Will a REAL Muslim, please share

If you mean something like reincarnation...you can find it in other religions like Hinduism and Confucianism... not in Quran or real Islam.

So then your post shares you DO NOT know the qurans representation of the 'second creation'..........

reread the thread; them verses are from quran

what most do not realize is the majority of the quran is talking about the future, being prophetic in nature.

The end of days is what to have hope in.

Are there any REAL Muslims, that know the works well enough to have an intelligent conversation on the 'second creation'?
So then your post shares you DO NOT know the qurans representation of the 'second creation'..........

reread the thread; them verses are from quran

what most do not realize is the majority of the quran is talking about the future, being prophetic in nature.

The end of days is what to have hope in.

Are there any REAL Muslims, that know the works well enough to have an intelligent conversation on the 'second creation'?

Salaam Bishadi :)

Sister Friend is actually right br/sis, that there is no reincarnation in Islam; the 'second' creation refers to the ressurection of the hereafter and not regarding recreation of humans before it; the hereafter is when people will be judged, and then abide in iether heaven or hell; not anywhere in this earth; this is the belief of 99.99999999999999999999 percent of the Muslims..., so I think it's fair to say that those Muslims are the 'real Muslims' :)

Regarding the 're-incarnation', there is no evidence for it whatsoever; in Gods scriptures or otherwise; and the so called 'past life memmories' which some people seem to recount/have memmories of, well they usually? happen when a person is hypnotises isn't it?, in that state a person is vulnerable/susceptible to the devils whispers and devils having life spans of many hundreds of years, can know intimate details of a persons life that has lived hundreds of years before, and these devils can whisper such 'thoughts' into the vulnerable person or those with no or verry weak faith.

Peace :)
Salaam Bishadi :)

Sister Friend is actually right br/sis, that there is no reincarnation in Islam;
I do not believe that interpretations of dasatir (zoroaster) reincarnation conveyed across into quran.

the 'second' creation refers to the ressurection of the hereafter
you mean o53:47... "the promise".......

something like 'raising the dead' to the flesh. Seems that is older than Torah, in many beliefs, but we can discuss that too if you like.

and not regarding recreation of humans before it;
'recreate' .....? How about re-define..... that is all knowledge does. It enables truth to over-ride old knowledge..(second creation)

Read 039......... practically all about the coming. (You are being given signs, try not to deny them)........ read with the Love of Allah (God), upon your heart.

the hereafter is when people will be judged,
053:057 as it is yet to come (the next chapter of mankind)

and then abide in iether heaven or hell; not anywhere in this earth; this is the belief of 99.99999999999999999999 percent of the Muslims..., so I think it's fair to say that those Muslims are the 'real Muslims'
beg to differ, perhaps you need assistance?

Regarding the 're-incarnation', there is no evidence for it whatsoever;

i haven't met a reincarnated person, have you?

safe bet then between our 2 opinions we can both agree, that reincarnation is not standard practice of reality.

it is almost like when people think their soul goes to another place after death. Kind of funny to even consider that.

and Peace to you!
it is almost like when people think their soul goes to another place after death. Kind of funny to even consider that.

Specially when we know everything about what happens after Death.... How is it funny? Way I see it, it's a 50, 50 chance that you're right or he's right...

Read 039......... practically all about the coming. (You are being given signs, try not to deny them)........

When people think they are being given some signs of "the coming" Kind of funny to even consider that......
Specially when we know everything about what happens after Death.... How is it funny?
because it is all speculative with no foundation other than beliefs.

Way I see it, it's a 50, 50 chance that you're right or he's right...
maybe 5150

When people think they are being given some signs of "the coming" Kind of funny to even consider that......

makes sense but if the truth is pure then only one man would know the 'name' to perfect what is true.

read your prophecies or simply look at history.... from Moses, jesus, muhammed, newton, darwin or even einstein.............. single individuals willing to give their life for the good; by the single conformity to pure Love! (give of self for others)

from each of the old contributers, the person is oooosually dead well before people even comprehend what was learned, conveyed and accepted.

it is the normal pattern observed in most all history

Most all of the contributers were a single person who simply cared and did the actual work that was to be done; they cared more for the progression of truth, then their own lives!

do you have anything to add for the thread title or should we just open up a thread called 'doubting the nut'?

and then everyone can call me names: i could care less but will submit myself to the abuse if others can learn.

has any weighed the 'reason' a quack like me would even be on this site sharing what has been learned?

meaning if you were half a human being (of reasoned compassion); why would any person even try unless they are pursuing self gratification, perhaps just a nut, but that one in a gazillion chance of being correct, would just ruin your day wouldn't it........... especially if any question in the world could be asked to test and either be answered or you can have the fun of making a fool of the idiot

heck......... i love to test the most educated on earth and not for self gratification but because i hate liars and wish to stop any deception from any person........... in all cases!

so perhaps open that thread and bring in the best of the best or use every weapon of truth you can possibly muster

but unless you wish to add to the thread, perhaps step aside and allow others to learn as most every person on a religious site is seeking knowledge and the ignorant simply abuse the progression based on the selfishness of the individual complacent ignorance.
peace! :)

something like 'raising the dead' to the flesh. Seems that is older than Torah, in many beliefs, but we can discuss that too if you like.!

it is older than Torah infact, for I would think that this same Message would be revealed even to the first Prophet and community of humans; Adam [as] and his immediate progeny...

i haven't met a reincarnated person, have you?!

nope me niether :); they dont exist do they? :)

safe bet then between our 2 opinions we can both agree, that reincarnation is not standard practice of reality.!


and Peace to you!

And Peace to you too! :)
peace! :)

it is older than Torah infact, for I would think that this same Message would be revealed even to the first Prophet and community of humans; Adam [as] and his immediate progeny...

nope me niether :); they dont exist do they? :)


And Peace to you too! :)

now that is what 'real' people who 'submit to God' are like: honest, peaceful and can find the common ground in LOVE!

Hope to see you on the hill!
now that is what 'real' people who 'submit to God' are like: honest, peaceful and can find the common ground in LOVE!

Hope to see you on the hill!

Hope to see you on the 'plains' standing with the believers :)

Peace :)
The subject of the eighth aphorism ... the second creation, the raising of the dead and a new life.

The spiritual body and the physical body ... death and resurrection.

Interesting subject but you may fare better if you refrain from continually refering to "real" Muslims .. whether a person has been an Islamic scholar all of their life or converted today, they are a real Muslim and only Allah can judge the degree of their faith and knowledge of texts does not equal faith. ;)
The subject of the eighth aphorism ... the second creation, the raising of the dead and a new life.

The spiritual body and the physical body ... death and resurrection.

have you combined them? has the spirit of your heart realize the ever-lasting life is in your choices?

do you know how it applies to existence?

Interesting subject but you may fare better if you refrain from continually refering to "real" Muslims ..

is that your judgment?

whether a person has been an Islamic scholar all of their life or converted today, they are a real Muslim
with such ideas, perhaps sunni and shia can reduce the differences of faith?

it seems to remove the differences and bind to honesty, then equality could be standard

and only Allah can judge the degree of their faith and knowledge of texts does not equal faith.

and then if all of existence is HE, then we each a part of God's judging eyes.

seems every judgment that a human has experienced on this earth came from within mankind.

heck you even corrected me (in your eyes) on what a 'real' muslim is.

not arguing just sharing the resolve of your choice; you judged on your beliefs, not reality.
I judged nothing, I merely suggested to you that you MAY get better responses if you stop insulting the people you are endeavouring to commincate with .. your choice.
I judged nothing, I merely suggested to you that you MAY get better responses if you stop insulting the people you are endeavouring to commincate with .. your choice.

when abused by others as being against truth; is insulting to me

i am always equal until lied too

and if a person believes they have a right to fib, based on their own ideas of right and wrong, then they walk in peril

a real muslim NEVER lies!
when abused by others as being against truth; is insulting to me

That is not what happened. Your the one who insulted her first.
She politely answered the question which you asked. That answer
did not fit with your own interpretations, and you attacked her with this:

not arguing just sharing the resolve of your choice; you judged on your beliefs, not reality.

For you to say that she is blind to reality implies that
you see it clearly... it is insulting and patronizing.
And now you are saying that you were lied to? Implying
that she lied to you... Which is not true, so who is the liar?

The only reason you are reacting this way is because the
answer you got was not the one you wanted...
That is all that happened here. The same thing happened
in the other thread in which you started arguing with me
for no other reason that my answers did not please you.
when abused by others as being against truth; is insulting to me

i am always equal until lied too

and if a person believes they have a right to fib, based on their own ideas of right and wrong, then they walk in peril

a real muslim NEVER lies!

Actually a real Muslim is instructed to lie and deceive the enemy. Of course the enemy of the Muslim is every non-Muslim. So you cannot actually trust any Muslim.
Actually a real Muslim is instructed to lie and deceive the enemy. Of course the enemy of the Muslim is every non-Muslim. So you cannot actually trust any Muslim.

Actually, Muslims are required to honor all pacts made with the enemy.
And the enemy, btw, are those who make war on the Muslims.
Actually a real Muslim is instructed to lie and deceive the enemy. Of course the enemy of the Muslim is every non-Muslim. So you cannot actually trust any Muslim.

I think your reffering to the 'principle' of 'taqiyyah' here, where it is deemed that a Muslim is allowed to lie under certain circumstances; well this principle is generally a Shia principle and not a Sunni one; Sunni's who make up about 85-90 percent of the worlds Muslims only deceive in a litteral state of war against the enemy [i.e, use propaganda] ...
I think your reffering to the 'principle' of 'taqiyyah' here, where it is deemed that a Muslim is allowed to lie under certain circumstances; well this principle is generally a Shia principle and not a Sunni one; Sunni's who make up about 85-90 percent of the worlds Muslims only deceive in a litteral state of war against the enemy [i.e, use propaganda] ...

hadith or interpretations are not to over run 'truth'

all cases

thou shalt not lie


Each walk in existence (with the eyes of God), any action, any words, all commitment is to God..................... NO FIBBING!

as that is what gives birth to EVERY jinn in existence

don't care who the enemy is, the war, the beliefs, the tribe of man..................... NONE have the right to fib, BY GOD!
hadith or interpretations are not to over run 'truth'

all cases

thou shalt not lie


Each walk in existence (with the eyes of God), any action, any words, all commitment is to God..................... NO FIBBING!

as that is what gives birth to EVERY jinn in existence

don't care who the enemy is, the war, the beliefs, the tribe of man..................... NONE have the right to fib, BY GOD!

war itself is deception :); i.e one can employ deceptive methods to defeat the enemy...;

Narrated Ka'b ibn Malik: When the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) intended to go on an expedition, he always pretended to be going somewhere else, and he would say: War is deception. - Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 14, Number 2631, Jihad (Kitab Al-Jihad)

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Khosrau will be ruined, and there will be no Khosrau after him, and Caesar will surely be ruined and there will be no Caesar after him, and you will spend their treasures in Allah's Cause." He called, "War is deceit'. - Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 267

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle called,: "War is deceit". - Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 268

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "War is deceit." - Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 269

deceiving the enemy in a state of war, is a war tactic

Peace :)
war itself is deception :); i.e one can employ deceptive methods to defeat the enemy...;

Narrated Ka'b ibn Malik: When the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) intended to go on an expedition, he always pretended to be going somewhere else, and he would say: War is deception. - Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 14, Number 2631, Jihad (Kitab Al-Jihad)

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Khosrau will be ruined, and there will be no Khosrau after him, and Caesar will surely be ruined and there will be no Caesar after him, and you will spend their treasures in Allah's Cause." He called, "War is deceit'. - Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 267

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle called,: "War is deceit". - Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 268

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "War is deceit." - Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 269

deceiving the enemy in a state of war, is a war tactic

Peace :)

understood and well defined

but the premise is; is war good?

as the primary cause of war are differences of opinion caused by misinterpretations.

So without lies, lies are not needed.

in Peace, the truth stands firm.
understood and well defined

but the premise is; is war good?

war is a negative term in the Quran... and only fought as a last resort out of neccessity for self-preservation and to curb opression

in Peace, the truth stands firm.

war tactics are to defend and preserve peace; if you dont defend it, then there will be no peace to stand firm! :)