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  1. C

    Omniscience and Free Will - Can both exist?

    I think this debate stems from inconsistencies in the Bible. One side portrays god as a benign entity that is fully in control of mankind's destiny. The other side seeks obedience and compliance by emphasizing personal responsibility. You can exercise logic and make them work together (sort...
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    Nobel Peace Prize winner

    Sorry for being cynical, but isn't he a pawn used by the west in the political game to undermine China? According to Chinese propaganda and other sources, it is claimed that the Tibetan religious hierarchy ran an oppressive regime over the country, the majority of the people were serfs or...
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    Except ye be converted...

    I think the difference is that I was not raised on any faith, nor was I encouraged or discouraged to seek a spiritual path. For good or bad conversion just hit me. Perhaps it's also different when you decide to convert with premeditation.
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    Except ye be converted...

    I think Francis has a point when we look at conversions (or change) in a religious context. Your perspective and your values run the risk of being replaced by dictated ones, it is when you are most vulnerable to be influenced. In normal conversions you have little chance or help to step back...
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    A strange thing happened

    Well, things aren't happening because I'm not looking for them that much, and I'm not interpreting things out of the ordinary. And that is the beauty of it, no need to strive for something to happen or for things to change in a certain way. It feels like freedom. I stopped a while ago, it was...
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    A strange thing happened

    Well I don't have a strong take on it, just feels more like indiference. I suppose in the back of my mind there is an element of "been there, done that" kind of feel, so I don't even have to probe the meaning of your accounts because I already have my own experiential understanding of them. Not...
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    A strange thing happened

    Hello Dondi, This is interesting for me. When I read your testimony I realised I didn't care what the story had to say about your faith, it didn't make the message of christianity real for me. I felt like one of those unbelievers that you get no response of, regardless of what you say to them...
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    Tv Liscense? What a pile of *£%*£

    I think I tend to side with 17th on this. I didn't have a tv for a couple of years and it always enraged me the bullying letters I received, threatening me with fines and inspector visits, the wording treats you like an offending criminal. That even though I already filled a form declaring I...
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    I am in a similar situation Cavalier. I am still learning, I suppose what I am discovering for my self is not to take things too seriously and keep enjoying life as best as I can. I say this because it can affect people around sufferers very powerfully. If you can, get hold of a book called...
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    Mother Theresa's Crisis of Faith

    And what is the problem if it was more than just doubts, that she did indeed loose her faith?
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    Snoopy - Petition

    Yield, bend, let the waters flow...
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    Vegetarian Matthew

    Hi Bruce, So one could say that this vegetarianism was motivated by religious and perhaps legalistic motives? Just remembered when Paul challenged Peter about not eating wth the gentiles....
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    another perhaps ill-advised question about j-witnesses

    A few years ago Prince was featured on bassplayer magazine, he talked about how his friend Larry Graham was a JW that knocked on doors, but he suggested that he was not yet into that sort of commitment.
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    Which theologian are you?

    Martin Luther 93% Paul Tillich 67% John Calvin 47% Charles Finney 40% Anselm 33% Karl Barth 27% Augustine 27% Jürgen Moltmann 20% Jonathan Edwards 0% Friedrich Schleiermacher 0%
  15. C

    Pope: Other Christians not true churches

    You have to admit that the whole celibacy thing is not normal or common, it can easily act as a "cover" for certain people, or put unnecessary pressure on others. Buddhist monks have also been known to be involved in child abuse, so from my perspective is not about a particular religion, but...
  16. C

    can we agree that tormenting people for all time is wrong no matter what?

    Hi Shadowman. I don't disagree with your opening statement, but just wondering what do you want to get from these discussions. I haven't followed most of your posts, but what I see is that you reject these ideas of eternal condemnation but you can't let them in peace. Are you trying to make...
  17. C

    why doesnt god show up

    I think I'm with Shadowman on this one, at least regarding the traditional view of salvation. God showing up and telling you the way it is only narrows the choices. As shadowman says there is only one real choice whether you are aware of it or not. It is like somebody holding a gun at you and...
  18. C

    Self-acceptance or self-reproach?

    I think there are a few things to consider, is the reproach legitimate or is it the voice of family/society/culture/experience. Imo acceptance doesnt mean to condone whatever is lacking or deficient. The other angle is to differentiate between your identity and worth, and your...
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    The Number of Christ

    Your Devil's note is no other than your 888, how ironic! Interesting what you said china, if the tritone is the center, musically it is a very unstable one. I'm thinking eastern dualism, can I see it as the center of harmony between polarities?
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    David & Jonathan, manly men?

    Some psychoanalysts theorise homosexuality as a scale. So if you enjoy hanging around with your same sex friends that is part of homosexuality, for example frodo and his friend in the lord of the rings (though maybe that's too extreme:eek::D). One could conclude that perhaps a degree of...