If Jesus is to return; what is HE bringing?

Adam didn't fail, he made a choice and God approved

Our first ancestors fell away from God and were kicked out of the Garden. This resulted in the evil world we are living in.
so realizing mankind evolved from an instinctive living critter, to a conscious life ("like us", per God of bible) .....

i guess that does nothing for you in appreciation to God.....

common sense shares that the old works are a combination of bunches of opinions, you would think when reality was touching your eyes you could comprehend the message

God has toiled for thousands of years to bring back his children and prepare humanity for one man to restore what happened at the Fall.

All human beings are sufferings.
mankind is suffering just as you are now. Few comprehend what life is, true to existence (nature/God)

Every child on this earth, ever born, has wanted, requested and begged for truth since born. (since the beginning of time) That is the suffering.

God our spiritual parent is suffering the most because He loves all his children including A&E
hence perhaps why they still live in all of us

perhaps it is the renditions of material information that keeps you separated from 'understanding'.

My beliefs are compassionate.

'beliefs' are not 'compassionate' what people do represents whether of compassion or not and to ME............ if you continuing a line of fibs for a selfish purpose, then you insulting me, the forum and God

not to mention dishonoring mom and dad............. again!

Beliefs don't make a person compassionate, just see ted haggart, charles manson......... or even the conflict in the middle east.

it is what you do that represents what compassion you have
so realizing mankind evolved from an instinctive living critter, to a conscious life ("like us", per God of bible) .....

i guess that does nothing for you in appreciation to God.....


quote=Bishadi;182490]common sense shares that the old works ? are a combination of bunches of opinions, you would think when reality was touching your eyes you could comprehend the message[/quote]


quote=Bishadi;182490]mankind is suffering just as you are now. Few comprehend what life is, true to existence (nature/God)[/quote]


quote=Bishadi;182490]Every child on this earth, ever born, has wanted, requested and begged for truth since born. (since the beginning of time) That is the suffering.[/quote]

Truth and mostly love

quote=Bishadi;182490]hence perhaps why they still live in all of us[/quote]

We are they descendants. Their blood lineage became tainted

quote=Bishadi;182490]perhaps it is the renditions of material information that keeps you separated from 'understanding'.[/quote]


'beliefs' are not 'compassionate' what people do represents whether of compassion or not and to ME............ if you continuing a line of fibs for a selfish purpose, then you insulting me, the forum and God

Of course beliefs can be compassionate. We have a heart and an intellect. You do not have to separate them.

quote=Bishadi;182490]it is what you do that represents what compassion you have[/quote]

You actions are based on your beliefs. What we do is our faith in action

quote=Bishadi;182490]common sense shares that the old works ? are a combination of bunches of opinions, you would think when reality was touching your eyes you could comprehend the message

and you post


what is tough about that. Are you not aware many of the biblical stories came from material 10k years plus before the bible? Notice the bible is a bunch of 'books'?

Then when the collection is observed relating to nature, reality and God, do you not feel the truth?

mankind is suffering just as you are now. Few comprehend what life is, true to existence (nature/God)


walk around the world............... it is 'reality'.

God is the father, just as you ask mom for a meal when born. Each is relying on the parent to guide us. Since no human has ever finished or performed the 'truth' absolute to existence, the norm is to lean on God.

An innert trust with God, is that HE will perform. He will take care of us. He will fullfill the 'promise'. The revealing of the truth! The understanding and perfection of ever-lasting life.

Every child on this earth, ever born, has wanted, requested and begged for truth since born. (since the beginning of time) That is the suffering.

this is reality.....

as every child, not just you, not just your parent, but even in the congo, the mediteranian, middle east, midwest, europe, ...it doesn't matter.......... all of mankind......... has wanted to know what life is, and what are the choices to make to live a good quality life; representing compassion, community and God (existence)
We are they descendants. Their blood lineage became tainted

no person is born tainted. Every negative is learned, but illness is not a taint... it is biology.

we all going to get a bug once in a while

perhaps it is the renditions of material information that keeps you separated from 'understanding'


this shares that the opinions and frames of observing God, nature and existence has created a divide to observing God as 'the garden', everything and all existence, Hence why the trinity has been continually pointed to. The tangible/corporeal (some say Jesus) but literally 'mass' itself.

The 'spirit of life' is the 'light' of life.... the life of all mass is the energy that combines all mass......... the light (electromagnetism)

The transcendent is time. Beginning/ending... alpha/omega.

The three......... mass, energy(light) and time combine into a mathematical frame enabling the association to represent the process observed in nature. (that frame is the name)

Nothing is taken from God. The truth shares the perfection of Gods nature/existence. We all just living within existence (God's children)... observing, feeling, creating and bound to compassion and Love simply by being conscious....... we can experience God in each moment we exist.

Of course beliefs can be compassionate. We have a heart and an intellect. You do not have to separate them.

i don't.... as a belief can be in a book sitting on a table. Nothing compassionate about a thing.

It is only when within the mind to comprehend, can the material knowledge enable compassionate 'choice' to be performed.

The knowledge simply allows each to think before action is imposed to exist.

What is the last chapter bringing?

The truth that will set mankind free.

'the truth will set you free'.................. ring any bells?