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  1. C

    Jewish belifes

    In Judaism we believe that God is just, but we also believe that God is merciful. What kind of father would spank his child for eternity? Also, what is the purpose of punishment? Is it really a way to "get back" at someone, is it about meting out punishment blow for blow, or in its truest form...
  2. C

    Did youknow Muslims Also Believe Jesus Will Return

    Quran is for Quran, and the Bible is for the Bible. Do not mix these two up. Every translation will be different since the prophet or God did not put the text in plain word. We all will never know until that day. As for now, believe what you wanna believe and stop trying to see who is who and...
  3. C

    Question abt Christianity as a monotheist religion

    AMEN!...well said.
  4. C

    Jewish belifes

    Jewish beliefs about the afterlife vary quite a bit, are not written in stone. So there are a few possibilities for what might happen to someone after they died if they were not ready to go to gan eden, to heaven. They might be reincarnated and live another lifetime, they might go to a place...
  5. C

    Christian Idolaters?
