
Hey, ardenz, is it the potcheen?:p



Alcohol is know to have its medicinal properties as has been well documented from various cultures (sorry no easily available links to websites to verify this claim )



Alcohol is know to have its medicinal properties as has been well documented from various cultures (sorry no easily available links to websites to verify this claim )




Do not drink water any longer, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent cases of sickness. 1 timothy5;23 yes it can be good in moderation , in bible times maybe the water was a bit iffy but a drink of wine makes the tummy better.
As reported by the physician Luke, wine had certain medicinal value as an antiseptic and mild disinfectant. (Luke 10:34) So here is a beverage that has medicinal value as well as pleasing taste.
Yeah sure.... :D

Alcohol can;

Human nerve system
Human carrying fetus

Cancer of the;
voice box
Oesophagus (throat)
Breast cancer
Also causes;

High blood pressure (oh yummy a portion of heart failure/diesase please....)
Screw that though Mee eh? It's pleasing to the taste! :D

....... I'll stop just there... And you people look down on me for toking weed.... Shame on you and your holy book.
Yeah sure.... :D

Alcohol can;

Human nerve system
Human carrying fetus

Cancer of the;
voice box
Oesophagus (throat)
Breast cancer
Also causes;

High blood pressure (oh yummy a portion of heart failure/diesase please....)
Screw that though Mee eh? It's pleasing to the taste! :D

....... I'll stop just there... And you people look down on me for toking weed.... Shame on you and your holy book.

Maybe not: YouTube - What if God Smoked Cannabis?
lol... Nice.

Could go into some detail that shows in the bible jesus used weed... But we all know you'd all rushing in to defend that suggestion and it would remove this thread off it's rails... Soooo how aboot them microbes....
Yeah sure.... :D

Alcohol can;

Human nerve system
Human carrying fetus

Cancer of the;
voice box
Oesophagus (throat)
Breast cancer
Also causes;

High blood pressure (oh yummy a portion of heart failure/diesase please....)
Screw that though Mee eh? It's pleasing to the taste! :D

....... I'll stop just there... And you people look down on me for toking weed.... Shame on you and your holy book.
well the bible does say that a LITTLE wine is benificial, and makes the heart rejoice, so moderation works wonders and there is no shame in moderation. but drunkenness is a different story .
Alcohol is a poison. (No judgement intended, purely a scientific definition) Fortunately it is weak enough that we only suffer minor side effects at the concentrations we consume. It's hardly surprising that it's also good at killing microbes.

As an interesting sidenote, it's only one type of alcohol that's "safe" to drink. Nearly all the other alcohols are much nastier.

Oral Microbes and Health

"The mouth is a complex eco-system," states Science magazine. "Over the past 40 years, oral biologists have been taking stock of the vast microbial communities thriving on and around teeth, gums, and the tongue." For some time biologists have known that bacteria normally found in the mouth can migrate and cause problems in other parts of the body.

Heart problems have already been linked to an oral bacteria, and studies indicate that another contributes to premature births.

Of course, the bad bacteria do most of their harm directly. If they gang up and prevail over the good bacteria in the mouth, the result is cavities, bleeding gums, and bad breath. "Three out of 10 people over 65 have lost all their teeth," the report says. "In the United States, half of all adults have either gum disease or tooth decay." By studying these bacteria, the researchers hope to learn how to concoct "mouthwashes that inhibit just bad mouth microbes instead of good and bad alike."

Oral Microbes and Health

"The mouth is a complex eco-system," states Science magazine. "Over the past 40 years, oral biologists have been taking stock of the vast microbial communities thriving on and around teeth, gums, and the tongue." For some time biologists have known that bacteria normally found in the mouth can migrate and cause problems in other parts of the body.

Heart problems have already been linked to an oral bacteria, and studies indicate that another contributes to premature births.

Of course, the bad bacteria do most of their harm directly. If they gang up and prevail over the good bacteria in the mouth, the result is cavities, bleeding gums, and bad breath. "Three out of 10 people over 65 have lost all their teeth," the report says. "In the United States, half of all adults have either gum disease or tooth decay." By studying these bacteria, the researchers hope to learn how to concoct "mouthwashes that inhibit just bad mouth microbes instead of good and bad alike."

Try some Benecolon, that should do the job ;)
Oral Microbes and Health

"The mouth is a complex eco-system," states Science magazine. "Over the past 40 years, oral biologists have been taking stock of the vast microbial communities thriving on and around teeth, gums, and the tongue." For some time biologists have known that bacteria normally found in the mouth can migrate and cause problems in other parts of the body.

