Age of Aquarius


Peace, Love and Unity
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The New Age - the Age of Aquarius - is something we are apparently entering into - an age of peace and prosperity.

Only it won't hit properly until around 2016.

However, what does the Age of Aquarius actually represent, and what can we actually expect of it?
As a double Aquarian and prophesy bearer what I see coming

is a general overthrow of spiritual mumbo-jumbo and a focusing in on the problems of traditional spiritual paths that historically haven't delivered the goods societies need to organize themselves into cooperative federations instead of warring groups.

The generalizing spiritual paths don't really help as when God is only a transcendent Something, a Source beyond human comprehension let alone involvement, then God is stripped of "eyes" and "hands" as well as parental attributes, i.e. in effect as if there were no God at all. This is why the earlier pagan polytheistic religious paths were superceded by monotheistic ones, only the monotheistic ones were developed by tribal societies too immersed in intertribal warfare to understand God could never be the property of any single human group.

The Aquarian Aeon will be characterized by cooperative social organization and the ending of inter-faith, inter-national warfare. However, that does not mean spiritual battles will not take place. They will, as they are doing so now with the traditional Christian West in cahoots with Judaism to take territory away from Islamic nations and with Islamic peoples convinced their religion will topple the Western depravities, much like the old Communists agenda only Marx and Lenin have been replaced by Mohammad.
I said:
The New Age - the Age of Aquarius - is something we are apparently entering into - an age of peace and prosperity.

Only it won't hit properly until around 2016.

However, what does the Age of Aquarius actually represent, and what can we actually expect of it?

What is in 2016? As far as I am concerned the congregation of ALL the planets and the Moon, in February 4, 1962 entered us into the Age of Aquarius.

The entire sexual and technological revolution, culture as we know it today, occurred after 1962.

Aquarius is the water holder, it is the Revolutionary. Think of the Flood. It is also related with Uranus, or Ur-Anas, Fire-Water. Again, revolutionary. Fire Renew Nature Incessantly (INRI). Saturn is the Ray of Death. Crows are evolving through the Ray of Saturn.

There is the Age of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron. We are in Iron, we are in the Kali of Yuga, and next we once again return to the age of gold. Of course, civilization as we know it will be destroyed beforehand.

Those more learned in the terminology are welcome to please correct my understanding. For those who are not familiar with the idea of "ages", it is based in the physical, although many sense a metaphysical effect from it. To ascertain the age, one need only see which astrological sign the sun rises in on the spring equinox on the 30th parellel (egypt, maine, idaho, etc)(halfway between north pole and equator). Since there is no actual dividing line in the sky, it is mostly conjecture as to when an age actually ends or begins. It is likely it can be narrowed down to several decades.

The particular age we find ourselves in delivers some of the symbology of the age. Since the Earth rotates counter-clockwise, the astrological signs are changing in reverse. In this, the Age of Pisces, with Christianity being the primary earth religion, they use the symbol of the fish - although I would imagine few know the reason behind it. Previously the ram was worshipped (Aries) & the bull (Taurus) and the myth of the twins plays heavily in many ancient cultures (Gemini).

I recall reading some time ago that the original collective astrological sign following Pisces was the phoenix rising from the ashes. In some ancient writings handed down, this was the accepted symbol. I am not certain as to when the waterbearer became the modern (per se) symbol, but it is out there somewhere that the phoenix predates it. The phoenix would be more accurate for the common sensing of an age of causal (or christ) consciousness.

Again, I may be waaay off, but what I wrote above is based on what I have read in various sources - likely Parabola or science magazines, as they tend to be my only reading material over the past 5 years or so.

Re: p.s.

Pet Zepi said:
Anybody got a snow plow?

(God Bless America.)
Ezekiel Chapter 1

10 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.
11 Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies.


Revelation Chapter 4

7In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. 8Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come."

Is this what you are referring to, Pet Zepi?
The Byzantine Zodiac? Plato's Great Year?
Re: p.s.

Karehndiujo Mohmid said:
Is this what you are referring to, Pet Zepi?
The Byzantine Zodiac? Plato's Great Year?

neoxenos said:
There is the Age of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron. We are in Iron, we are in the Kali of Yuga, and next we once again return to the age of gold. Of course, civilization as we know it will be destroyed beforehand.


