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  1. Z


    I think that's the key with Hesse, finding a good translation.
  2. Z


    Not really. It's a good book but Herman Hesse didn't actually know much about Buddhism.
  3. Z

    Thich Nhat Hanh

    Thich Nhat Hanh is actually in the US at the moment if some of you wish to go and meet him.
  4. Z

    Meditation problems

    Interestingly, the sutras that are chanted in Zen monasteries and centers in Japanese lineages such as mine aren't actually in modern Japanese but older Sino-Japanese, which I was reminded of when I read your post.
  5. Z

    Meditation problems

    Me too if it helps. ;)
  6. Z

    Nichiren Buddhism

    Mostly because Nichiren is to Buddhism what the Jehova's Witnesses are to Christianity. Nivhiren proclaimed himself a Buddha and that his insight was more relevant than Sakyamuni Buddha's. He also called for the killing of the followers of other sects several times and was generally a thoroughly...
  7. Z

    Meditation problems

    Following the breath is samatha meditation and it's usually a good idea to develop one's samatha practice before doing insight practice.
  8. Z

    Daily Wisdom Saying

    Actually it's the reverse. It means you've stopped thinking that your ego is the be all and end all of the universe and you no longer take refuge in it, nor in the delusions that a particular belief system will save you, nor that what you have in your bank will make you happy, nor that having...
  9. Z

    types of Buddhism?

  10. Z

    Daily Wisdom Saying

    "if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." Matt 6:22
  11. Z

    Material Attachments

    They were protesting the US backed governments support for a regime that tortured, imprisoned and supressed Buddhists in South Vietnam, and to draw the attention of the world to the war there, not because of any other religion.
  12. Z

    Material Attachments

    If I can add my two cents worth. The monks that I know of who did this, to draw the worlds attention to the repression of Buddhism in Vietnam, and to the war there for example, were pretty adept in Samadhi. That being so they had no need to take any drugs to dull the pain and yes autopsies were...
  13. Z

    Daily Wisdom Saying

    Exhaust it, that's what it's there for. And you knew two of the three qualities I mentioned about the posting already, as you well know. As for amusing posts - keep them coming, it takes my mind off my stiff legs. ;)
  14. Z

    Daily Wisdom Saying

    LOL, incorrect, simplistic and shallow but nonetheless amusing. ;)
  15. Z

    Past Lives

    A Buddhist believer is kind of a contradiction in terms, as no Buddhist teaching is taken as a matter of belief, but rather as something to be proven or not for oneself, in one's own life. If you know that there is rebirth there is no need to believe. If you believe it, then you do not know...
  16. Z

    Zen Death Poetry

    Thanks for the Dogen. Nice to see it here. :) One correction though. Dogen was an ordained monk, not a lay person.
  17. Z

    The Buddha was not a Buddhist, Jesus was not a Christian......

    Buddhists don't follow the Buddha. They seek what he sought, which is somewhat different, and use what works to do that.
  18. Z

    Is belief a necessity?

    Is belief a necessity? not in Buddhism no. Belief is seen as a hindrance in Buddhism.
  19. Z

    Past Lives

    Yes the Dalai Lama has and had recollections of former incarnations. Though again no Buddhist believes in reincarnation in the Hindu sense, but there is a teaching of rebirth. It's not a matter of belief though as Buddhism asks us to find reality, not to believe.
  20. Z

    types of Buddhism?

    \ Nonsense and ill informed nonsense at that. If you knew a bit more about Bodhidharma for example you'd know that he was also deeply versed in the sutras himself. But as usual with people who've read and not practiced much, you've taken words out of context and then reinterpreted them to...