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  1. O

    I believe in good!

    Dao Yin, I believe there is a very large swath of consensus about good. Taking care of your children. Being kind . Forgiving. Working at staying healthy or getting well. A few of the many things almost everyone agrees is “good.”
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    I believe in good!

    I definitely agree with your positive self-fulfilling notion
  3. O

    Stumbling off the path.....

    Wil, You and I pick up on this theme (positive self-fulfilling prophecy— “That’s our positive story, and we’re sticking to it!!!!”) in your newest post, “I Believe in Good.” I also saw and articulated a connection to an older post of my own: “God and Good” (Or was it Good and God?).
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    I believe in good!

    Wil, Your discussion here brought me back to a post I made this past Spring about “God and Good”. Here’s an excerpt: Today, my spiritual processing led me back to an earlier insight I had: "There's more God in Good than there is good in "God." The "God function" that I mentioned might just be...
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    I believe in good!

    It’s as though our whole physical dimension is fraught with separation/gaps/resistance, but is gradually being transformed from the higher integration/harmony of another dimension. The emergence of the prefrontal lobe of the brain seems to be one of the “landmarks” of an evolutionary process...
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    Stumbling off the path.....

    Really liked this. A willing-ness to grow seems so important if we are striving to be more whole/spiritual.
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    Stumbling off the path.....

    Unfortunately, much, (actually, MOST) of the time, I fall into the illusion of a being who owns one’s particular self, instead of renting it as a vehicle of Ultimate expression and experience. When that misperception fails to make me feel reasonably worthwhile or intact, then I wander into the...
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    Stumbling off the path.....

    My Name is Quanta There’s more to me Than meets the I. I meet the earth and sky That greet a stranger Passing by. Look all around. Feel the ground. You’re beginning to see That the being before you Never was just me.
  9. O

    Stumbling off the path.....

    I meditate in a chair inside my banana tree cluster (mountain variety that survives Ohio climate). The other day I noticed the beyondness of my tall oak tree leaves while peering out the openings in the banana tree. I took solice in the Christlike intimacy of the soft enveloping banana tree leaves.
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    Stumbling off the path.....

    Perhaps no “thing” ever really was “on its own,” but instead was quantum entangled with all other things via a different dimension that cut(s) across all “ten thousand things” (Taosm’s phrase) ????!!!!!!
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    Stumbling off the path.....

    Held your thought in my mind for the past few days, I encountered synchronicity. First, the sermon the following day was all about Apostle Paul’s treatise on the soft power of “weakness.” I had been feeling recently quite a bit of the falling apart version of weakness that Paul was talking...
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    Stumbling off the path.....

    Who was the spiritual author that appeared on the Opra show back in the day when it was on regular TV? Gary someone. He talked about the “earth school” also.
  13. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    I can imagine one use of belief in Brahma. If you can relate to it, you would be free or freer from egoistic attachment, including fearful defensiveness. Help you go with the flow
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    There is no proof of God ...

    I’m not talking about merely having thoughts. That is part-mind. The whole mind behind and within each thought is the Mind worth using fully, as though worshipping “God.” In Thought as a System, David Bohm, made a distinction between regular thinking, which is usually just recycling old...
  15. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    The least physical thing in human experience is mind. That’s why I think it’s okay to attribute that to Ultimate Reality. Anything beyond mind is beyond recognition, can’t be tagged, oriented to, connected with. Even if mind/Mind is only akin to an icon on the computer screen of reality, it is a...
  16. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    Which brings us all the way back to what is the purpose of this forum? Is the “faith” part of “interfaith” belief only, or the kind of faith that actually helps us get through the day, or even thrive throughout it?
  17. O

    There is no proof of God ...

    I buy that, in terms of an Ultimate Reality within/behind the physical reality we know. But all expressions of overall reality are rooted (nested?) in that, and are not completely isolated from the Real. Each expression of Ultimate Reality is not not real, but, in comparison to the most real, as...
  18. O

    Maccabee massacre and the crucifixion/resurrection of Jesus

    I was way off on that “memory!” I see that it is Jesus’ name! Isaiah prophesied a change involving one of his sons who would be at the helm as the new world order or kingdom would come. Most likely, Isaiah assumed the savior to be a king? Christ later fulfilled the role as a kind of cultural...
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    Maccabee massacre and the crucifixion/resurrection of Jesus

    That reminds me of the name of Issaih’s (spelling?) son. I really like that book in the Bible because of its inclusiveness that seemed to be transcending tribalism. I don’t have a Bible nearby to check. Time to do some research.
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    Maccabee massacre and the crucifixion/resurrection of Jesus

    You’ve inspired me to get the history straight. I’m lousy with timelines. My information has been limited to John Bowker’s book Religions That Shaped the World (title by recall, might be off a bit), According to that source, the concepts of martyrdom and afterlife either emerged or grew...