This idea of Yuga's or Spiritual Ages is interesting but not very realistic if you take the idea as meaning literally that humanity has moved backwards from a (mythical) "Golden Age". The number of people who are ready for serious spiritual practices has increased rather than decreased over time, especially in the last hundred years or so.
Avinash said:

This idea of Yuga's or Spiritual Ages is interesting but not very realistic if you take the idea as meaning literally that humanity has moved backwards from a (mythical) "Golden Age". The number of people who are ready for serious spiritual practices has increased rather than decreased over time, especially in the last hundred years or so.
[font=&quot]The Golden Age occurs because it comes after everyone but the cream of the crop is wiped out. From there the other three "seasons" occur due to the convolutions and degeneration of the original religion.

It is absolutely realistic to think that society is moving backwards. We like to call it "modern" mostly, but the fact is that most of it is just degeneration. Take classical music for example. This music is far superior, in a completely objective sense, to anything on popular radio today, because music today does not posses any transcendental properties anymore. We can verify this by meditating to Beethoven’s 9th, for example, to anything on local pop radio station. The results are obvious.
John Williams is the new Beetoven - and actually better, in my opinion. :)

However, not everyone in the 18th to 19th century listened to Beetoven - it was pretty strictly limited to the Nobility and upper classes.

The general peasantry had their own music - a lot of which is lost - but if found, would probably sound a lot like modern pop music in tone. :)
Neoxenos said:
It is absolutely realistic to think that society is moving backwards. We like to call it "modern" mostly, but the fact is that most of it is just degeneration. Take classical music for example. This music is far superior, in a completely objective sense, to anything on popular radio today, because music today does not posses any transcendental properties anymore. We can verify this by meditating to Beethoven’s 9th, for example, to anything on local pop radio station. The results are obvious.
The question whether Western culture has crudified in the last hundred years or so is a quite complex one. In some respects I would say the opposite has happened with e.g. the increase in the call for human rights as well as for animal rights, the increase in vegetarianism, the increase in the numbers of people involved with some type of spiritual practices (don't mean religious practices) and the increase in ecological awareness. I agree with Brian that percentage-wise more people than ever in Western society are listening to classical music and other types of subtler music.

It may however also be true to say that increasingly liberal attitudes after the collapse of Christianity have created a crudification in certain sections of morality. This may however be just a temporary thing tied to this age of "money-first".
Is the Sun finally setting?

Although I am very interested in 'macro-astrological' matters, cant say that I have ever read much about it.

As for the debate whether modern day culture is on a progressive or a regressive path. I would take the view that in developed cultures, there is no longer anything be it false or true, that binds society together. The only thing that holds everything together in the western world is our immense and unprecedented wealth. If that wealth were to run dry, we would soon all witness the sorry fragmented state that we are actually in. As for much of the rest of the worlds population I would imagine that things have never been worse both from a material and spiritual point of view. How much longer can things go on like this?
Dear Brian

"The New Age - the Age of Aquarius - is something we are apparently entering into - an age of peace and prosperity."

Yes I feel it's early approach was in the 60's some say it takes up to 200 years to move fully into it a new age.

"Only it won't hit properly until around 2016"

As far as peace is concerned this could well be true. There are many old structures and realities to fall away first I feel. New Science, new physics and new biology is uniting spirituality and science at last. This new paradigm shift will go through some teething problems as the old orders fall away. Like Jesus said the old heaven and earth will fall away. I feel this is because the way we perceive everything will change. I was guided in October 2003 that the 23rd November 2003 heralded the first day of the incoming golden age.

At the beginning of that month there was the Harmonic Concordance the planets created the symbol of Christ Consciousness in the heavens. I have written quite abit about all of this, if you would like me to post more information from previous articles published please let me know,

"However, what does the Age of Aquarius actually represent, and what can we actually expect of it?"

First 'Emotive Social Evolution' it is the end times as predicted in the Bible and the Qu'ran. If we get past 2006 without WW3 or major disaster I will be very happy. 2006 concerns me the most right now!

Big transition, as existing infrastructures collapse making way for the new.
Eco-villages and living in community is going to be a priority for the forthcoming generations. The best we can all do, in the short to medium term is support each other through the chaos. Which many of us are being prepared for, to be able to stay in peace while everything is falling away around us. All is meant to be!

