of anyone who asks, and helps us to not be blind, but to see. And I agree that God has promised that He will do what His heart desires.

Amen. Good speaking with you!!

Silas said:
Again, yes we have free will. But with it, we choose to love sin and hate God.

Speak for yourself Silas.... Perhaps you might be misinterpreting what you read in the Bible? By free will, some choose to love God. There is no evidence that Enoch, Job, or David or many other Biblical characters by their free will loved sin and hated God as you say.... Perhaps you take a general statement and apply it to all in error?

I cannot doubt that you've loved your god and sought him as far back as you can remember. However, holy writ shall be my measuring rod and I can only affirm with it that "none seek after God (Rom 3:11)." Therefore, in my attempt to let God be true and every man a liar, I must believe that your god isnt God - for none sought Him and None loved Him, save those who He has given grace that they may see that He first loved them with an incredible and mighty love where which He proved in the agony of His believed Son, Jesus.

And so, once again, I am condemned by someone who barely knows me and apparently thinks that despite by many years of dedication to Christ, "my god" is not God.

I saw this coming, but figured the conversation was interesting enough anyway, and besides, I'm used to this sort of thing.

I would ask you... is it not possible that although I don't agree with your views, I love God because "He has given grace" to me? Do you really think that your own understanding is sufficient to judge my salvation?

My point was that we are told by Jesus Christ in the gospels to be as children in our faith. And I know lots and lots of little children who love God and know He loves them. I don't know lots of kids who make things as complicated as you are making them, or as dogmatic.

But, as always, it really just doesn't matter to me if you think I am saved or not. I've long known that every breath I take is only because of the grace of God, and Christ has long been my friend, my comfort, my Savior, and my Lord. There isn't much that shakes my faith in my God and Savior. I readily admit all the time that I don't have all the answers and that my understanding is limited (as is all humans') and is a work in progress. But I will never renounce the faith I have in my God, or the truth of my own testimony- that He knew me before I was born, and I was blessed to have parents that encouraged my spiritual growth in Him from birth, and thus (in this lifetime) I have ever loved God.

Speak for yourself Silas.... Perhaps you might be misinterpreting what you read in the Bible? By free will, some choose to love God. There is no evidence that Enoch, Job, or David or many other Biblical characters by their free will loved sin and hated God as you say.... Perhaps you take a general statement and apply it to all in error?


Perhaps? But then again, you may not understand as you ought your sin and how bad before God you really are apart from Christ. Here, I'll use two seemingly small scriptures (as we might consider them so) to bring out a huge point:

1. "for whatsoever is not of faith is sin." (Rom. 14:23)
2. "We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags." (Isaiah 64:6)

These are great pillars that fall with great power to crush man's pride, for the make clear that the issue before God is NOT that we have sinned, but that we've done nothing but sin in his eyes. This is the reason why NO man can be saved unless he comes through the Christ the Savior, for he has NO goodness in God's eyes, though he may see different. Now why did I mention all of that? They dont really have much if any to do with your statement, right? Well, I hope to show you something about our love for sin and our free will. I first showed you that before God that we have done nothing but sin apart from Christ. I want you to try to understand that as best as you could...if you are saved, it will make Christ all the more precious to you. Next I want you to see that man's love for sin keeps him away from coming to God through Christ, though he make seek other ways to appease his conscience. You maintain that some use their free will to love God and come to Jesus. I affairm with scritpure that "NONE seek after God and that NO ONE can come to Jesus unless the Father first draw them." Now, why cant anyone come to Christ unless the Father draws them? Its simply because we love darkness rather than light. We choose NOT to come. Let scripture tell it:

"There is NONE righteous, not even one, there is no one who understands, no one who seeks after God. All have turned away, together they have become worthless; there is no one who shows kindness, not even one. Their throats are open graces, the posison of asp are under their lips. Their mouth are full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood, ruin and misery are in their paths, and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes."

Seriously dude, this is man apart from Christ - NONE LOVE HIM and NONE SEEK after Him. We are happy and content in sin and want nothing to do with God. This is what God tells us in His word. Its a hard truth, but by God's grace you can see it, at least to some degree if you are born again, for you must first see God's exceeding Holiness to understand His absolute abhorance of sin.
For: PathofOne

And so, once again, I am condemned by someone who barely knows me and apparently thinks that despite by many years of dedication to Christ, "my god" is not God.

No, dont misunderstand what I say. Im not condemning you as I cannot. Thats God's job. Im only saying that scriptures teach that none seek after God. You say you have, so its either you are correct and God is wrong, or vise verse. I beileve God. All that said, I really do hope you are saved! I dont want anyone going to hell.

