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  1. O

    Does God really exist?

    Yes, intuition or “God” has been frequently misused. But that is from improper use—not the concept of an Ultimate Reality that we can relate to as though a human. Thanks for assuming that I would call upon “God” for good things, not war, etc.
  2. O

    Does God really exist?

    Yes, the emphasis should be “Does it work?” Did I internalize a bit of William James’ pragmatism? Maybe
  3. O

    Does God really exist?

    Having had a career in psychology, I cannot seem to sweat the difference between a god function and a god as an object or being. So, the issue at hand here on this thread seems to me more a matter of semantics than anything. Even if “God” is nothing but an unknown space from which we intuit new...
  4. O

    Does God really exist?

    Is there a substrate within reality that operates differently than on the surface? And do you think humans have the means to utilize it?
  5. O

    Does God really exist?

    Well, at least the Called One (“God”) exits (stands out) for those of us who call upon it and reap benefits from it. Whether it/He/She is a figment of our imagination (which, nonetheless, is an expression of a deeper or different part of the mind than we consciously identify with) or a Being is...
  6. O

    Hope is a Happy Accident of FAITH

    I once had a very spiritual nighttime dream in which I carried around my own decapitated head! Something akin to my individual spirit was more “me” than my normal thinking mind/head. But I consistently view that “spirit” as being a DEEPER part of “mind,” as opposed to being other than mind. Even...
  7. O

    Does God really exist?

    Also, random numbers generating computers are reported to become less random when large numbers of people are using them.
  8. O

    Does God really exist?

    The observer effect is a longstanding quantum theory, based on seeing a pattern of quanta (discrete packets or globs of energy? Not sure if a quanta is objective or theoretical only. Photons are objective, as far as I know) acting like particles instead of waves when observed by humans or by...
  9. O

    Hope is a Happy Accident of FAITH

    Someone in another thread said it was a wonder why they turned out so philosophical and spiritual, considering the practical environment they were raised in. Same applies to me. A farm boy turned all philosophical and poetic. As it turned out, I was the dot on one side of the yin/yang figure. It...
  10. O

    Hope is a Happy Accident of FAITH

    Very good example of what I’m trying to get at. But the unrealized hope doesn’t make the creative mind give up, he or she immediately approaches it from new angles and/or new ideas. In a way, persistent creativity is a self-fulfilling prophecy. And somewhat akin to love. Love nurtures positive...
  11. O

    Does God really exist?

    But you are talking about the realm of classical objects where entropy eventually rules if surface reality is left to its own devices. This is what Ken Wilber called a “flat land” view of reality consisting of objectively discernible qualities. What if reality has deep aspects that allow for...
  12. O

    Does God really exist?

    Interesting emphasis on demons. I definitely believe in complexes, and don’t rule out that they can extend beyond an individual, as globs of subtle energy. But you must have experienced intense energy of some sort. I have had several (not a lot, but several) intense energy experiences that fit...
  13. O

    Does God really exist?

    Not far from what I believe, but I assume and experience a deep zone from which being unfolds, flows, unpacks. Is this an actual physical depth or a subjective depth only? I tend to think it is an actual physical depth. At least that is a meaningful myth for me that helps me navigate past mere...
  14. O

    Does God really exist?

    Without deep spirituality and wisdom (also derived from growing spiritually) the creativity God baked into us certainly can cause major problems. But then again, at its best, such creativity and innovation can glorify God because ultimately it is by God through us. The notion that we are in...
  15. O

    Hope is a Happy Accident of FAITH

    I emailed the below message to my church’s pastor regarding his sermon’s emphasis on the vision of the Magi as they sought the Christ child. Although I don’t think he actually used the word “vision.” : Your sermon was actually more about “vision”, which (during my philosophizing on an...
  16. O

    Hope is a Happy Accident of FAITH

    A creative mind is not hopeful, it is busy looking for improvement—too busy to be hopeless, but also too busy to be full of hope. Hope is a byproduct of creative thought and creative living. Perhaps a creative mind is the key to what psychology theorist Erickson (or was it Maslow?) called “self...
  17. O

    Hope is a Happy Accident of FAITH

    Tony, Upon reading your comment about the book of Hebrews, most of the content was about VISION instead of hope per se. When we get a good idea in our minds, its potential is exciting and gives hope, but the hope is secondary to the power of the idea. We have the saying that “Where there’s a...
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    Hope is a Happy Accident of FAITH

    “Vision” may be the important bridge between faith and hope?
  19. O

    Hope is a Happy Accident of FAITH

    By “dynamic” I mean able to “move” mentally and spiritually to a deeper part of reality where potential rests, waiting to be actualized. Accessing and applying that potential seems to be much of what faith is. Those who sense positive potential persist faithfully.
  20. O

    Hope is a Happy Accident of FAITH

    Yes, foot protection a valuable tool also!