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  1. K

    where did all the water go?

    Maybe I'm a little late to the party but just a few thoughts. Where did all the water go? We picture Noah's flood as a big lake or ocean rising several feet above the tallest mountain. Although some areas may have been completely covered, others may have been flooded by torrential rain...
  2. K

    how you can make Jews accept Trinity ?

    You can't make Jews accept the Trinity but you can share with them evidences from the Old Testament which suggest plurality within the Godhead: "Let us make man in Our image" (Gen 1:26) "Behold the man has become like one of Us" (Gen 3:22) "Come, let Us go down" (Gen 11:7) "And now the Lord God...
  3. K

    Hell is a Hoax

    Maybe "hell" is not so much a place, but an event. Rev. 20:9, 14, 15. Malachi 4:1-3 suggests the saints will walk on the ashes of the wicked. Yes, through Jesus it is possible for all to be saved, but we have free will and not everyone chooses to be saved.
  4. K

    Matthew 26: 28

    Who is a true prophet? Thank you Abdullah and Amica for your replies and to the others for their comments too. This raises the question "Do you test the Scriptures by the messages of later prophets or the messages of the prophets by the Scriptures?" Jesus certainly felt that the teachings...
  5. K

    Matthew 26: 28

    Muslims believe in the Quran, do they accept any part of the Bible? In Surah XXVI:196, it refers to the "scriptures of the ancients". Are these "scriptures of the ancients" considered holy by the Muslims and what is specifically meant by the term "scriptures of the ancients"?
  6. K

    Jesus as atonement of sin (Where does He say)?

    Matthew 26:28