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  1. M

    billions of habitable planets

    Actually he's probably right. If I was being a cynic I'd point out that intersteller colonisation will probably take more resources than any single country or nation can muster, and it's unlikely that two groups manage to colonise the same planet at the same time. Chances are that each new...
  2. M


    Alcohol is a poison. (No judgement intended, purely a scientific definition) Fortunately it is weak enough that we only suffer minor side effects at the concentrations we consume. It's hardly surprising that it's also good at killing microbes. As an interesting sidenote, it's only one type of...
  3. M

    Every Quality has Opposite Poles

    Morning Bruce, you might want to get a drink and a cushion for this one, it's a bit of an essay I'm afraid. :) True, and when I mentioned "interesting philisophical points" that was one of the sections I was thinking of, however it doesn't answer the question.It merely explains what you...
  4. M

    Every Quality has Opposite Poles

    I find this very interesting. I assume you are referring to the link you posted earlier to Steiners lectures on the thoery of heat. While you obviously believe that the opinions in the lectures are valid, the lecture does not actually answer the point made that heat is a measurable scientific...