...and we can see the results of 'collective authority' vs 'individual authority' in the case of the collective crowd calling for the crucification of Jesus, whereas the individual who held authority, Pilate, wanted to spare Jesus, but yielded to the crowd out of fear. Which would have been the 'correct and acceptable authority' in this case?
The Sanhedrin is recognised as the authoritative voice of Judaism when it called for Jesus' execution: John 18:14 "Now Caiphas was he who had given the counsel to the Jews: That it was expedient that one man should die for the people."
And Pilate was the authoritative voice of the Roman Empire in response when he saw no reason, under Roman Law, why the man should die: John 18:38 "I find no cause in him."
We can also see examples of individuals being persecuted for their opinions...
I am not arguing right or wrong. I am arguing that if you want to know what a
community thinks and why, ask a representative of the community. You're not obliged to accept it, but at the very least you can rely on what you're rejecting is what they actually think, and not what someone who is not of the community thinks they think.
Put it another way: A man called Jesus Christ was crucified. Why?
The accepted Jewish opinion is that He was "Bad", an apostate Jew, a false prophet who declared Himself to be God, a troublemaker who was going to bring a whole heap of trouble down on everybody, so the expedient measure, for the good of all, is ...
The accepted Roman opinion is that He was "Mad", a nobody, but He was stirring up a lot of Jewish dissent, which was leading to big trouble, so the expedient measure, for the good of all, is ...
The accepted Christian opinion is that He was "the Son of God", destined to die, for the good of all, so the expedient measure is ...
All three opinions are correct and authentic and authoritative with regard to their principle: Judaism, Rome, and Christianity. They can't all be right, though. Which one is it? Take your pick.
... geocentric model vs the heliocentric model of the solar system...
The aim of this board in the first instance is to inquire why people held the geocentric or the heliocentric model of the solar system at all, and then, if interested, inquire further into what that model tells them about the solar system in which they live.
Whether you believe in the geocentric, the heliocentric, or any other model, is up to you.
Discussion here is not primarily about broadcasting what 'I' think, but finding out what 'others' think. Only subsequently, hopefully, are there grounds for a reasoned and well-mannered discussion about what is thought.