Well-Known Member
It has occurred to me that if homosexuality was genetic, it would necessarily die out altogether because homosexual couples (of either gender) cannot procreate. So there must be some other factor. It is well known (to me anyhow) that many men marry and father children and later realize (or decide) that they are gay. The same of course would apply to some women.
Even taking into account these exceptional cases, the number of people "born" homosexual would diminish over a period of time until no persons would be born with a predilection towards homosexuality.
Is there something missing in my reasoning?
There is a difference between an adaptive trait and a malfunction.
The fact is well established that homosexual orientation is biological and brain based. And we hopefully agree that homosexual orientation is not wrong but a malfunction. But homosexual actions are biologically non-physiological. In a manner they are biological malfunctions. The orifices used are not adapted to what is inserted (not to become too graphic). As a result the tender mucosal lining of the rectal wall are too fragile for penetration. The lining splits permitting entry of pathogens. (For years this was mostly Syphilis. But the entry was perfect for HIV. The female genital canal is much tougher and adapted (designed) for the penetration in sex. The Homosexual acts in consideration of the risks of biological harm would be best avoided for one person and the partner. Social responsibility should make the homosexual seek celibacy for health reasons.
Homosexuality at its full manifestation is accompanied by anatomical changes in the brain. Is this secondary to the abnormal behaviour or is the abnormal anatomy responsible for the orientation? I favour the latter because young children even pre-adolescent show different behaviour. Little boys may play with dolls and other "feminine" behaviours. I think that they discover attraction to the same sex and/or lack of attraction to the opposite sex about the time of puberty. I remember some lads in primary school. We all (sort of) considered them "sissies". And three that I know of later were admitted gays. Could some have it from experience alone? I don't know. Like you said, no conclusive single cause has been found. The complex brain mechanism for sexual selection may be from multiple different possible causes.
I hypothesise that homophobes are latently homosexual, consciously or subconsciously even if married. I hear of men being once married and "turning gay." I think that some boys may have misorientation but fight it by dating girls, and getting married, trying to live a normal life. Christians may also consider the sin concept of homosexuality. But as hard as he tries he loses control and inhibition for some reason (stress, who knows?) And he leaves his marriage for a gay affair. I think that many homosexuals can find alternative life styles to divert the homosexual urges. Some try that in marriage. He may also use religion. But we all know how much that has failed in not only Catholic priests but Protestant ministers. I hear of ministries to gays that seem to get people out of the gay lifestyle, and may save them from HIV
Catholic boys (in Ireland, France, US, Canada, and Australia) are in families that put great stress on marriage and large families of children. They want their child to be a doctor or lawyer. But Mama is especially proud of her "son the Priest". So the gender confused adolescent can escape the indecision of gender and sex by seeking the "safety" of the celibate Priesthood. That way Mama no long pressures him to marry a good Catholic girl and produce grandchildren. Father Jimmy isn't expected to marry. He can't. He is fine with the family of dads, moms, and children because he is "Father Jim." But some fail. Their lust gets the better of them. And they may do it with other priests (25% are HIV+ by an American News report). It is a common cause of death among Priests. Unfortunately some take advantage of their role as protector of children to abuse children. Paedophilia is the terrible consequence of that failure.
I think that most evidence suggests that the orientation is biological (cause yet debated) but the behaviour itself is a choice. I am heterosexual, and married. I admit that I am attracted to beautiful shapely young women (daily) but I don't act on that attraction. I have never committed adultery while I may have desired it from a few thousand women over the years. My inhibition overcame that because I made a promise to my wife, called marriage. I am not a superman by any stretch. I think that one can overcome urges by consideration of the consequences.