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  1. B

    What Quran says about the creation of this universe.

    I am just curious, What Quran says about the creation of this universe? any Muslim brother please.... and please no human thoughts, i would rather like to here references from qoran itself. thanks.
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    There Is No Science Against God !

    I believe Science can never be against God, as it studies the creations of God, it merely dismisses false models of God.
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    Is the God we worship a lier ?

    comon moseslmpg, stop making a fool of yourself. why if the God writes in his book as A and we should consider it as B, only because we think it should be B. (and also because we can see it clearly that A is actually a lie) why not we should rather change it to B we is the truth. and by the...
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    Is the God we worship a lier ?

    now this is what really makes me sleep, every time i have a question and no one have the answere they come up with same stories like these, think deeper, not litrally, not well translation, or simply believe in it. why not others think deeper into the words. and come up with somthing more...
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    Jesus is not God....part 2

    thanks quahom. also i speak to God whithout any claims whatso ever. :) but what about the logic ??
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    Is the God we worship a lier ?

    while the postmaster is gone for the moment i wish there could be any muslim or hindu brother explaining there religious views about the creation of this universe to start with. (since this is the first topic in bible)
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    Jesus is not God....part 2

    And by the way why Moses couldnt be a better candidate for being God. he spoke to God directly (no other prophet ever did that). he gave life to inanimate objects (unlike jesus who could only work with animate origins) etc. my point of view is that religion is not just stories and...
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    Jesus is not God....part 2

    It is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING to me when we very conveniently draw conclusions (according to our heart desires) of verses which are defiantly speaking about some other simple fact. While we blindly ignore a direct statement by GOD himself (eg. Exudus 20/3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me)...
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    Jesus is not God....part 2

    that does not implies that jesus was God. just think it yourself why did jesus not say it himself that he was God or worship me, while this is supposed to be the basis of the our religion. why? only because he wasnt and it was madeup later on purposely. jesus says John 14/28 for my Father is...
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    Is the God we worship a lier ?

    so you want your kids to remember you as a lier but i wouldnt, meanwhile the problem is bigger than a stork or just kissing. God says genesis 1/1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. we know that in the begning there was no water but there were gases instead.genesis 1/3. And...
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    Is the God we worship a lier ?

    SUPER ! TELL ME THE TRUTH, would you worship a God who's a lier, and a deciver. no for me he created every thing alright but will never intend to use evil insticts. also please do not tell your babies stories and lies about things they do not understand, just tell them a very simple model and...
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    Jesus is not God....part 2

    READ THIS. ACTS 2/22. "Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know". THERE IS NO QUESTION JESUS WAS A MAN AND NOT GOD, WHEN GOD HIMSELF IS STATING...
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    Is the God we worship a lier ?

    Right when we start the old testment we get into a lot of trouble and it lasts till the end. unless we keep on ignoring whatever is written. but the fact is that we read bible as a devine revelation and how can we ignore when God starts telling lies right from the start about the creation of...