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  1. B


    I am very tired of adamant Bible-thumpers whom no one can talk to reasonably. I think I'll look for "greener pastures." Thanks! :o
  2. B


    Yes, Hitler did use the phrase. You were right, but I am not ready to believe that he was the first to say it, or the only one. Even the Devil can quote Scripture, the Bible tells us.
  3. B


    "if it stings so be it" Very Christian and loving of you! How many people have you led to Christ lately with that attitude?
  4. B


    Hitler??? Please supply the source of that statement.
  5. B


    Actually, the saying comes from Aesop's Fables. The story goes like this: "A Wagoner was once driving a heavy load along a very muddy way. He came to a part of the road where the wheels sank half-way into the mire, and the more the horses pulled, the deeper sank the wheels. So the Wagoner threw...
  6. B

    How do the Cults explain away this?

    But, didn't St. Paul say that " . . .they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. . . ."? Was Paul teaching for knowledge or against it? He was an educated Pharisee himself who studied under the great Judaic Teacher Gamaliel, and frequently "tooted his own horn" about his equality...
  7. B

    How do the Cults explain away this?

    "Demon" is used extensively in the NIV Bible in Matthew. How could Jesus cast out what was not there?
  8. B

    How do the Cults explain away this?

    You are correct. It is Isa. 21:8, for one place. I thought it was Ezechiel. No, it does not refer to an organization. We were both a little right and a little wrong. Does that make either one of us "superior" or "inferior"? Or does that make us more educated Christians?
  9. B

    How do the Cults explain away this?

    "Watchtower" is in the Bible in the Prophets, especially Ezechiel. Look in your concordance.
  10. B

    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Re: How do the Christians explain this away? Would you rather listen to an educated Christian than an ignorant one? Dr. Billy Graham, whom I respect very much, was/is an eloquent speaker and user of education to save souls. My "superior atitude" is due to a long, arduous education, and I'm...
  11. B

    Let's Discuss

    "Q" is talking about the Catholic process of Canonization. The Christians of Bible (New Testament) times were indeed all called saints.
  12. B


    Welcome, Dor, I see you have come with a great deal of bad attitude. That must be attractive to those souls you wish to save.
  13. B

    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Just a note: The Traditional Roman Catholic Church has always used the word "cult" in the proper dictionary sense when they talk about our "Cult of Mary" or "Cult of the Mother of God." You don't hear it much anymore because of the pejorative sense that "cult" has come to have. I think it was...
  14. B

    Muslim boys urinated on Bible

    With that I heartily agree! I have several Qur'ans that I read occasionally, and would never think of desecrating one no matter how bad the Muslims act. Sacred Scripture is in every religion, whether we agree with it or not, and it deserves humane respect. As a previous Air Force member, I...
  15. B

    Muslim boys urinated on Bible

    Silas! That was written beautifully! I knew you could do it!
  16. B

    The Bab

    What is curious to me is that the Bab was first a Shi'ite, and claimed to be the Twelfth Imam. Baha'ullah continued this idea, I believe, and that's why the Persians (Iranians) persecuted Him and His followers so terribly.
  17. B


    Another time on Catholicism, too, please. I'm getting very fatigued after a long day of Posting on various Forums. Give an old man a break, okay?
  18. B


    " . . . in light of certain stigmas, I suppose we who are called by such have to work that much harder (to overcome our apparent stupidity)." I hope I did not offend you or anyone by mentioning dyslexia. I'm bi-polar, schizoaffective, and have PTSD, and I have had to work extremely hard to get...
  19. B


    Silas, as a friend, which I hope we still are, your Posts and spelling, etc., seem a little dyslexic. Do you have problems in that regard? If so, I will pray for you (I will pray for you in any case). If not, you need to let your hands catch up with your thoughts before you Post, and we could...