dailogue is the best
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Hmmm, i understand your story, i am just wondering then, the actual "shooter" should still face court for his charges, yes?
Of course, greymare...
Hmmm, i understand your story, i am just wondering then, the actual "shooter" should still face court for his charges, yes?
The idea of buying G-d off was evident in OT sacrificial rites. Even though it was said "your sacrifices are stench," the idea it persisted into the New Testament. It appears the atonement itself was a bargaining method - with sinners apparently getting the best deal of all.I think at every level the idea of bargaining with God reflects a lack of faith.....
Dialogue, I understand your story. Yes based on our many previous actions, God can figure what we will probably do and a lot of suffering in the world is consequence of humanity previous deeds (cause and effect). I also believe that God will use offered suffering for goodness. Very often the people closest to God suffer the most. I just reject the thought that God program suffering into His plan from the beginning,
So, do you think that God changes His plans?!
I think we changed our perspective. Why did you slaughter all those people. G!d told me to. Why did you kill the women and children G!d told me to. What caused the drought El Nino? no Twas the wrath of G!d, same for floods, locusts, red tides whatever...His attitude certainly changes..... OT He kills millions..... NT he is aww loving god
His attitude certainly changes..... OT He kills millions..... NT he is aww loving god
Then, if we assume that God changes his plan, we simply admit that he is not a god.
God is All Wise, All Strong and All Omniscient that He knows exactly what He is doing, and that there wasnt/isnt/wont be a single mistake in His plan. He is All Just and Perfect.
Satan could kill Jesus's body but could not kill his spirit. Jesus was totally victorious.god's plan b lol....... Awesome...
Jesus came as a second Adam. God also prepared a second Eve. Jesus had God's seed. He wanted to multiply sinless children.Sol.... How could jesus make a sinless family?
There is nothing you can hide any way. When, we go to the spirit world, our whole life is for all to seeaah dads coming hide the porn!
Satan could kill Jesus's body but could not kill his spirit. Jesus was totally victorious.
Are you sure it was Jesus doing the forgiving?Jesus could forgive sins even before he was crucified. He did not need to be crucified to forgive us.
Jesus asks God to forgive us. As his trustworthy son, one in heart with his father, he asks us to repent sincerely, gives us another chance and takes responsibility in front of God.Are you sure it was Jesus doing the forgiving?
Dialogue, God does not change his purpose. We are the one delaying His providence for our own salvation.
Just imagine if Jesus could have lived and start the first sinless family on earth.
God does not change His purpose. We are the ones who are making it difficult and prolong its success through our failures.
I still think that there is some cause and effect phenomena due to humans actions. We cannot always understand how it comes out. During the time of New Orleans, Key West and Caucun were also hits and gay parades had to be cancelled.Why did you plenty out there with signs when New Orleans went under that G!d was after them because of their sin and deprivation...but low and behold he saved the French Quarter?? So much for that logic, the red light district survived.Spirit doesn't waiver, man's perspective does.
Well, Soleil10, do you think that we can stand in the way of God' plan?!! Do you want to say that God's power is so that weak that we the powerless, dependent human beings interfer to break it down?
If so, then you dont give God the right credit He deserves?! There is no "imagine if" because anything, anything, happened/happens/will happen, it was/is/will be God who planned it.
Do you remember the story I told you. We all thought that the bullet "mistakened" the right man. Actually, it was not a mistake. Everything in this world is done for a wisdom, and it works within God's plan. Glory is to God alone. He knows, and we dont. His will is always done, always.
It is absolutly logical. God created Adam & Eve. They both fell and multiplied "evil" children. (we are born with the original sin)SOL:wait wait wait.... I must of missed one big chestnut somewhere along the line...... god made another eve? Where did you learn that?
Oh please..... "He could kill like, his body, but not, like his spirit nah nah nah he, so like, totally wins!!!" You really think Satan sees jesus as a threat? He could of easily "won" take out christ and he cannot teach his sheep.... Satan gets his "win" Because the sacrifice would not of been paid..... But anyway why didn't he in this tale? Because the moral of this story is even with jesus there..... He can't save um all