Heart problems have already been linked to an oral bacteria, and studies indicate that another contributes to premature births.

Of course, the bad bacteria do most of their harm directly. If they gang up and prevail over the good bacteria in the mouth, the result is cavities, bleeding gums, and bad breath. "Three out of 10 people over 65 have lost all their teeth," the report says. "In the United States, half of all adults have either gum disease or tooth decay." By studying these bacteria, the researchers hope to learn how to concoct "mouthwashes that inhibit just bad mouth microbes instead of good and bad alike."

i personally believe that the enviroment of the mouth depends on the whole body. if your lymphatic system is acidic then ur saliva will be also and so microbes will thrive in ur mouth. if ur saliva and lymphatic system are alkaline then microbes will not live and ur gums etc will be healthy. high g.i. diet for instance promotes fementation by bacteria and anything that ferments creates an acidic enviroment. jus a few ideas, jase...

"the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything." louis pasteur...
"the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything." louis pasteur...

yes ,Pasteur’s research into fermentation enabled him to conclude that the majority of problems of contamination in the food industry were caused by microbes.

Microbes were present in the air or in improperly washed containers.

pasteurization, which Pasteur patented, revolutionized the food industry.
human tampering with ecology has weakened the globe’s immune system, fostering conditions favorable for microbes.:(
yes ,Pasteur’s research into fermentation enabled him to conclude that the majority of problems of contamination in the food industry were caused by microbes.
Microbes were present in the air or in improperly washed containers.

pasteurization, which Pasteur patented, revolutionized the food industry.
Actually he realized the germ was not the main thing to be studied
"the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything." louis pasteur...
Yes, why do 1/3, 2/3, 9/10 of those infected live, that is the question. What makes our immune system compromised
human tampering with ecology has weakened the globe’s immune system, fostering conditions favorable for microbes.:(
Darn Eve.
i like the innuit story you may have heard, (forgive my lack of fireside charm!)...

the innuit were hungry and so the earth mother reached into a hole in the ice and pulled out the caribou. the innuit hunted the caribou and were provided with food and fur to keep them warm. eventually the caribou became sick with disease and there numbers dwindled and so the earth mother reached back into a hole in the ice and pulled out the wolf, the wolf hunted the caribou and killed and ate the old and weak. this kept the caribou strong and all prospered.

for me this story indicates the necessity of bilogical stress in order to keep a species strong, it may even be a pre requisite. one interesting idea i read was that of rudolph steiner, he claimed that after measles the body's nervous system is stronger as it has developed the necessary strength to throw off the virus and that rubella (i think it was) was responsible for strengthening the bones.

i personally think the "war" on microbes is the wrong approach alltogether. when ever you read about them its in terms of "germs" or "invaders" and general battle talk instead of trying to understand their purpose. you see the adverts on t.v. with knights in shining armour galantly charging accross the worktops in your kitchen as you spray the deadly chemicals allover the gaff and save the day. its marketing and they create a problem and then offer a solution, but this creates a mindset in some that there is a war to be had. they are natures cleaners, they are only there when they are needed to break something down.

i think maybe in the scientists entered into the topic with a reverence for our little friends and the most important jobs they perform they may have a greater capacity to understand and deal with them instead of setting out to destroy, destroy, destroy! :eek: jason :confused:
Far from being defeated, well-known killer microbes returned with a vengeance! In addition, other deadly microbes surfaced—microbes previously unknown to doctors. Thus, microbes both old and new are on the rampage, threatening, afflicting, or killing countless millions of people worldwide.
Thanx again mee, your cut and paste abilities are amazing.

I agree chakraman, if we want to live thru the next plague it is about taking care that we are ready and not concentrating on extermination of that which exists around us.

In the US a couple years ago the gloom and doom department was freaked that they didn't have enough vaccine for the latest flu, and it was a doozy, gonna get us all. So 80% of the people that would have got it, didn't get it. What did we get? A record low incidence of flu.
My Microbes Are Pickled In Whiskey. Lol.

Didn't you get the leaflet????

Here you go... ;)

Yeah sure.... :D

Alcohol can;

Human nerve system
Human carrying fetus

Cancer of the;
voice box
Oesophagus (throat)
Breast cancer
Also causes;

High blood pressure (oh yummy a portion of heart failure/diesase please....)
Screw that though Mee eh? It's pleasing to the taste! :D

....... I'll stop just there... And you people look down on me for toking weed.... Shame on you and your holy book.