2/3rds of the world population will cease to walk the earth beyond 2050. Already becoming fact in Europe, due to the drop in the birth rate now. Interesting a couple of weeks ago front page news Daily Mail government minister was demanding that it is our duty to have children, business leaders shouted that is Orwellian........!!! So time for the people to take their power back, take responsibility for what we co-create.

Kali Yuga, there was a big debate about this on another forum and in the end we decided that due to the power of conscious intent, Kali Yuga will end when we decide it is over! Enough is enough!

For sure we will be creating a new plane of existence, a Kingdom of Love.
I am learning to walk between the worlds and the different realities while we go through this transition to Christ Consciousness. 2012 is a key date also as I am sure that you are aware.

Love beyond measure

LOL, when I saw that you, Brian, put in the 2016 date, I thought that there'd be a few disparate views. There are scores of opinions about when Aquarius did or will begin. The best approach seems to be just to say it is gradual - so we are partly in it now for sure.

Sacredstar, still another date and not 2016. :)

"2/3rds of the world population will cease to walk the earth beyond 2050". It would be nice to have some substantiation. Then again, not! Such prophecies don't impress as they change year to year and everyone with such a prophecy has a different one, so they can't be taken seriously.

Among all the predictions and opinions about the coming new era, I do agree that eventually it'll be one of peace and higher consciousness. But our grasp, today, of just what that will be like is similar to people of the 1700s imagining our present technology. I do believe there's an awful lot of primarily wonderful things coming, though much of it beyond our lifetime, which simply no one today would be able to predict or even talk about ... it'll eventually be such a new host of paradigms and memes that we live in and live by that we can hardly grasp it today. Just my view.
Following the recent disaster i investigated the prophecies I received back in 1996 so apologies it was 1/3 of the world's population will cease to walk the earth. European statistics that were put out in 2002 confirmed this but sadly did not keep the link. This is also evident in Australia and the US which is why they having opening the doors gradually to more immigrants. Australia as allowed so many asia-pacificians it was hard to find a true australian when I first arrived there. The Australian government have let so many in they will not even reveal the true figures to their people.

This was a prophecy that I received.

I am an ex-professional clairvoyant./medium who had clients in 14 countries around the globe, these clients came on recommendation, I can assure you that clients at corporate level do not part with their hard earned cash unless you come up with the goods and your prophecies are proven to be true. The millennium prophecies were presented at major MBS exhibitions. It was amazing how many other people have been shown the same visions. One woman even saw the UK cut in to three islands through environmental disaster.

So my advice to all, do not live near a waterfront/sea, the best long term investment is land because you will be able to grow your own food. Do your best to live 50 metres above sea level.

Interesting that before Christmas national newspapers stated that insurance for water side homes will now be refused and the government's environmental agency website is showing the areas in danger of flooding. The UK government also sent out brochures to every household last year telling us what to do in a national disaster and flooding. They a know a lot more then they are letting on I feel....

Take heed of the warnings and signs from mother earth, prewarned is prearmed.

Onwards and upwards

I think I'll have to side with you on this one Sacredstar,

Age of aquarius is facinating and all but why would our ancient forebears go to so much effort to devise a system of ages that spanned 25000 years, and not in just one location around the world either, many ancient cultures record the same data, and why is it we use all that data and still poo poo their advancments, are we so sure of our own accomplishments. We use their 24hrs, 365.24 days in the year, 360 degrees in the circle, and now use all the other astronomically important numbers in our own calculations, 12, 72, 144, 2160 per age and the same measurements for the great year too. They even knew exactly how often the sun flips its own poles (something we've only just worked out) 11.22 years.

As Im sure most of you know the Mayan calendar reaches the end of its last sun on 2012, The egyptians followed precession to its point at 2012 as well, and the Kali yuga is rapidly drawing to a close, and every judeo christianic religion is bracing itself (again) but hey what do these guys know anyway? Even I found it fairly easy to dismiss all the astronomical data, its not that tangible is it?

Then some damn scientist had to go and research the movement of the poles, and published an artical in a 1979 scientific american that indicated they'd accidently discovered that the poles were going to flip on 2012 in december, they didnt think much of it (and had no idea about mayans or otherwise) but it got me thinking about the ramifications...