I saw this coming, but figured the conversation was interesting enough anyway, and besides, I'm used to this sort of thing.


I would ask you... is it not possible that although I don't agree with your views, I love God because "He has given grace" to me? Do you really think that your own understanding is sufficient to judge my salvation?

Again, I havent judged your salvation. I dont even know what you believe. If you have repented and placed your trust in Jesus (the Biblical one), you are saved and I will praise God for you as I praise Him for me.

My point was that we are told by Jesus Christ in the gospels to be as children in our faith. And I know lots and lots of little children who love God and know He loves them. I don't know lots of kids who make things as complicated as you are making them, or as dogmatic.

Again the issue comes down to Is God in the Bible right about none loving Him and seeking Him, or are you right in that some do? I believe God and the Bible.

But, as always, it really just doesn't matter to me if you think I am saved or not. I've long known that every breath I take is only because of the grace of God, and Christ has long been my friend, my comfort, my Savior, and my Lord. There isn't much that shakes my faith in my God and Savior. I readily admit all the time that I don't have all the answers and that my understanding is limited (as is all humans') and is a work in progress. But I will never renounce the faith I have in my God, or the truth of my own testimony- that He knew me before I was born, and I was blessed to have parents that encouraged my spiritual growth in Him from birth, and thus (in this lifetime) I have ever loved God.

You sound as if you really love God. To know what you were apart from Christ and what God did for you anyway, namely send His Son to suffer the wrath you deserved, should only cause you to love and appriciate your Savior more. My advice to you is to read the Bible more and be honest to what it says you were apart from Christ. Again, if you love Him, it will only grow as you will begin to understand just how amazing grace really is!
"There is NONE righteous, not even one, there is no one who understands, no one who seeks after God. All have turned away, together they have become worthless; there is no one who shows kindness, not even one. Their throats are open graces, the posison of asp are under their lips. Their mouth are full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood, ruin and misery are in their paths, and the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes."

Seriously dude, this is man apart from Christ - NONE LOVE HIM and NONE SEEK after Him. We are happy and content in sin and want nothing to do with God. This is what God tells us in His word. Its a hard truth, but by God's grace you can see it, at least to some degree if you are born again, for you must first see God's exceeding Holiness to understand His absolute abhorance of sin.

I think perhaps you may want to look into the context surrounding this Psalm. The scriptures are best interpreted when read with both the guidance of the Spirit and with careful study of historical context.

That said, thank you for understanding better where I'm coming from. I may not agree with a lot of what you say, and I'm not shy about sharing what I do believe, but I don't feel that you have to believe as I do. I merely justify my own beliefs and offer what I can for mutually understanding and learning; I am not one to try to convert anyone to my way of thinking. I simply ask for the same respect given to me.
I think perhaps you may want to look into the context surrounding this Psalm. The scriptures are best interpreted when read with both the guidance of the Spirit and with careful study of historical context.

That said, thank you for understanding better where I'm coming from. I may not agree with a lot of what you say, and I'm not shy about sharing what I do believe, but I don't feel that you have to believe as I do. I merely justify my own beliefs and offer what I can for mutually understanding and learning; I am not one to try to convert anyone to my way of thinking. I simply ask for the same respect given to me.

I agree with everything you said except the part about converting people. While I know that I cannot convert anyone, I am conscious about giving a good gospel presentation in the hopes that God may use it to save someone. By the way, take a look at the Psa., the truth is still the same...none seek after God. Also,
"Can I speak with people of God (Christians) for a moment alone please? Guys, I was wondering how you understand free will. Please explain how you understand it as I'd like to try to understand my own views by juxtaposition of other saints. Also, I know the scripture tell that we must repent and come to Christ that we may flee the wrath that is to come. My other question is, since that command is so explicited, do you suppose that man can come in and of his own strenght or willingness, and that God will not command something that He knows we cannot proform?"

Original question...:

Are we having fun yet? :eek:

First off this is a loaded thread. "people of God (Christians)"...please. Second of all free will is exactly that...free of will. Which means anyone can post here. Third of all, there ain't no saints alive at this point and time. They don't become saints until and unless they are dead and did some mighty fine miracles whilst alive...

Fourth, it is Christ that determines when a soul is repentent, not a man.

Fifth, man comes to any such a position in life based soley on God's graces (so your argument is mute).

Finally, do not tempt the Lord thy God, nor put His servants to the test. It isn't anyone's job but God's to test a man of God's resolve.

I believe I've made things quite clear here...I'm also a moderator here.

Please, be kind to eachother...


