Will a REAL Muslim, please share

when abused by others as being against truth; is insulting to me

i am always equal until lied too

and if a person believes they have a right to fib, based on their own ideas of right and wrong, then they walk in peril

a real muslim NEVER lies!

I was going to try to be gracious toward you but quite frankly I have neither the time nor inclination.

Of course yours is the only reality that is truth, so enjoy it.

You may want to do something about the paranoia though.
war is a negative term in the Quran... and only fought as a last resort out of neccessity for self-preservation and to curb opression

war tactics are to defend and preserve peace; if you dont defend it, then there will be no peace to stand firm! :)

Yes, but who desires what is good and can define the traitors so as to protect it from the bad ? There is only one I know of but alas he is dead:

"I desire what is good. Therefore, everyone who does not agree with me is a traitor." King George III
war is a negative term in the Quran... and only fought as a last resort out of neccessity for self-preservation and to curb opression
understood but when 'the days' are here

will there be war ever again............... once the last word is upon the minds of the children?

with the absolute truth, will there ever be war again?

NO.......... because then each are equally bound in truth

war tactics are to defend and preserve peace; if you dont defend it, then there will be no peace to stand firm! :)

hence why the people will be 'enabled'

the people become the judges, equally

there will be no divide between mankind based on the 'truth'

the second creation

the revealing

the same 'days' all of mankind has been awaiting!

I was going to try to be gracious toward you but quite frankly I have neither the time nor inclination.
your choice

Of course yours is the only reality that is truth, so enjoy it.

my reality is irrelevant

truth stands by itself

some learn and evolve

some don't

it is the same law of nature that God has imposed to all of existence

You may want to do something about the paranoia though.

no worries here as i am not denying truth based on my own ignorance

to me honoring God is honoring all that is his

so from Hindu to the samarian tablets to the art upon the rocks of the desert dwellers; i choose to experience God's revelations from across HIS time, HIS children, HIS world and allow compassion and Love to govern my choices

i will never believe a single opinion to make my choices for me

as it seems best to trust God over the opinions of man or women!

Since your attitude is yours to throw around, throw it elsewhere or i will jump your pride and stuff it in the garbage.

no more playing with you
Yes, but who desires what is good and can define the traitors so as to protect it from the bad ?
each can equally

There is only one I know of but alas he is dead:
then you honor little of what muhammed taught

as i see muhammed alive and well.............

we still talk about him

his works are within our hearts

a huge amount of people Love the words and gifts he has bestowed upon us alll

Muhammed is alive and well. He gave of his heart, his Love, his choice to share knowledge that 'evolved' from many frames of beliefs into the works many call QURAN.

That in giving, in doing 'good' he lives and will live forever.

good: support life to continue.

his works shared compassion, Love and offered guidance for community that has last 1400 years beyond his return to the soil.........

muhammed is alive
Since your attitude is yours to throw around, throw it elsewhere or i will jump your pride and stuff it in the garbage.

no more playing with you

dude... are you on some medication?
(because if you're not... you should be.)

You doubt the supremacy of the divine revelations of King George III who clearly desires the good?? Are you a traitor? Such things cannot be tolerated.

I doubt the supremacy of King Nick and His revelation.
dude... are you on some medication?
(because if you're not... you should be.)

I doubt the supremacy of King Nick and His revelation.[/quote]

These doubts can be cleared up. All you need cOde is education. Once you are "educated" all will be resolved, there will be peace, and the birds will sing once again.
Since your attitude is yours to throw around, throw it elsewhere or i will jump your pride and stuff it in the garbage.

no more playing with you

Ahhh interfaith dialogue, you gotta love it ... (where's the rolling around the floor laughing smiley).

I have found some Scholarly interpretation which confirms basically what I've said...:

Everything that Allah created has a soul. Some of them fulfill the roles that Allah has set for them and do exactly what they were created to do.
This includes the plant and animal kingdoms, the mountains, seas and oceans, planets, stars, for example, as each of them worships Allah in their own way.
Allah will call upon the Angel of Death to take the lives of each of His creatures until there will be no one left but Allah and the Angel of Death.
[Every soul shall taste death] (Aal `Imran 3:185)
Allah will then take the angel's life and nothing will remain except Him. He will then call out, "To whom belongs all things this day?" There will, of course, be no one to answer. One way or another, there can be no one other than Allah to answer this question.
[The Day whereon they will (all) come forth: Not a single thing concerning them is hidden from Allah. Whose will be the dominion that Day?" That of Allah, the One, the Irresistible!] (Ghafir 40:16)
There being no one and nothing to answer, Allah will Himself answer by saying, "Allah, the One, the Irresistible." To Him belongs all things and to Him is the return.
I hope this was helpful to you.
And They Ask You Concerning the Soul… - Reading Islam.com - Ask About Islam

A little more evidence I've come across:

continued from my first post of 'Signs of the Last Day' thread:

...At that time, the world will progress tremendously. Three to four years will pass in this way when all of a sudden, on the morning of a Friday on the 10th of Mu h arram , when all the people will be preoccupied in their work, the trumpet will be blown. initially, the sound will be soft. Gradually it will get louder until everyone will die out of panic and horror. The land and the skies will be blown into smithereens and the entire universe will be destroyed. The time span from the rising of the sun from the west till the blowing of the trumpet will be 120 years. After this, the day of resurrection will commence.

Once this entire universe is destroyed, 40 years will pass in this tranquility. Allah Ta'ala will then issue the order for the trumpet to be blown a second time. The earth and the skies will come back into existence and the dead will rise from their graves. All of them will be gathered in the plains of qiyaamah.

read on:

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