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    Why do people try to change Christianity?

    After my previous posts it occurred to me that the complaint about people "tearing up" the scriptures might have been based on the simple fact that Protestants do not accept all the books of the Bible that Catholics and Orthodox do. If that is what was meant, well, this isn't something that...
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    Comfortable with hell

    I do not adhere to such a belief and so cannot speak for myself, but from what I have heard and read, the history of Christian thought on the subject reflects a sort of dialogue or dialectic among discomforts... At some level I think most people, regardless of what their tradition actually says...
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    Foundationist Manifesto

    Good to see a B5 reference! I personally embrace the Minbari belief that all our minds are facets of the emerging self-awareness of the cosmos...
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    Why do people try to change Christianity?

    No, they are clearly distinguishable. If I do it or agree with it, it's "discernment"; if I disagree with it, it's "picking and choosing." As someone once said, "Orthodoxy is my doxy; heterodoxy is anyone else's doxy." :)
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    Why do people try to change Christianity?

    Literally? No, not too many people in any faith tradition actually tear up copies of their holy books, unless they are really angry. Figuratively? Reform Jews reject nearly everything that Orthodox Jews claim is essential to Jewish life. And there have been nearly as serious disagreements among...
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    A question about Unitarian Universalism

    I have a Google News Alert set up to send me just about everything in cyberspace that has the word "Unitarian" in it. I don't normally jump into discussions without lurking for a while to get to know the forum, but this struck me as a rather... cordial sort of site, so I made an exception. And I...
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    A question about Unitarian Universalism

    I think most of my fellow UUs will agree that the important thing is to keep doing those things which you say you believe in doing - loving others, and promoting well-being; we may find it helpful motivationally to believe that we are making a real difference, but this is not required and in...