She had the courage to change

very true :)

Explain how you can make this erroneous statement then: "that the traditions of her fathers no longer had Gods approval... " and "God withdrew his blessing from the religious system... " If Scripture says the Covenant with Israel will stand forever.

What is Mary’s present status?

"Faithful is the saying: Certainly if we died together, we shall also live together; if we go on enduring, we shall also rule together as kings; if we deny, he also will deny us." (2 Timothy 2:11, 12)

If Mary proved faithful to death, she now rules in heaven along with the others of the 144,000 who reign with Christ.—Revelation 14:1, 3.

Explain how you can make this erroneous statement then: "that the traditions of her fathers no longer had Gods approval... " and "God withdrew his blessing from the religious system... " If Scripture says the Covenant with Israel will stand forever.

As you mentioned, having the correct understanding about what the bible really teaches is what it is all about.

Israel of God"

For more than 1,500 years prior to Jesus’ coming as the promised Messiah, the fleshly nation of Israel was Jehovah’s special people.

Despite constant reminders, the nation as a whole proved unfaithful.

When Jesus appeared, the nation rejected him. (John 1:11)

so,Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits." (Matthew 21:43)

Recognizing that "nation producing [the] fruits [of the Kingdom]" is vital for salvation.

The new nation is the anointed Christian congregation, born at Pentecost 33 C.E.

Its first members were Jewish disciples of Jesus who accepted him as their heavenly King. (Acts 2:5, 32-36)

However, they were members of God’s new nation, not on the basis of their Jewish descent, but on the basis of faith in Jesus.

Thus, this new Israel of God was something unique—a spiritual nation.

When the majority of the Jews refused to accept Jesus, the invitation to be part of the new nation was extended to the Samaritans and then to the Gentiles.

The new nation was called "the Israel of God."—Galatians 6:16.

In Jehovah’s eyes, non-Israelite members of this new nation are full-fledged spiritual Jews!

For he is not a Jew who is one on the outside, nor is circumcision that which is on the outside upon the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and [his] circumcision is that of the heart by spirit, and not by a written code. The praise of that one comes, not from men, but from God.

romans 2;28-29

So they've already been called up?
most of them have yes .

when Jesus recieved his kingship in 1914 , shortly after that, the resurrection of those who had fallen asleep in death, would have started.

so if mary did remain faithful , she will now be up there with Jesus in the kingdom ,along with others .

i was thinking about that earlier ,and i thought how good it would have been for them to see each other again .
Explain how you can make this erroneous statement then: "that the traditions of her fathers no longer had Gods approval... " and "God withdrew his blessing from the religious system... "


Remember what Jesus said,

Look! YOUR house is abandoned to YOU. matthew 23;38

Furthermore, when YOU see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near. luke 21;20

most of them have yes .
when Jesus recieved his kingship in 1914 , shortly after that, the resurrection of those who had fallen asleep in death, would have started.
so if mary did remain faithful , she will now be up there with Jesus in the kingdom ,along with others .
Most of them? How is this defined? How many seats are left of your 144k?

Most of them, is this biblical?
Most of them? How is this defined? How many seats are left of your 144k?

Most of them, is this biblical?

we are now well along into bible prophecy and chronology, and soon after Jesus recieved his kingship, in 1914 ,the resurrection of those who are going to heaven would have started .

but of cause ,those who are part of that little flock of 144,000 who die since 1914 would be resurrected straight away ,in the twinkling of an eye, they would not have to wait in a death like sleep, it would be straight away after they die .

because Jesus has been given great aurthority to resurrect them since shortly after1914.

the first resurrection must have begun early in Christ’s presence, and it continues "during his presence." (1 Corinthians 15:23) Rather than occurring all at once, the first resurrection takes place over a period of time.

Those of this limited group forgo all hopes of living forever on earth as humans of flesh and blood. They will reign with Christ in heaven, sitting on thrones to judge humankind. (Revelation 20:4, 6)
ok back to mary :)

it seems from the bible, that mary would more than likely have been a widow by the time Jesus ministry began , because no mention is made of Joseph after that one incident from Jesus youth when mary and Joseph found Jesus in the temple .

At the time of Jesus death he entrusted his mother to the apostle John (john19 ;26,27)

Jesus would not likely have done so if Joseph were still living .
ok back to mary :)

it seems from the bible, that mary would more than likely have been a widow by the time Jesus ministry began , because no mention is made of Joseph after that one incident from Jesus youth when mary and Joseph found Jesus in the temple .

