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  1. Y

    Hello! Christian Newbie here!

    Namaste to you as well my dear brother :) Would I be right in assuming that you are Hindu? I always loved how Hindus are reputed to greet each other by saying Namaste and placing their hands on their heart, kind of like stressing the common humanity and bond of love between the two people...
  2. Y

    Are You Afraid Of Death

    An interesting question Chris :) I think it is natural and actually a good thing to love life and desire to live it to the full. However for a spiritual person death should not be something to fear. We have the promise of something after - whether Nirvana, reincarnation, heaven or if you are a...
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    Hello! Christian Newbie here!

    Hey guys :) I am an 18 year old Catholic Christian who has a love for religion - all religions and I constantly seek to increase my knowledge of different faiths in a spirit of peacefulness, understanding and respect. I hope that my time on these forums will be a fruitful one and I hope to...
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    Is Cyrus "his anointed" a translation from "his Messiah"

    Cyrus the Great was considered to be a Messianic figure, a saviour, by the Jews of his era. After decades of subjugation and slaughter at the hands of the Assyrians and their successors the Babylonians and exile from the land of Judah, the Jews could literally not believe it when Cyrus conquered...