Islamic God is almost exactly similar to the Judaic God (The only difference being the special status of a particular tribe). Christianity on the other hand developed a new concept of "non-judgmental God" who only loves. This is something that needs to be analyzed philosophically & also historically. Since sinfulness was nailed to the cross (In the form of God's son that was man too), so was the law, since law got nailed, so there is no judgment. God (Kind of) sacrificed himself, so whats left there to judge?Christianity introduces God as a loving father. Islam does not. We are servants. Mohamed was a servant of God. Jesus introduces himself has a son of God.
But as Quran says "did God send you a proof for that?" What exactly is a loving-but-not-judging-God? Are we humans that perfect that we don't need a judge? What about the mass-murderers, rapists & judgment ? Is there any justice?
In Islam he judges, & yet his compassion/mercy is more that his justice. Humans are supposed to cleanse themselves, & for that they are rewarded. Essentially, we are all slaves/servants to him (If you don't believe me, try to escape his dominion), but then the are people from his slaves who earn the respect of becoming his friends. This is the same concept the OT labels as God's sons. Hindus call it God's bride. Trinitarian Christianity took a different trajectory of evolution, mainly after it went into Europe.