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  1. R

    Sects among the Ummah

    sorry about the long reply right if the original religion that was followed by jesus' pbuh followers stood today, indeed why would there have been a need for a new revelation. next. prophet calling you to be more religious vs trinity son of god and faith over actions think about it...
  2. R

    Jinn influence and sin

    Yes that is very true sister.. but be very carefull i know of bad muslims who have used that as an excuse.. my ex wife being one of them.. do dua for the person, that is all you can do.. if a person is bad to you for no real reason then it is proabably jinn if what their doing benifits them...
  3. R

    Sufis vs Wahhabis

    No shirk in the prophets tomb thats jokes.. that will keep me laughing all day hahahah hahhha ahahhah hahahaha black stone is symbolic ahahhahahhahaha hahahahahhaha hahahahaaahaha ahahahaahahahah all symbolism is shirk only allah swt has power i feel sorry for the prophet pbuh...
  4. R

    Sufis vs Wahhabis

    Well this again is the ultimate paradox Wahabis are a bunch of crack smoking monkeys,,, :p cos dontcha know? They dont stand for any sunni inovation :eek: under the pretense that their existance is a counter the westernism of modern sunnis, i mean i wonder what innovation sunnis...
  5. R

    Jinn influence and sin

    remember sister black magic compromises your position on allah having all power..
  6. R

    Sects among the Ummah

    ermmm no... firstly i think we should destinquish between chrisitanity and the religion of Isa/Yehoshua (PBUH) as there is vast difference.. By religion i mean the name of the followers because obviously they are muslims =P but i mean we should seperate pauline from ebionite which are...
  7. R

    Sects among the Ummah

    Sorry bad phrasing.. hadith is islamic oral law not based on the Quran .. the talmud to the torah if you will but you know that.. and bahai comes from shia islam.. FIN
  8. R

    Salam Sister our iman and our deem shall persevere, and we in our hearts and minds are free...

    Salam Sister our iman and our deem shall persevere, and we in our hearts and minds are free from the corruption of man and are empowered by the strength Allah SWT gave us, and our beloved prophet PBUH at the time of revelation.. how bitter it is that we are labelled kafir's.. but allah sees...
  9. R

    Haji Muslim wants a beard!

    Oh i love Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) equally to all prophets (PBUTA),, its is not in the nobel quran It is sunna thats isnt to say i dont look rather handsome with a beard though
  10. R

    Sects among the Ummah

    Yeah both Bahais and Babism (which is vastly difference despite bahais saying otherwise) are islamic sects because they are both based in shia oral law
  11. R

    What's the real measure of checking a Holy Book?

    Well id say the Nobel Quran has science down to a T so ermmm id say chronology.. The Pentauch then Torah, The Gospels then Quran. im sorry for my weasel words it makes sense that Jews wouldnt want to believe in Yehoshua PBUH.. if you put all your money on black, its easier to say i was right...
  12. R

    Apocrypha in the Quran

    Well i depends.. so surely when the quran says that books of the gospels are corrupted by man and that they have long fallen out of teaching surely apocrypha is evidence wieghted FOR the quran?
  13. R

    Passing religion onto to your children ?

    i have no problems letting the right path making itself clear to my kids (ifwhenhow ect) lol but if i ever see them with a haidth muslim may allah SWT guide them.. IF i had a son i would rather he marry a jew or christian inshallah if a daughter then im sure by then quranites will be in a...
  14. R


    I would like one of the shalom squad if they would be so kind to explain their views on kaneh bosm i thank you in advance salaam
  15. R

    This is how Islam will end....

    Assalaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Im sorry ive been away for a while c0de my mother passed away.. and ive been rather cut up about it.. (as i am fully aware what happens to pagans) Right the bullet point version as is my usual... Please dont argue about what im gonna say (your...
  16. R

    Haji Muslim wants a beard!

    Which is why im now cleanly shaven:cool:
  17. R

    Salam! Thank you thank you! i shall try.. hard to find someone so quranist let alone on here...

    Salam! Thank you thank you! i shall try.. hard to find someone so quranist let alone on here! much love code much love peace be upon you!#
  18. R

    Atheism the ultimate stupidity ?

    No because you still cannot answer what put god there in the first place.. without saying hes always been there.. well why create now ? i agree whatever created all the worlds universes galaxys ect is FAR more powerfull and superior than the creation.. but saying he sent a jew down mount...
  19. R

    scriptural basis for christian objection to homosexuality

    Well the only real arguement is the fact homosexual people cant reproduce without a 3rd party.. therefore they can never have children.. thusly they cannot progress the religion
  20. R


    why in reference to the trinity is the word mystery used to cover the meaning intended; unintelligable i agree as far as secularism is involved esoterics has been invaluable and interfaith wouldnt exist if it wasnt for esoteric traditions. but then why is Jesus (pbuh) so distinct from the other...