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  1. 9Harmony

    Election of National Spiritual Assembly

    A nice press release! :)
  2. 9Harmony

    Project Conversion

    Any Zoroastrians here? In case you may be interested...Andrew Bowen of "The Conversion Project" is studying the Zoroastrian Faith this month. Unfortunately where he lives he cannot find any followers in his immediate area. He is working online with a Mentor in Chicago, but he would appreciate...
  3. 9Harmony

    Project Conversion

    I thought you might like to follow along as well. This is a project by Andrew Bowen...He is immersing himself in one religion per month through this year. January was Hinduism. February is Baha'i. Very interesting project...and could be very educational for the rest of us. Project...
  4. 9Harmony

    One Unfolding Process

    Here is a wonderful new online study guide for "One Common Faith", a publication commissioned by the Universal House of Justice in 2005. Changeless Faith | Home :)
  5. 9Harmony

    Children's Classes focus on virtues

    Baha'i's around the world are beginning to offer virtues classes in their own neighborhoods. NPR (National Public Radio) had a feature story this morning on one such class. ______________________________ "It sounds like the start of a bad joke: A Jew, a Baptist and a Baha'i get together...
  6. 9Harmony

    Matthew 12:32 --- the Holy Ghost

    Here's the online version of Ocean... Search the Baha'i Writings and other World Religions there's also this... Baha'i Reference Library and this...
  7. 9Harmony

    Baha'i, film, literature

    How wonderful Scott! You must be on cloud nine! :D
  8. 9Harmony

    One Unfolding Process

    I agree! :D
  9. 9Harmony

    One Unfolding Process

    yes, it's interesting that that link is about religious's funny how people can look at the same thing and see things completely differently. I wouldn't say that it's hypocrisy of the 'word', but the hypocrisy of the followers of the 'word' that are responsible. But of course...
  10. 9Harmony

    One Unfolding Process's the realization that there actually is only One God, once we arrive at that realization, wars in the name of religion would cease. As everyone would finally realize we are all on the same team.
  11. 9Harmony

    One Unfolding Process

    I believe they each have their place in the big picture. :)
  12. 9Harmony

    One Unfolding Process

    I originally posted this in the Baha'i forum, but it has gotten no responses posting it here as it's primarily a comparative religion topic to begin with... _________________________ As human's, with a life span of 80-100 years if we're lucky, it's understandable that we...
  13. 9Harmony

    One Unfolding Process

    As human's, with a life span of 80-100 years if we're lucky, it's understandable that we view religion in light of our frame of reference. But... If we step way back and view history in light of many centuries to millenia increments...we begin to realize that the surges of progress in...
  14. 9Harmony

    Tribute to Mark/Prober

    oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this. :( Prayers offered for his family and friends. _______________ O my God! O Thou forgiver of sins, bestower of gifts, dispeller of afflictions! Verily, I beseech Thee to forgive the sins of such as have abandoned the physical garment and have ascended to...
  15. 9Harmony

    Baha'i Faith & Freemasonry...

    Dear Friend, You are entitled to your own opinion. It appears from your posts that you view Baha'u'llah as nothing more than a mere philosopher. But as Baha'i's, we believe Baha'u'llah is the Voice of God for this Day. So we believe Baha'u'llah's inspiration comes directly from God alone.
  16. 9Harmony

    Mirroring Phenonmenon

    The worlds of God are in perfect harmony and correspondence one with another. Each world in this limitless universe is, as it were, a mirror reflecting the history and nature of all the rest. The physical universe is, likewise, in perfect correspondence with the spiritual or divine realm. The...
  17. 9Harmony

    I figured something out.

    personally, no...i don't think it's coincidence. ;) I know of many people who feel that the Faith persued them for sometimes over 30 years before they decided to investigate it. In my case it was 19-20 years between when i first heard of it and when i investigated it. (albeit, i was a child...
  18. 9Harmony

    God is Love

    'Abdu'l-Baha talks about the four different kinds of love. Each one has its origin in God somehow: "...The first is the love that flows from God to man.." He says, "This love is the origin of all the love in the world of creation." "The second is the love that flows from man to God. This is...
  19. 9Harmony

    God is Love

    InLove, Thanks for that! yes, very relevant, and really makes the point well. and thanks everyone else for your input...i don't have time to respond to each post...but am processing what you've all shared so far. Thanks again everyone!
  20. 9Harmony

    God is Love

    Thanks wil, yes I think that is crucial. It's important to put ourselves in their shoes, and treat others accordingly.