The description (a black sack), is accurate. If you choose to take offense, that is up to you. The fact is, whether you choose to dress as such or are compelled by politico-religious doctrine, the choice of dress is not an option for vast numbers of women in the islamist Middle East. For them, threat of bodily harm or imprisonment is the only option for not succumbing to the party line doctrine.
Again the black sack ... I shall treat that in the same way I treated Bobx's referal to me as a "lump in a bag" with utter disdain. It is designed to be offensive so don't be surprised when I am offended by it.
A black sack is something designed to put garbage into, I may be many dreadful things but rubbish is not one of them.
Oh dear I am oppressed again
I have no right to demand any such thing for two reasons:
1) I am visiting a foreign land and in such it is only polite and proper to follow the old saying when in rome do as the romans do. My alternative choice is not to visit there. If I smuggle drugs to Thailand I should expect to be shot and if I walk in the streets of KSA half naked I should expect to be removed from the public domain.
That is quite a revealing admission, although it’s obvious you qualify it. We’ll get to that later, though. In the meantime, you may wish to email the ummah and advise moslem’s regarding their bellicose demands that Western nations are entitled to retreat from their long held notions of secular institutions and equal rights. What we do see are moslems’ one sided claims to entitlements and demands for special treatment. We see demands for the allowance of religious symbols in secular school systems. We see moslems segregating themselves in communities to be isolated from the host nation so as to minimize exposure to the host nations “corruptive influences”. We see moslems importing the societal norms of their nations of origin which are totally contrary to Western standards of equality, tolerance, personal freedoms and rule of law. Yet, we are barraged with charges of bigotry and racism™ when we reject such conditions as “honor” killings, misogynistic treatment of women and an all-consuming politico-religious ideology that Moslems believe must be imposed on all.
Why is it that moslems believe that the conditions that propelled Western civilization to the top of the heap should be scrapped and the conditions that cause poverty, ignorance and ethnic and religious hatreds be put in place?
We continue to tolerate brazen moslem claims to entitlement, one-sided criticism of our policies, moslem apathy and inaction regarding Islamic terror and totalitarianism around the world, and arrogant refusal to conform to democratic norms.
And why would you want to walk in the streets of the KSA half naked? That would just get you arrested.
Well actually, there’s a lot of debate about that. Whether or not being covered with only a slit for the eyes being a religious invocation is not universally accepted. Unless of course you live in one of those islamist paradises such as those ruled by the Taliban where it is a requirement.2) My faith requires me to dress as I do, I therefore have no right or desire to demand to dress otherwise.
It’s a shame that the gods are such inept communicators and can’t clearly define their message.
I wouldn’t do that. In many locations, that would be disastrous for the women. Although it is interesting to ponder how many women in such locales as the KSA would choose not to wear their protective gear if given the choice. In third world backwaters such as Pakistan’s tribal areas, North Africa, the Sudan and many parts of the Middle East, stonings, FGM, female infanticide, slavery and subjugation of women is the norm. Women are often treated as little more than human chattel in these locations.Now go there and sit with Muslim women and tell them they have the right to remove their outer clothing .. see how long it takes them to tell you where to go with your daft western ideas.
We could get into the utterly chilling lack of ethics and morality that is evoked by the treatment of women in the Middle East and Asia- considering those bastions of enlightenment such as the Pakistani tribal areas - but that’s a thread unto itself.
This is one problem with western beliefs about Islamic society, people in the west believe Muslim women are forced to dress that way by men and are secretly just dying to rip off their clothes, don a bikini, let their hair flow in the breeze and get a sun tan .... sorry to be the bearer of bad news but they are not and no amount of western posturing about "womens lib" is going to change that.
Actually, no one I know has ever suggested that women in an Islamic society are secretly dying to behave as you claim. That’s more melodrama than reality.
What I believe is reality is that the sack is a symbol of gender apartheid and oppression imposed upon women within a male dominated and controlled society. Beyond the terror and segregation factors of the burqa, I firmly believe that forcing a woman into making herself look like an amorphous, black mound of cloth is misogynistic and degrading. Also, I find myself able to look upon a beautiful woman with appreciation, and yes attraction, without worrying about Satan getting into my pants and forcing me to act like a Neanderthal. Can that not be done by moslem men?
Ah yes, western liberal democracy .. leading the UK to recently outlaw Catholic adoption agencies refusing homosexual couples adoption of Catholic children. We also now see in the UK convicted criminals suing their victims and winning. Brilliant idea, be so liberal that your moral standards or beliefs and personal safety have to be compromised and your so called freedom suddenly doesn't include freedom of choice, thought or act.
Is this also the western liberal democracy that is banning in many countries the wearing of a strip of cloth on a womans head .. in a democratic society should we not have the right to dress as we please?
Well, hold on a minute, A short while ago, you were lecturing us regarding: “when in rome do as the romans do”.You demand an entitlement to dress as you wish while at the same time you demand an entitlement to flaunt the laws of the host nation. How about a little consistency in your argumentation?
I’m actually perfectly fine with the banning of overt religious symbols in schools, for example.Several years ago, the French were vilified by moslems for daring to defend their long held traditions of secular school systems[FONT="]. [/FONT]There were expressions by moslems of indignation and shocked surprise as the West was slammed with accusatory epithets of racism™ and discrimination for infringing on moslems’ “rights”. Afterall, we all know that islam is a “race”.
