Atheism the ultimate stupidity ?


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how can anyone not believe in God ?

is atheism the ultimate stupidity ?
"Neutral discussion area for topics that cross-over between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam."

Is this the right forum do you think? :confused:

Is this what you're trying to say?

If a person does not accept the most obvious belief then he demonstrates the most ultimate stupidity.

G!d is the most obvious belief.

Therefore a person who does not accept G!d demonstrates the most ultimate stupidity.
Naw this is the right forum Snoopy. Anywhere else and things like logic and reason would come into play.
What I meant was, in a theist forum the question is rhetorical.

Yeah Snoopy, I get that. Only here can this question be raised with any degree of alacrity.
No because you still cannot answer what put god there in the first place.. without saying hes always been there..

well why create now ?

i agree whatever created all the worlds universes galaxys ect is FAR more powerfull and superior than the creation..

but saying he sent a jew down mount sianai to do his bidding is asburdist..

if you where born deaf dumb and blind would you believe in god?


If no-one had told you of religion would you believe in the books of abraham?


Do you snatch dotrines from each other for power? Judaism-chrisianity-islam-babism-bahai?


Are there more than 1 centralised religion?


Do the stone tablets of the 10 commandments still exist?


Shall i continue?

Can you even agree amongst yourselves? Orthodox/reformation, Catholic/jehovahs/ MORMONS! - sunni/shia?


Many people who call themselves athiests are not anyway.. they usually just say it to distance themselves from abrahamic monotheism.. which for all the good its done we are still feeling the aftershock afterwards..
how can anyone not believe in God ?

is atheism the ultimate stupidity ?
Quite easily folks don't believe in G!d, not all of them are atheists though, the agnostics quite rightly state they don't know and will tell you later...or not.

Stupidity, no, no more than it is stupid to believe that someone rose from the dead or the earth was created in seven days.. Now before anyone jumps on me for blasphemy in the Abrahamic forum it is simply an answer to the question. And since definitely not all Abrahamics believe in a literal creation story, thank G!d, and most don't believe in the resurection, it is actually quite safe here to discuss this openly.

Now I don't think it is stupid to believe in G!d however to believe in G!d as some do takes quite a leap of faith.
What is God? :)
the eachness in the allness, exquisitely displayed in the natural world. Of course my opinion causes folks to call me a panentheist. I believe G!d is and always has been everything science can't explain, and when science can explain it will also find G!d!
how can anyone not believe in God ?

is atheism the ultimate stupidity ?

There is nothing stupid about atheism. It can be normal for those without ears to hear or eyes to see as alluded to in the Bible. A person can function quite well in societal life without them and there is no way such a person could be considered stupid.
I think that there is something paradoxical going on here, clearly not all atheists are stupid, but on the other hand they are unable to grasp a fundamental truth of the nature of reality :confused:
I think that there is something paradoxical going on here, clearly not all atheists are stupid, but on the other hand they are unable to grasp a fundamental truth of the nature of reality :confused:

For the few seriously trying to reconcile Christianity and atheism rather than taking sides in and argument, Simone Weil has been a tremendous help. Her understanding is experiential since she was a respected atheist and anarchist appreciated by Leon Trotsky but died a Christian mystic and an influence on Pope Paul V1. Contemplating her reasoning can be beneficial for those seeking understanding rather than the joy of arguing.

Religion in so far as it is a source of consolation is a hindrance to true faith; and in this sense atheism is a purification. I have to be an atheist with that part of myself which is not made for God. Among those in whom the supernatural part of themselves has not been awakened, the atheists are right and the believers wrong.
- Simone Weil, Faiths of Meditation; Contemplation of the divine
the Simone Weil Reader, edited by George A. Panichas (David McKay Co. NY 1977) p 417
That is why St. John of the Cross calls faith a night. With those who have received a Christian education, the lower parts of the soul become attached to these mysteries when they have no right at all to do so. That is why such people need a purification of which St. John of the Cross describes the stages. Atheism and incredulity constitute an equivalent of such a purification.
- Simone Weil, Faiths of Meditation; Contemplation of the divine
the Simone Weil Reader, edited by George A. Panichas (David McKay Co. NY 1977) p 418

Life on earth for Man is animal in nature and doesn't require knowledge of God. A dog is not stupid animal and functions well on earth. Animalistic man reacting to his environment is not stupid either. Intelligence is useful and necessary for life on earth but doesn't require what the essence of religion offers which is freedom from the earth or as she puts it, leaving the prison of plato's cave.

"The difference between more or less intelligent men is like the difference between criminals condemned to life imprisonment in smaller or larger cells. The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like a condemned man who is proud of his large cell."

She asserts that much of religion is just distorted belief and escapism. It is the atheist that is willing to admit it. This influence aids in exposing the BS in religion. Exposing the BS purifys the essence of religion. However, to experience the truth of the essence of religion requires being open to more than the dualistic mind and our animal nature. It requires developing new ears to hear and eyes to see: the supernatural part of ourselves.
The atheist helps us to admit our corruption and acquire the humility to potentially profit from this purification before falling victim to more "experts"
tell me, nick, is there anything simone weil *can't* help us with? the wiring in my house causes me no end of trouble, for a start. and mrs bb informs me that we're going to be toilet-training mini-banana in a couple of weeks, so i look forward to the Great Game Of Russian Roulette For Two-Year Olds.