At the time of Jesus death he entrusted his mother to the apostle John (john19 ;26,27)

Jesus would not likely have done so if Joseph were still living .
Mary did not have the courage to change (as you put it). She had the courage to accept...big difference.
Mary did not have the courage to change (as you put it). She had the courage to accept...big difference.

yes as you say , she accepted . And because of that things would have changed even though those long held things were deeply entrenched, she knew the way to go :) and she did .

she became a part of the christian congregation
yes as you say , she accepted . And because of that things would have changed even though those long held things were deeply entrenched, she knew the way to go :) and she did .

she became a part of the christian congregation
Mary was never part of the "Christian" congregation. Neither was Jesus for that matter. There was no such thing, until decades later, in fact, almost a century later.

Mary in her adult hood, might have belonged to the "Sect of the Nazarenes", a Jewish group outside of traditional Jewish faith and practices. Gentiles were still gentiles who happened to believe on Jesus' teachings and promise, but there was no melding of the two groups for quite a while.

As far as Mary goes, at 14 years of age, one does not know much about anything, except pregnancy before marriage was a death sentence.

Being betrothed and being impregnated by one other than one's spouse was a double death sentence.

Her world and all she might have believed in disappeared in a flash, once the "angel" announced what God intended for Mary.

Perhaps the only thing that could be said with any accuracy might be that Mary's belief in the awesome power of God, was greater than any pain man could possibly inflict upon her.

She simply accepted God's will for her (with a resignation, I'm certain). Then God followed up with "trust me", and she said she did. The rest is history (as they say).

As an aside, it wasn't "Jehovah" that spoke to was an angel (a messanger), because Jehovah, cannot look upon a sinful human, but through his Son, who hadn't arrived yet corporially, to claim mankind as his own.

You really need to read your bible more, up close, not from a watch
Mary was never part of the "Christian" congregation. Neither was Jesus for that matter. There was no such thing, until decades later, in fact, almost a century later.
when the christian congregation was formed, mary was about 50 or so , and mary understood thats Gods blessing was now with the christian congregation, so she had the courage and faith to change
when the christian congregation was formed, mary was about 50 or so , and mary understood thats Gods blessing was now with the christian congregation, so she had the courage and faith to change
Can you provide the scripture for this? That would have been 3 years 'or so' after Jesus death yes?
when the christian congregation was formed, mary was about 50 or so , and mary understood thats Gods blessing was now with the christian congregation, so she had the courage and faith to change
Absolutely inaccurate. Mary when 50 (if she even lived that long), would have been around to witness the Stoning to death of Stephen (seven years after the death and resurrection of Jesus), which was witnessed and supervised by Paul of all people (Saul of Tarsus). Paul had not even met Jesus on the road to Damascus yet.

Paul is considered by many if not most as the founder of what is called Christianity.

Stephen was a Jew who chided the Jewish clergy and people for being stiffed necked about the teachings of Jesus (which is why he was stoned in the first place).

Until and for a time after, there was no such thing as the Christian church, only a Jewish sect called Nazarenes, or "The Way". They were still strongly Jewish and prayed in the Synogogues, but their interpretation of the Laws of the Old Testament began to change.

The Sanhedrin had problems with this "Nazarene" movement. Stephen nearly caused a riot, and the Sanhedrin were right in the middle. Stephen, a "Nazarene", went so far as to accuse the Jews of killing their own prophets, even the ones who predicted the coming of the Righteous One, and now they had betrayed and murdered him who was the Redeemer. He went on to say they had received the law and then disobeyed it. (Acts7:51-53)

They were Jewish, but accepted the teachings of Jesus, their martyred Rabbi, and counselor.

There was no cohesive christian church until Paul got to work...and it took him over 50 years to do it. (That's 57 years after the death of Jesus), or about the time the "zealots" were destroyed by the Roman army, and Rome scattered the Jews of Palastine to the "four corners of the earth", destroying the Temple along with it.
Can you provide the scripture for this? That would have been 3 years 'or so' after Jesus death yes?

here she is right there with them.
With one accord all these were persisting in prayer, together with some women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brothers.ACTS 1;14

After Jesus’ resurrection his fleshly brothers also changed their doubting attitude, for they were present with their mother and the apostles when assembled for prayer after Jesus’ ascension. (Ac 1:14)

This suggests that they were present also at the outpouring of the holy spirit on the day of Pentecost.

yes mary would know the channel to go with.

acts 1;14 indeed it is
Acts 1:14 has nothing to do with Christianity perse, mee. It simply states that they gathered in prayer.

" They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with the brothers of Jesus..."

They were AFRAID, and they HOPED but they weren't Christian... they were Jews. They expected a big come back, but there were people out to KILL THEM, and they didn't know what to do.

They had broken the law, and were fearful for their lives, because no one was there to protect them. Their "Lord" was apparently gone. They doubted.

They had no confidence, else there would have been no fearful praying...

Read the truth, don't try and interpet it as you see fit.