That kind of change could affect, tectonic plates, the magnetosphere, ocean levels, global temps and some say global conciousness...
Hi Phoenix,

I actually agree with much of what you've written - resurrecting a thread a year old I see! - however it's always not only useful but virtually essential when making such important statements to give a link or reference. Not that I doubt you at all about the 1979 article but - author, title, details? It seems a little fishy to me TBH (not from you but that it probably wasn't so clear-cut as to predict a flip to a precise month; also science has moved on an awful lot since 1979).

There is a GENERAL consensus among non-materialists about what Aquarius means, and I reckon disagreements about precise dates are less than unimportant for a "start-date". What is important is how much worth to put on dates, and people appear to be going ridiculously OTT about what may happen in 2012 IMHO. It's a typical millennial or fundamentalist stance that everyone from Christians to Jehovah's Witnesses fall prey to over and again - that something radical and physical (undeniable) will happen on a certain specific date. As always the date comes and goes. Similarly, the New Age community will, I am quite certain, find a new one when 2012 comes and goes.

Does that mean New Agers, supposedly so liberal, actually have a fundamentalist streak when it comes to certain subjects such as dates? Perhaps so. That's interesting...

Similarly we have in this thread the 2050 date and apologies, but I would in no way accept that either. So two-thirds of the population will cease to walk the Earth by 2050? - then a correction post - oops, it's actually one-third, Sacred Star got it wrong. Hey, these are big figures and concepts! It can hardly be taken seriously when it's a "whoops" over a mere two billion people! Incidentally that will not happen due to a drop in population expansion because (1) most of those people to be around in 2050 are already alive on Earth now, and (2) the world population is still expanding rapidly.

But in general I'd agree with the rough consensus of what the Age of Aquarius means, and in general it was something which couldn't happen or begin until a certain time-period. There's a reality there we can see and sense, but the specific and apocalyptic (sp?) stances don't hang true with this writer.
Master New world,

Ahhh, this is the reason why as forum such as this is so interesting, I get the benefit of getting some really decent pros and cons from some people that seem to really know their stuff, but enough of the back patting...

Resurrecting an old thread?, you'll have to excuse my ignorance I'm not sure what your talking about, but as far as quoting my sources I shall endevour to be more thorough in the future and I'll see what I can do about finding that article (I've been tracking back issues with no luck). But yeah I need to see this article myself and I too would like to know what science has to say as an update. The first time I heard it mentioned was by Graham Hancock in "Finger prints of the Gods" or was it the Orion Mystery? Bah! I'll work on it.

As far as what it means I'm sure any non-materialist would be more than happy to sit back and enjoy the specticle of whatever happens, what concerns me more is if its a much more 'tangible' transition, every mythology speaks of destruction and perhaps its too materialistic of me to seek to save my own hide and those whom I love. Its all well and good to design a massive clock but it would seem strange to do so without some reason, especially given that our last ice age was about half a great year ago.

I cant see it being a nice pleasant transition with a casual decline of the population by 2050 (here I agree with you) not when the myths speak of destruction and violence, the goddess doesnt just have three faces for nothing, one of those faces, the Buba Yuja is not some kindly old lady she is the embodiment of the forces that would weed out the weak. Kali is the reincarnation of a very benevelant Goddess, but at the end of the age of iron even her own lover has trouble stopping the carnage.

It would be nice to think we could all live happy away and buy a new car each year and pity those poor souls who dont have the lifestyle to reflect on the nature of the most high because their too busy starving, any change in paradime (sp?) would be accompanied by much disaster.

If the Apoc doesnt come in 2012 then we'll be really stuffed because then it really will come like a theif in the night and you'll have to be in a constant state of readyness, cos it will happen, sometime.

Whatever the Mayan calendar consisted of, the Mayan Prophecies book didn't do a great job of interpreting it. Essentially, they turned Mayan prophecy into a colour-by-numbers exercise, where numbers that looked a bit like other numbers suddenly became exactly equivalent. Disappointing.

Anyone expacting a major religious event in 2012 is shopping at the same store the 2000 millenialists stocked up at.

However, 2017...