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  1. P

    Antikythera mechanism

    Not at all. I was simply speculating. Great writers and renowned person in the past have not deemed the idea of a city such as Atlantis to be false. For instance, n Plato's account, Atlantis was a naval power lying "in front of the Pillars of Hercules" that conquered many parts of Western...
  2. P

    Antikythera mechanism

    thank you. a question, do you believe in Atlantis? i go by far hypothesizing that such old inventions come from them. best regards!
  3. P

    Antikythera mechanism

    did you mean the Babbage Difference Engine? that's the prototype for the first computer, right? although this one above, the Antikythera mechanism, has been associated with computers, it has also been associated with time travel. nothing has been proven yet though. all theses theories are...
  4. P

    Antikythera mechanism

    The Antikythera mechanism (pronounced /ˌæntɨkɨˈθɪərə/ ANT-i-ki-THEER-ə or pronounced /ˌæntɨˈkɪθərə/ ANT-i-KITH-ə-rə) is an ancient mechanical computer designed to calculate astronomical positions. It was recovered in 1900–01 from the Antikythera wreck. Its significance and complexity were not...
  5. P

    The Lost Pyramids Of Caral

    hang on, there are other pyramids besides the ones in egypt?
  6. P

    Low blood pressure

    here's a few more informative tips guys: Blood pressure is the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. It constitutes one of the critically important signs of life or vital signs which include heart beat, breathing, and temperature. Blood pressure is generated by...
  7. P


    the minimum amount of time a person is prescribed to do exercise is 30 minutes per day. a simple brisk walking is a good example. :)
  8. P

    The New Superbug

    "super-bug" is a misnomer. it's been named so because it adapted rapidly to the changes in the environment. all of us change as well. what's different is that we evolve slower. "super" is such a vague term. don't worry, you want "super" powers? wait for atleast a century to evolve. :)
  9. P

    Dinosaurs in Scripture

    this is an interesting topic. let me know if any one figured this out :)
  10. P

    Changing Zodiac signs

    I don't think I can be classified as anything other than an Aquarian anyway. lol
  11. P

    What's the beef with homosexuality?

    I have visions of the future when closet gays have the choice to be out or to go to rehab for treatment (if it can be treated). hahahah
  12. P

    Looking for Ideas

    You may be at a stage where you are not sure about many things. Think it all over. I am a catholic and I was raised by Catholic parents but I grew up in a Baptist school, so now I have beliefs that contradict my Catholic upbringing. I go to mass with my folks but I choose not to have...
  13. P

    I'm Born This Way

    Yes, a lot of theories conform with your viewpoint like Erickson's theory on development. There are some cultures that treat gay people as outcasts so although there may be members of that culture who have homosexual inclinations, they may choose not to practice it. My dad says somebody who...
  14. P


    Enlightenment may well be a higher form of contentment, it is something achievable but not many attain it.
  15. P


    you are on your way to literary greatness :-)