The hypocrisy is both colossal and laughable.[FONT="]
It was also liberal western democracy that decided to import Islamic extremism into the UK. In the early 80's Arab countries were rounding up radicals when in galloped the fluffy UK to protect their human rights and offer them safe haven and a place to teach their vile hatred. I often wonder how many deaths could have been prevented if the UK had just minded it's own business and the US in it's greed for oil removed it's support for the Saudi regime that breeds this radical extremism. I think you can keep liberal western democracy thanks all the same.
It seems you demand perfection on the part of the U.S. yet you excuse the excesses of the totalitarian theocracies that are so pervasive in the islamist Middle East.
Of course there are aberrations in connection with the law. No system is perfect. Sadly, in the Arab/Moslem world, theocratic totalitarianism is thought to be the natural alternative to the secular institutions of Western liberal democracy. How do you reconcile the ascendancy of the West and liberal democracy, largely being shaped around the principles of equal rights, personal freedoms and personal responsibility vs. Islamic majority nations that are and based upon the principles of derision, learned hatreds for non-moslems and promotion of fear societies?
Speaking for myself only, I’ll accept the occasional eccentric abuse of law. I’ll let the justice system address those occasional inequities without the inequitable imposition of a religious fatwa issued by a mullah for life or the decree of a totalitarian Autocrat. What you are unwilling to address are the millions of cases adjudicated every year under the principles of equal justice in the west which do, overwhelmingly, render justice and equity.
You do not understand what I was writing. Regarding the slogan that that “there is no compulsion in religion”, that’s utterly false. In the islamist world, there certainly is compulsion in religion. It’s demonstrated in laws that enforce religious affiliation (Islam is the State religion), and it’s manifested in the myriad inequities that are applied to non-moslems.And I would agree with you entirely (although my above comments make me wonder why you refer to it as the free world), there is no compulsion in religion according to the Quran. The idea of killing an apostate would never cross my mind and my belief is that the Prophet Mohamad (pbuh) only killed aspostates where treason against the Ummah was involved.
What you carefully and purposefully left out of your claim is that Islamic governments typically prohibit the free exercise of belief in a competing religious faith. You made every effort to avoid addressing that component of the overt restrictions that are placed on non-moslems in moslem lands™
It’s blatantly dishonest and manipulative at its core.
Unfortunately some things are hard to move on from, like the slave trade and racial segregation that went on in the US. How many years did the general population accept it's wrongs and yet your laws stood firm?
Bad idea. A few of the Koranic verses condoning slavery[FONT="]:[/FONT]
- [FONT="]The penalty for a broken oath is the feeding of ten needy men with such food as normally offer your own people; or the clothing of ten needy men; or the freeing of a slave. —Koran 5:89[/FONT]
- [FONT="]Blessed are the believers, who are humble in their prayers; who avoid profane talk, and give alms to the destitute; who restrain their carnal desires (except with their wives and slave-girls, for these are lawful to them)... —Koran 23:5[/FONT]
- [FONT="]As for those of of your slaves who wish to buy their liberty, free them if you find in them any promise and bestow on them a part of the riches God has given you [part of those riches being... slaves —ed.]. —Koran 24:33[/FONT]
- [FONT="]Prophet, We have made lawful for you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave-girls who God has given you as booty... We well know the duties We have imposed on the faithful concerning their wives and slave-girls. [We grant you this privilege] so that none may blame you. God is forgiving and merciful. —Koran 33:50[/FONT]
Slavery was legal in the K.S.A. and Yemen as late as 1962. Do a search using the terms “slavery” and “Mauritania” – see what you find.
We have the same issue here and most Muslim countries deal with it by simply declaring the apostate insane, therefore no punishment is required.
That seems fair. As punishment for someone for making a considered choice about their religious belief, islamist governments declare them insane.
Lovely, lovely people. But as we know, There’s no compulsion in religion™
One of the things in this world that is most destructive to the mind and body is totalitarianism, in all its myriad forms and implementations, theocratic and otherwise. Democracy is the opposite of all-consuming totalitarian creeds, which is why moslems react so violently toward it. The fact that other totalitarian ideologies (Communism, Nazism, Stalinism), have failed and the fact that that much of the world reacts with disgust at the petty, tribal rivalries and ingrained hatreds that are such a part of islamist ideology, it’s not surprising that the islamist world is so reactive. There is absolutely no allowance for freedom of expression or an open electoral process that is not rigged in the totalitarian collective consciousness of a mullocratically controlled society. Anything that even remotely calls into question the validity or truth of the mullah-for-life’s sacred cows is an intolerable thoughtcrime
There are voices within Islamic scholarship that over the centuries have tried to challenge this belief, the Sheikh Ali Gomaa, Grand Mufti at Al Azhar Cairo, has said apostasy should be legal, leaving punishment to Allah in the aterlife.
As yet these voices have not won the day but I am hopeful they will one day.
Apostacy is mentioned in the Quran 20 times and not one time is the death penalty called for .. Inshallah one day we will catch up.
In the meantime can we just kill them?