I also know in history that the common man was not allowed to read scripture that it was taught only priests could interpret scripture.. Is this true for today?
There was a time when most people could not read, and books were reproduced very painstakingly by hand, and so there were not lots of copies. The scripture would be read, and that continues today in the liturgy...we hear a lot of the Bible in a typical liturgical service.
But, after the printing press there were a couple of issues. One was that people could produce and widely transmit translations that varied widely in interpretation. You know more about that than I do I'm sure.
Another is that there probably was abuse. I'm sure that some priests felt threatened by the loss of control. But that is not the situation today.
Finally though, there is a real concern about reading the Bible in isolation from community. As you know, it is very easy to twist the scriptures to make them say very unChristian things. To protect against that Catholics recognize the authority of the Magisterium. In the Anglican Church we call it Tradition, Scripture and Reason. I don't think Catholics would phrase it that way, but the idea is still the same. An approach to scripture that is balanced by the traidition handed down from the apostles and tempored by reason, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Individuals are encouraged to read the Bible for themselves, to take it to prayer, and to ultimately follow their conscience. But just like the branches of our government, there are checks and balances for our communal life.
Whats with the hail marys and rosaries for penance after confession?
The prayers are not intended worship Mary, although perhaps for some people it comes close to that. We believe in the Communion of Saints, which means that those holy souls who have gone on ahead of us can help us. Mary is especially blessed for her faith and for being the Mother of God, and so many of course wish for her aid in intercession. I myself do not usually pray to the Saints, although I don't see much difference between this and praying for God's angels to assist us. I think Mary devotion is a good thing to add balance and a feminine, mother's perspective to such a largely patriarchal church.
Rosaries are not just for after confession. The hail Mary is another prayer, like the Lord's prayer. Like most prayers, they boil down to 'Help me God, help me turn to you, help me do your will, help preserve me from error. Help me.'
how come you always hear people say Im going to do party it up I'll just go to confession later this week?
Lol! Misguided I'd say, but that's not limited to Catholics!