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  1. namesdontmatter

    My Introduction

    Peace and blessings upon you, NamelessMan. Your moniker seems very familiar to me, for some reason... :) Glad to have you in the discussions, and welcome!
  2. namesdontmatter

    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Peace and blessings of God be upon you, Jesus Christ's or not, that's what it says in the bible. If you're saying that something taught in the bible is false, and shouldn't be followed, then fine, but I was just showing why the church won't allow females into the clergy. --Would a rose, by any...
  3. namesdontmatter

    How can Muslims be assured that the Qur'an is the Word of God?

    I don't want to be among those that hit you, but I would like to respond to some claims. This is one of many prophecies sent by God in the Qur'an. It was sent after the Roman Empire suffered a major defeat from the Persians, and a FEW years before Heraclius, the Byzantine Roman Emperor, took...
  4. namesdontmatter

    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    [left] I don't think your church will be doing that any time soon, unless they're planning on going all the way with claiming that the bible isn't completely accurate. Behold: -1 Timothy 2:11, 2:12 Mansio, If God created man in His image, why wouldn't it say mankind in the bible? Answer...
  5. namesdontmatter

    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Honestly, are you just arguing with me because I'm speaking from a Muslim point of view? Aruing just to be arguing? Or do you believe that God is a female? When I asked those questions, I was speaking to a woman, though it intrigues me. Would you take a woman as a protector, as a provider, and...
  6. namesdontmatter

    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Peace and blessings of God be upon you, InquisitiveInHalifax Islam, for one, puts women equal to men. Different in their respective roles, but equal all the same. Muslims are allowed 4 wives, assuming they are able to support them and treat them with respect. The woman, however, also has a...
  7. namesdontmatter

    shaking womens hands

    Are there any suggestions for us brothers who have to work with and occasionally meet with female clients? For instance, I've had situations where a woman would offer her hand, and I would have to say, "I'm sorry I don't shake womens' hands." and even to me it sounds rude the way I say it. What...
  8. namesdontmatter

    The Bible's Authors

    In the name of God, most Gracious, most Merciful. Peace and blessings of God be upon you all. Forgive me if these questions have been asked before, but I was recently discussing this with a Christian in my hometown and he was unable to answer. 1. The Bible is a compilation of many books by...
  9. namesdontmatter

    this is really GROSS!

    I used to work at a hospital when I was younger, as an aide. One time, a patient died, and I was told to take them to the morgue. When I was pulling the body onto the shelf, the arm jerked as a result of residual electricity in the nervous system. Grossed me out and scared me all at once. Of...
  10. namesdontmatter


    Peace and blessings be upon you, Brian. Though I do not discount your advice and will be sure to read over the document once again, I feel that I now must explain myself that people don't get the wrong idea. The Christian website was being targetted at the time of my arrival by a group of...
  11. namesdontmatter

    Drawn to Islam

    In the name of God, most Gracious, most Merciful. Peace and blessings be upon you, erevna. May God be pleased with you! I am a convert from Christianity (in my early life) to agnosticism (after a family problem that left me in a Christian foster home) to Islam, ilhamdulileh (after my wife, then...
  12. namesdontmatter


    In the name of God, most Gracious, most Merciful. Peace and blessings of God be upon you all. My name is... well, that's neither here nor there. I'm 20 years old. Married. Working as a high-speed photographer in a crash test facility somewhere in the vast desert that is southern California. My...