you seem to have changed the subject of discussion, I presume this is because your theology cant handle it
as for the knowledge of who Jesus really is, I believe that this comes as a revelation from God
intellectual knoweledge of scripture is not enough, in fact I would go as far as to say the if one only has an intellectual knoweledge of scripture and no direct revelation from God then all that is left is theology and doctrine all of which are of the devil
I've seen this referred to in the Koran as
right guidance.
Here are some scriptures to consider, in this respect:
16.98 And when thou recitest the Qur'án, seek refuge in Allah from Satan the outcast.
99 Lo! he hath no power over those who believe and put trust in their Lord.
100 His power is only over those who make a friend of him, and those who ascribe partners unto Him (Allah).
101 And when We put a revelation in place of (another) revelation, - and Allah knoweth best what He revealeth - they say: Lo! thou art but inventing. Most of them know not.
102 Say: The holy Spirit hath delivered it from thy Lord with truth, that it may confirm (the faith of) those who believe, and as guidance and good tidings for those who have surrendered (to Allah).
17.45 And when thou recitest the Qur'án we place between thee and those who believe not in the Hereafter a hidden barrier;
46 And We place upon their hearts veils lest they should understand it, and in their ears a deafness; and when thou makest mention of thy Lord alone in the Qur'án, they turn their backs in aversion.
47 We are Best Aware of what they wish to hear when they give ear to thee and when they take secret counsel, when the evil-doers say: Ye follow but a man bewitched.
48 See what similitudes they coin for thee, and thus are all astray, and cannot find a road!
6.80 His people argued with him. He said: Dispute ye with me concerning Allah when He hath guided me ? I fear not at all that which ye set up beside Him unless my Lord willeth aught. My Lord includeth all things in His knowledge. Will ye not then remember ?
81 How should I fear that which ye set up beside Him, when ye fear not to set up beside Allah that for which He hath revealed unto you no warrant ? Which of the two factions hath more right to safety ? (Answer me that) if ye have knowledge.
82 Those who believe and obscure not their belief by wrongdoing, theirs is safety; and they are rightly guided.
83 That is Our argument. We gave it unto Abraham against his folk. We raise unto degrees of wisdom whom We will. Lo! thy Lord is Wise, Aware.
Also compare Sura 13,
The Thunder, which speaks of revealing guidance in parables, that people must change what is in their hearts, and of a parable similar to one Jesus spoke about separating the wheat from the chaff, but in the Koran is speaks about separating the ore from the scum:
17 He sendeth down water from the sky, so that valleys flow according to their measure, and the flood beareth (on its surface) swelling foam - from that which they smelt in the fire in order to make ornaments and tools riseth a foam like unto it - thus Allah coineth (the similitude of) the true and the false. Then, as for the foam, it passeth away as scum upon the banks, while, as for that which is of use to mankind, it remaineth in the earth. Thus Allah coineth the similitudes.
(The Qur'an (Pickthall tr), Sura 13 - The Thunder)
I would recommend reading the entire sura of
The Thunder.
Again, you really have to be careful when reading the Koran, and really pray for God's guidance with a pure heart. (As if you can really be sure that your heart is pure. Keeping in mind that those
who believe and do not mix their faith with wrongdoing are rightly guided.)
Although I cannot claim to be as familiar with the Koran as I am with the Bible, I do read the Koran. (However, I cannot be certain that my understanding is rightly guided. I don't know if the veil of misunderstanding is on my heart, or not. That would seem to be a function of exactly
where I place my faith! 