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  1. Lecter

    Radical revision of Islamic texts

    But the thing about Islam is that we do allow difference of opinion when it comes to certain subjects. I mean all Muslims agree on the most important fundamentals of our religion, like Allah is one, belief in the messengers etc... So I think it is up for us to decide which opinion we want to...
  2. Lecter

    Radical revision of Islamic texts

    I'm sorry but this sounds as if there was never any Ijtihad done before. Islam is a religion that contains the mechanism of change within itself, it does not need 'reformation', because it has always been doing it. I'd advice you to read about the works of Muhammad Abdou for example. We have a...
  3. Lecter

    Can I have you for dinner?

    Oh I should have added a smiley, it's all good! Was just having a little fun with mee :D ohhhh food, me hungry mucho!
  4. Lecter

    Can I have you for dinner?

    mee, you keep avoiding to answer my question. I am saying Jesus is one of God's creations amongst everything else. He is a servant of God. But you keep using the word "Son" I am asking you what do you mean by the word son, didn't you just say that god created him? God created Jesus, he did not...
  5. Lecter

    Can I have you for dinner?

    But why are you still using the word son? God didn't give birth to Jesus he created him. Also the word begotten was used to describe David, so it's not an exclusive title of Jesus. "I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me (King David, King), Thou art my Son; this day have I...
  6. Lecter

    Can I have you for dinner?

    You misunderstood me. I know that you believe Jesus is God's son. What I am asking you, what do you mean by the word 'son', isn't Jesus just a creation of God?
  7. Lecter

    A question about Muslims

    No, Muslims are those who follow the religion of Islam, as in those who have submitted themselves to god. ;) I am assuming you were talking about Arabs, perhaps? In that case you are correct in your claim.
  8. Lecter

    if life were a person

    It would be an old unattractive woman with make up and jewelry fooling people.
  9. Lecter

    Can I have you for dinner?

    I still want to hear what you think based on scripture, what I meant was that I want you to put it in your own words. What do you mean by Jesus being the son of god?
  10. Lecter

    Can I have you for dinner?

    What do you mean when saying that Jesus is god's son as opposed to someone he created amongst other creation of god? Like what do you mean by the word son? What are you implying? And please give me a simple answer in plain English, I am afraid English isn't my first language. And don't quote...
  11. Lecter

    who was he?

    Ha, thank you! :) Let me put it in other words, I may not love everyone, but I would still treat them justly. Is that better?
  12. Lecter

    who was he?

    I don't love the rest of mankind, I can actually think of a lot of people I don't even like. :p
  13. Lecter

    Can I have you for dinner?

    Amen And his son David: "I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me (King David, King), Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee" Psalms 2:7 And his son Jacob: "Israel is my son, even my firstborn" Exodus 4:22 And his son Solomon: "He shall build an house for my name, and I...
  14. Lecter

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    The Machinist wow
  15. Lecter


    Welcome aboard from another n00b! :D
  16. Lecter

    what the bible teaches

    - My book says you are wrong! - Well it doesn't really count cause your book is wrong, that's what my book says. - Of course my book is not wrong, how could it be wrong when it says right here it's the truth! - is not - is so - is not - whatever - talk to the hand cause the face ain't listenin'...
  17. Lecter

    Can I have you for dinner?

    No, no I was talking about real food. You see I'm a cannibal :D That's why I asked, Can I have you for dinner
  18. Lecter

    "I am Jesus!"

    Hi Ahanu :) You asked us what we thought the significance was of Muhammad saying those words, so i asked you to provide a source where Muhammad said "I am Jesus", because as far as I know he never said that. Even the verse you quoted doesn't say that, so I am a bit confused here. We believe...
  19. Lecter

    "I am Jesus!"

    Where exactly did Muhammad ever say that? Source please :)
  20. Lecter

    "I am Jesus!"

    Huh? :confused: