Dreamlike Sense of Self

Alright boys and girls buckle your seat belts, last night was a doozy!


I was with this girl (I'll tell you about her later) and we were walking along a lake and leaned over the rail and saw our reflection... It wasn't as clear as it could be so I was telling her about this thread when suddenly we were walking down a street and turned and stared at our reflection in the store window. I was myself, myself between 19-22. So I began telling her this isn't me, I'm thirty years older, graying hair and a lot heavier.

(Now I've always explored dreams on the basis that everyone is the dream is part of my psyche telling me something, but suddenly I was contemplating that she wasn't me, but possibly someone else)

So I asked her what she looked like in real life, but then she told me the dream was real and didn't know what I was talking about. I said well a few seconds ago we were by the lake not a house in siight and now we are on main street looking in shop windows...didn't phase her, that isn't a problem, 'what is continuity and why am I weirded out?' So I float up and say see it is a dream, I can't fly...she floats up...'I can'

We then get into this discussion about a radio program I heard that I wanted to post on this thread and forgot. About an entymologist who had liked bugs since a child, and at 11 his parents moved to Brazil where he was in bug heaven and how he'd always dreamed he was a bug. So he was bug size and I was telling her I don't recall ever dreaming I was any size but human size. And then the last of the radio story was this guy said his favorite dream was when he was trying to tell another bug (he talked to them in his dream) that in another dream (real life) he dreamt he was human. So the other bug trys to tell him this isn't a dream, and I am trying to relate that story to this girl, as so similar.

She again says this isn't a dream, and well I say how Obama was just elected and who is president here. And she doesn't have a president or a government or have to work and I'm trying to explain to her, and she is trying to explain to me and by this time we are flying all over having this discussion while she tells me all you have to do is think and it is, and why am I so concerned...

Well it was one heck of a night...but now the strangest thing is I cannot tell you what she looked like. I have a definte recollection that it was she, and younger, but no idea why, other than that is what I feel. But hair, eye, skin color no idea. Height, weight, tenor of voice...no idea.

So in just about two weeks, I was able to see myself...

I now want to play with size, but am a little concerned about being the same size as a beetle or a bee but it would be interesting to travel and explore that world...

I also wonder if I had an encounter with my higher self, or a connection to spirit showing me the difference between the material and nonmaterial world....

I'd like to go back to sleep right now, but gotta get my daughter to work and son to an Eagle project...