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  1. T

    What about the people that hadn't heard - could they have lived a fulfiling live?

    That would mean "we" did did a good thing when we 'heard'.... and "they" didn't. Or ,in other words, "we" deserve salvation ..and "they" don't. "We' DID the 'good deed' {we heard}... and "they" didn't; not deserveing of salvation. Correct ? Exactly It is not necessary to...
  2. T

    The Transfiguration

    The "church" existed before Pentecost. Foe example , they had Holy Spirit power prior to Pentecost (Matt. 10:5, 19,20) Christ spoke of his disciples as a “flock” prior to Pentecost (Luke 12:32; Matt. 26:31,32). The church is identified as the “flock” of God (Acts 20:28,29; 1...
  3. T

    What about the people that hadn't heard - could they have lived a fulfiling live?

    So whose "fault" is it if they "don't know how to 'activate' " ? "decide for yourself" would that include infants , for example ?
  4. T

    What about the people that hadn't heard - could they have lived a fulfiling live?

    >>>Paul says I will show you my faith by my works<<<< But how would he show HIS (Christ's) faith ? What "saves" ? YOUR faith in Christ ? or Christ's faith , which you possess, because he gave it [faith] to you ? >>>>everyone has the ability to hear if they choose to...
  5. T

    Greetings !

    Arrived Well...I got here finaly....but with no time to post today :-(