Nah. I actually looked at some of your other responces and they werent Bible based. So you have repented and placed your trust in Jesus alone that you may be saved from your rebellion against a Holy God and you've been born again?
Well, I vaguely remember doing some of that, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter now, after 4 pages.
Being born again is sort of like being hit by a bus, but more vivid. If you dont remember it, chances are that it never occured to you. I'm not trying to be a jerk when I tell you this, but you really need to consider Christ. The only reason that you live and breathe now is because God is pleased to let you. Use your borrowed time to seek the Christ. All who seek will find. You have his promise - He never lies!
Hi Silas –

I agree that man has a free will, as evident in scripture.
Don't lose touch with the fact that free will is a gift of God, and given for a purpose.

But agian, I see from scripture that will is bound in a willingness to love sin and hate God.
Well those are somewhat extreme words ... remember who they were addressed to, by whom, and when.

The condemnations of the Prophets, for example, are directed at a people who willfully abandoned the 'Ways of their Fathers' (and the Way of God) in pusuit of false idols.

That much, I agree, still stands today.

Can you show me from scritpture one person who choose to serve God out of His/her own will, pior to God's grace?

Well, there's a 'trick' question (although no trick intended on your part). Can I show you, for instance, how a person chooses to serve God in a way that God has not already ordained? No. Can I show you one person who chose to serve God and did not find the Holy Spirit calling him? No.

'God is closer to you than your jugular vein' the Moslems say, and they are right. There is nowhere you can turn, if turning towards the good, and find God is not there already.

God created man, and He had our ultimate good in view, as it were, so there's nowhere we can go, towards our ultimate good, that we will not find God there, waiting for us.

Where we go wrong is in determining what is the ultimate good for ourselves, and what's the right way of going about it. The notion of 'I know what's best for me' is so obviously wrong that it hardly bears presenting as an argument, but many do.

God calls all men, always, and at all times, so there is no man who answers the call 'prior' to god's grace ... how can there be?

But does that then mean that man's free will is meaningless? No. The point is that man is free to answer his vocation or refuse it, and the decision to follow one's calling, or not, is prior to God's grace – God's grace abounds, as St Paul tells us, even when we refuse Him, because as much as we have given up on Him, he never gives up on us.

To answer your question directly –
Consider the story of the Pharisee and the publican (Luke 18:10); or the widow's mite (Mark 12:42) – these two alone signify those who are 'justified' in the eyes of God because of their virtue – and in both cases that virtue is humility ... Consider the fact that God brought Lot out of Sodom and Gomorrah, and that He gave Noah His word that He would not act against the world again...

Think of the healing of the Centurion's daughter (Matthew 8:5-13) – I think there is a message there for you, and those who oppose you.


No man is brought to God through fear, Silas (that's been tried, and has demonstrably failed) – because they are already enclosed in their own dark fears – the Way of God is the Way of Love, and that is how He wants His creature to serve Him.

Think of the healing of the Centurion's daughter (Matthew 8:5-13) – I think there is a message there for you, and those who oppose you.

Grace always proceeds faith. Jesus said..."Unless a man is born again from above, he cannot even "see" the kingdom of God." Moreover, unless he is born form the spirit "he cannot even understand spiritual things." The Centurion was given soverign grace by God to believe in Jesus. This was the first gentile in the NT to believe in Jesus - a foreshadow of what was soon to follow, namely, Gentiles being grafted in and beliving upon the Jewish Messiah.

No man is brought to God through fear, Silas (that's been tried, and has demonstrably failed) – because they are already enclosed in their own dark fears – the Way of God is the Way of Love, and that is how He wants His creature to serve Him.

You know why fear wont bring anyone to God? Its because man is too stupid to fear God. NONE fear God (pior to and growth in salvation). No one comes to God on their own that they might be saved. Rather, we love sin and its pleasures. People only think about god when the awful consequences of sin occure. Then they seek after "god" and curse him for letting bad things happen. Yet a little while again, their back loving sin and forgetting about God. And Jesus' words are true..."No man can come to me unless the Father who sent me first draw Him." Only when a work of grace is done to man and He sees Himself for the filty beast he is, and is striped of all ideas that he can reform or change himself, does he appriciate or Love His bleeding Savior. So yes, the ways of God is love. So much so, that He has mercy on God hating fools that he can easily crush for their insolence. Only after our spiritual eyes have been opened do we understand how amazing grace really is. And we sing with all the saints of the ages..."We love Him because He first loved us."
Hi Silas –

You know why fear wont bring anyone to God? Its because man is too stupid to fear God.

Love is the way to go, in my book.
